Parrs Wood High School - Welcome

Parrs Wood


Our mission is to transform the lives of all those who study and work in our schools

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It is my great pleasure to welcome you to our school’s website. Parrs Wood High School and Sixth Form is a culturally diverse and truly a comprehensive learning environment fit for the 21st century. 



We are a member of the Greater Manchester Education Trust (GMET).

We expect all our students to achieve excellent outcomes, both academically and pastorally. We believe this combination will allow our students to make a positive contribution to society, regardless of background. Our excellent results at Parrs Wood clearly demonstrate this, over time, the vast majority of our students and alumni go on to become MPs, Doctors, Games Developers, Plumbers, and Lawyers across the world.

Instilling our children with our core values of Community, Creativity and Achievement is important to us. We are committed to building a strong community ethos and this is evidenced through our staff and students positive relationships as well as our interactions with the wider community. We have strong emphasis on student creativity and leadership. We believe in a diverse and balanced curriculum, encouraging not just the traditional academic subjects but also those creative subjects which allow all children to achieve their potential. Learning outside of classroom is essential in making well rounded children and we actively promote and reward participation at extra-curricular activities.

Parrs Wood is a high performing community school, with amazing students, dedicated staff and fantastic facilities. I genuinely love our school and what it stands for, we would be delighted to show you our school if you decide to visit.

Every day we are creating the future.

Mr Mark McElwee
Head Teacher