Most Beautiful 10 Dark Red Roses - SONG OF ROSES

Most Beautiful 10 Dark Red Roses

Love, devotion, passion – the beauty of dark red roses is simply intoxicating.

Dark red roses are among one of the most popular rose colors on the market.

In this article, we will talk about top 10 dark red roses along with specialized care tips to grow the most beautiful roses you’re ever laid eyes on.

Dark Red Roses Meaning

All shades of red roses point to “love,” but dark red roses are symbolic of a deep passion for your lover.

Gifting your partner dark red roses tells a specific message: that you are fully devoted to that person and are ready to make a commitment.

Most Beautiful 10 Dark Red Roses And Care Tips

1.     Louis Van Houtte Rose

Louis van Houtte rose was bred by François Lacharme in France, in 1869.

Louis van Houtte Dark Red Roses
COLOR: Dark RedBLOOM SIZE: LargeFRAGRANCE Strong Fragrance

Unfortunately, the Louis van Houtte rose bush is susceptible to the rare rose fungus called rust.

Rose rust first manifests itself as stipples of yellow, orange, and black all over the foliage before completely overtaking the plant.

Rust is difficult to cure, so prevention is the key to stopping it from ever happening.

Always remember to space your rose bushes out accordingly (around 3 to 5 feet for this variety) and prune yearly to encourage air circulation between plants.

In addition, proper watering techniques are a crucial step in the prevention of fungal disease.

We always recommend watering your roses as close to the base of the plant as possible. This will reduce wet foliage on your plants, which is a leading cause of fungus and mildew.

2.     Chrysler Imperial Rose

Chrysler Imperial rose was bred by Dr. Walter E. Lammerts in the United States, before 1952.

Chrysler Imperial Dark Red Roses
COLOR: Dark RedBLOOM SIZE: Very LargeFRAGRANCE Strong, Clove, Rose Fragrance

The Chrysler Imperial rose is a hybrid tea rose, which is commonly cultivated for use as a cut flower.

It is one of the best long-stem red roses, with very fragrant, large blooms.

However, you can also grow the Chrysler Imperial in beds, borders, and even containers.

Though if you’d rather grow them just for cut flowers, we wouldn’t blame you!

The Chrysler Imperial has a slight susceptibility to mildew. Avoid this by watering your rose bushes at the base, performing a winter prune every year, and spacing out your plants at least 4 feet apart from one another.

3.     Oklahoma Rose

Oklahoma rose was bred by Swim & Weeks in the United States, before 1963.

Oklahoma Dark Red Roses
COLOR: Dark RedBLOOM SIZE: LargeFRAGRANCE:  Strong, Old Rose, Sweet Fragrance
PLANT SIZE: 4ft – 8ft  FLOWERING: Repeat FloweringPREFERRED LOCATION: Full Sun

The Oklahoma rose is resistant to most rose-specific diseases, including mildew, blackspot, and rust.

This makes it a great low-maintenance option for new gardeners and even those with busy schedules.

A disease-resistant variety is just one less thing to worry about when it comes to growing rose bushes.

Oklahoma is a shrub rose that can be grown in pots, though gardeners need to know that a container rose must be protected during the winter.

You can overwinter a container rose in the following ways:

One, you can bury the root ball in the ground and transfer it back to the container in the spring.

Or secondly, you can also opt to bring the container into the home in a dark, unheated area of the home.

4.     Francis Dubreuil Rose

Francis Dubreuil rose was bred by Francis Dubreuil in France, in 1894.

Francis Dubreuil Dark Red Roses
COLOR: RedBLOOM SIZE: Small To MediumFRAGRANCE:  Mild, Apple Fragrance
PLANT SIZE: 8ft – 9ft  FLOWERING: Repeat FloweringPREFERRED LOCATION: Full Sun

The Francis Dubreuil rose has a considerable amount of thorns.

It is important to employ proper protection before handling these roses to avoid injury.

We also recommend keeping a watchful eye on any children or pets who may cross paths with these rose bushes.

Francis Dubreuil roses are beloved for their incredible fragrance.

You can preserve the longevity of this rose’s scent by turning some of the blooms into a potpourri.

Harvest a few roses, separate the individual petals, and leave them out to dry in a warm, arid area of your home.

When the roses are dried, place them in a potpourri bag and enjoy the scent of the Francis Dubreuil rose throughout the year.

5.     Mister Lincoln Rose

Mister Lincoln rose was bred by Swim & Weeks in  the United States, in1964.

Mister Lincoln rose
COLOR: Dark RedBLOOM SIZE: Very LargeFRAGRANCE:  Strong Fragrance
PLANT SIZE: 3ft – 6ft  FLOWERING: Repeat FloweringPREFERRED LOCATION: Full Sun

The Mister Lincoln rose is tolerant of hot weather conditions and is hardy up to USDA zone 10b.

