WATCH: Trump delivers remarks after arraignment over handling of classified documents | PBS NewsHour

WATCH: Trump delivers remarks after arraignment over handling of classified documents

Donald Trump is characterizing the federal charges against him as “election interference and yet another attempt to rig and steal a presidential election.”

Watch Trump’s remarks in the player above.

He aired his grievances to hundreds of supporters at his Bedminster golf club in New Jersey, hours after becoming the first former president to face charges in federal court. He entered a plea of not guilty.

Previewing a possible legal defense, Trump said he had a right to go through boxes and separate personal records from government documents.

READ FULL: Trump indictment on mishandling of classified documents

He also said he had not had a chance to review all the materials transferred from the White House before FBI agents searched his Mar-a-Lago residence last year.

Trump called the case against him “one of the most outrageous and vicious legal theories ever put forward in an American court of law” and compared his own actions to those of other former senior officials, though the facts in those cases are different.