ELDERLY - Traducción al español - bab.la
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Traducciones al español proporcionadas por Oxford Languages

elderly adjective

volume_up US /ˈɛldərli/volume_up UK /ˈɛldəli/
mayor, de edad, ancianoan elderly lady una señora mayor or de edad, una ancianamany of the residents are elderly muchos de los residentes son mayores or ancianos or de edadMonolingual examplesIt would exclude blood relatives such as an elderly brother and sister living together.BritishIf you have an elderly neighbour or relative, look out for them in the winter months.British

elderly plural noun

volume_up US /ˈɛldərli/volume_up UK /ˈɛldəli/
the elderly los ancianos

elderly {adjetivo}

With serene simplicity he says: “I am an elderly priest.”
Con serena sencillez dice de sí mismo: “Soy un sacerdote anciano”.
Second, IT must also be used to support the elderly population.
En segundo lugar, las TIC también deben servir de apoyo a la población anciana.
Households with small children or elderly residents are especially hard hit.
Los hogares con niños pequeños y ancianos son los más duramente afectados.
mayor {adj. m} (de edad avanzada)
Elderly people also face a higher risk of poverty than the general population.
Asimismo, las personas mayores se enfrentan a un mayor riesgo de pobreza que la población general.
The elderly are ultimately a resource and must therefore be considered in positive terms.
La persona mayor es, finalmente, un recurso, y por lo tanto, se concibe en términos positivos.
If only more Members would concern themselves with the elderly!
Me gustaría que hubiesen muchos diputados que se ocupasen de la gente mayor.
I am referring in particular to elderly people and people with disabilities.
Pienso, en particular, en las personas de edad avanzada y en las personas con discapacidad.
It is important that we look at special groups, for example the elderly.
Es importante que reparemos en grupos específicos; por ejemplo, las personas de edad avanzada.
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are common in elderly patients.
Las infecciones urinarias son frecuentes en las pacientes de edad avanzada.
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are common in elderly patients.
Las infecciones urinarias son frecuentes en las pacientes de edad avanzada.
It is important that we look at special groups, for example the elderly.
Es importante que reparemos en grupos específicos; por ejemplo, las personas de edad avanzada.
I am referring in particular to elderly people and people with disabilities.
Pienso, en particular, en las personas de edad avanzada y en las personas con discapacidad.
elderly (también: old)
añoso {adj.} (persona)

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "elderly" en Español

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There can be no worse situation than that of an elderly person living in a city.
No existe una situación peor que la de las personas mayores en las ciudades.
I think it excellent that we have not subjected our elderly people to more tests.
Considero excelente que no hayamos sometido a nuestros mayores a más pruebas.
In future, we must pay more attention to the needs of elderly family-based farmers.
En el futuro, deberemos acordarnos más de los cultivadores directos mayores.
Women were to take care of the home, children and the elderly instead of working.
Las mujeres tenían que cuidar del hogar, los niños y los mayores en lugar de trabajar.
Seventhly, employment for the elderly and gradual and flexible retirement.
En séptimo lugar, el envejecimiento activo y la jubilación gradual y flexible.
The mother, who is now elderly, desperately wants to see him again before she dies.
Su madre, ya anciana, desea desesperadamente volver a verlo antes de morir.
Children and the elderly, in particular, are urgently dependent on our help.
Sobre todo, los niños y las personas mayores dependen urgentemente de nuestra ayuda.
What is the most suitable framework for the care of elderly and disabled people?
¿Cuál es el marco más adecuado para la atención a las personas mayores y discapacitadas?
There is no evidence anywhere to suggest that the elderly are particularly unsafe drivers.
Vamos avanzando hacia una mejor situación de control dentro de la Unión Europea.
Households with small children or elderly residents are especially hard hit.
Los hogares con niños pequeños y ancianos son los más duramente afectados.
The very elderly and the young are particularly vulnerable to such infections.
Las personas muy mayores y los jóvenes son especialmente sensibles a dichas infecciones.
There are many organisations that want to work in assisting the elderly.
Existen muchas organizaciones que quieren trabajar ayudando a las personas mayores.
In high-income countries pneumonia is most significantly a problem of the elderly.
En los países desarrollados la neumonía es un problema más significativo en los ancianos.
Therefore, priority must be given to the diseases affecting the elderly.
Por lo tanto, hay que priorizar las enfermedades que afectan a las personas mayores.
Elderly people and children represented more than half of the number of those deported.
Los ancianos y niños constituyeron más de la mitad del total de deportados.
This will give us more power to defend the interests of the elderly throughout Europe.
Esto nos concederá más poder para defender los intereses de los mayores en toda Europa.
We selected 12 trials on 1586 children and adolescents and 908 elderly were selected.
Se necesitan nuevos ensayos para confirmar la inocuidad de este fármaco.
They are administrative updates, after all, and it would not be fair on the elderly.
Son actualizaciones administrativas, al fin y al cabo, y no sería justo para los mayores.
Children, women, the sick and the elderly are most in need of rapid assistance.
Los niños, las mujeres, los enfermos y los ancianos necesitan ayuda urgente en este momento.
Women are going to have not only the babies to look after, but also the elderly.
Las mujeres no solo van a tener que cuidar de los niños, sino también de las personas mayores.
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English Cómo usar "elderly" en una frase

She is instead put under the care of two of her fathers elderly cousins.
The majority of them are elderly, with their average age being 72 in 2004.
When they arrive, they discover that he has become grumpy, and even more tired and elderly.
They also get into trouble with the law when they break into the home of an elderly man who died alone.
This building could accommodate thirty people, the majority of whom were the elderly.

English Cómo usar "elder" en una frase

After a long time, the prince haggard and unrecognizable reached her elder sister's town.
The owner of the goat subdued the perpetrator and asked village elders to consider the matter.
His elder brothers are 13 and 11 years older than him.
It is particularly a favorite for the story-teller (usually a society elder), as it is delicious, and easy to chew and swallow.

English Cómo usar "elder statesman" en una frase

Now, as a revered elder statesman of the game, he wants to do it again.
All of a sudden, the team's elder statesman was playing catch-up.
As an elder statesman, how do you advise government to take care of those who dedicated themselves to the service of the nation?
This wasn't the elder statesman in the team pickup up appearances.
He has never been an elder statesman: and he has never shown aptitude for speaking like one.

English Cómo usar "the elderly" en una frase

By gerrymandering and denying the vote to as many of the poor, the elderly, struggling low-paid workers, and people of color as they can.
It has only a small impact on poverty among the elderly.
His part as the elderly organ grinder established his career.
He said the elderly audience were quietly listening and enjoying the music.
That's a problem because the elderly are the least capable of dealing with an overabundance of pills.

"elderly gent" en español

elderly gent
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"elderly gentleman" en español

elderly gentleman
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"elderly grandmother" en español

elderly grandmother
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Sinónimos (inglés) para "elderly":