Due to its ability to tolerate heat, the Mister Lincoln rose can be susceptible to frost, especially in colder climates where early spring frost is more prevalent.

To avoid spring freeze damage, we highly recommend those living in cold climates to wait until all threats of frost have passed before proceeding to prune your Mister Lincoln roses.

6.     Red Cascade Rose

Red Cascade rose was bred by  Ralph S. Moore in the United States, before 1976.

Red Cascade rose
COLOR: Dark RedBLOOM SIZE: LargeFRAGRANCE:  Mild Fragrance
PLANT SIZE: 1ft – 2ft  FLOWERING: Repeat FloweringPREFERRED LOCATION: Full Sun

The Red Cascade is often grown as a groundcover rose due to its short height and widespread, but you can also find it grown as a small climbing rose as well as a patio rose.

Red Cascade roses have a slight susceptibility to mildew. You can easily avoid this by planting your rose bushes in full sun and avoiding wetting the foliage as often as possible.

This will prevent excess moisture from becoming trapped within the small crevices of the plant.

7.     Eutin Rose

Eutin rose was bred by Wilhelm J.H. Kordes II in Germany, before 1936.

Eutin rose
COLOR: Dark RedBLOOM SIZE: LargeFRAGRANCE:  Mild Fragrance
PLANT SIZE: 3ft – 4ft  FLOWERING: Repeat FloweringPREFERRED LOCATION: Full Sun

Just like all other floribunda roses, the Eutin rose produces massive yields of roses.

The large clusters of roses produced by the Eutin rose bush make for a show-stopping landscape decoration.

Eutin roses are very hardy and can survive in a number of poor conditions.

However, if you want the best possible outcome for your rose bushes, it is recommended to provide full sun, slightly acidic, fertile soil, and keep the roses lightly moist.

This is a recipe for a healthy, successful plant!

8.     Traviata Rose

Traviata rose was bred by Alain Meilland in France, before 1997.

Traviata rose
COLOR: Dark RedBLOOM SIZE: Medium to LargeFRAGRANCE:  No Fragrance
PLANT SIZE: 2ft – 3ft  FLOWERING: Repeat FloweringPREFERRED LOCATION: Full Sun

The Traviata is a member of the hybrid tea group of roses.

Just like most other roses of its kind, the Traviata grows full, luscious roses upright.

These roses are ideally used for cutting to place in a floral arrangement.

Though if you prefer to enjoy these roses in their natural habitat, they are also gorgeous as a freestanding red rose bush in your garden.

The foliage of the Traviata rose bush grows dense and vigorously.

As a result, yearly spring pruning is required.

Always begin pruning by cutting back any dead or damaged foliage followed by pruning canes that cross over.

Depending on how cold your climate is, you may have to prune over 1/3 of the rose bush.

9.     Wilhelm Rose

Wilhelm rose was bred by Wilhelm J.H. Kordes II in Germany, in 1934.

Wilhelm rose
COLOR: Dark RedBLOOM SIZE: LargeFRAGRANCE:  Moderate, Honey Fragrance
PLANT SIZE: 6ft – 7ft  FLOWERING: Repeat FloweringPREFERRED LOCATION: Full Sun

The Wilhelm rose is a vigorous rose that is capable of being used as a climbing rose if trained properly.

Some roses require your assistance when it comes to climbing, but it is quite easy.

You need a climbing structure (often a trellis or a fence) and garden tape to fasten the canes of the rose bush to the structure.

Continue to tape the rose branches to the climbing structure until the bush begins to follow the growth pattern organically, spacing your tape out a foot apart from one another.

10. Black Beauty Rose

Black Beauty rose was discovered by Johannes W. M. Nijenhuis and Hette Spek in Netherlands, before 1995.

Black Beauty rose
COLOR: Dark RedBLOOM SIZE: LargeFRAGRANCE:  Mild Fragrance
PLANT SIZE: 2ft – 3ft  FLOWERING: Repeat FloweringPREFERRED LOCATION: Full Sun

Despite its striking appearance, the Black Beauty rose bush is actually quite small, only reaching a height and width of 2 to 3 feet.

Regardless, its small size allows the Black Beauty to be quite versatile in how you can plant it; containers, borders, or freestanding are all great ways to plant this rose bush.

If you are growing Black Beauty roses in pots, it is important to have a soil with excellent drainage.

If you are unsure about the drainage of your soil, we highly recommend working in perlite, sand, or orchid bark before transplanting your rose bush.

In addition, repotting is another overlooked feature of container-growing.

Anticipate having to report your rose bush every 2 to 3 years.

When repotting, size up very gradually, only selecting a pot that is a few inches larger than the previous one.


Dark red roses are the symbol of intense love and for a good reason: one look at these beautiful dark red roses and you’ll fall in love instantly.

While many of these roses share similar traits, they all have their unique peculiarities when it comes to caring for them.

We’re here for you with specified care instructions so you can successfully grow the most alluring dark red roses ever.

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