Parting with my DM4800 | TASCAM Forums

Parting with my DM4800

Good Noise

New Member
Feb 3, 2013
Oak Ridge, NJ, USA
Gear owned
I am sorry to say I am giving up on my DM. I have loved this board since I took it out of the box. Used mainly as an interface/control surface for pro tools. I have upgraded my Mac to an M2 silicone. I've been holding out hoping someone might be able to write a driver to get the firewire to work on the new computer but I'm done waiting. Also I am done with Tascam. Was not happy when they stopped making these boards but to have to let it go because they can't/won't provide a software driver update is beyond frustrating. They want me to buy a new product of theirs? Why would I? Nothing they offer compares to the DM and besides just, NO lol. I have ordered on Presonus StudioLive 32s.

That being said if you have any interest in a nice DM4800 with some tasty extras, you will find it listed on

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