Anthony Salerno: 20 Surprising Facts About the Notorious Gangster


Embarking on the riveting journey into the underworld, let’s unravel the mystique surrounding Anthony Salerno, a notorious gangster whose life reads like a script penned in the shadows. As we delve into the enigmatic tales of Salerno’s criminal exploits, my fascination with this elusive figure only deepens. From the smoky backrooms of illegal gambling dens to the hushed conversations in dark alleys, Salerno’s narrative emerges as a captivating tapestry woven with surprises. Join me on this exploration of 20 surprising facts about the man who danced with danger, navigating the gritty terrain of organized crime. As we traverse the labyrinth of Salerno’s life, anticipate a story peppered with unexpected twists, revealing the layers of a gangster whose legacy continues to echo through the corridors of underworld history.

1. Anthony Salerno led the Genovese crime family in the 1980s

FBI, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno, a formidable figure in organized crime, commanded the Genovese crime family during the tumultuous 1980s. Born on August 15, 1911, Salerno became a notorious mob boss with a strategic and ruthless approach.

His reign involved diverse criminal enterprises, from racketeering to labor union manipulation. Salerno cleverly hid his criminal activities behind legitimate fronts, including a flower shop. Infamously known for his connections to the concrete industry, he exercised control through illicit means.

His influence extended to the infamous Mafia Commission, solidifying his power within the criminal underworld. Despite his nickname, Salerno was a sharp and cunning leader, orchestrating alliances and betrayals.

The mob boss faced significant legal troubles, including the landmark “Commission Trial,” resulting in a 70-year prison sentence. Salerno succumbed to declining health and died behind bars in 1992, marking the end of an era of organized crime.

2. “Fat Tony” was known for his strategic involvement in racketeering

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno gained notoriety as a cunning mastermind in the realm of racketeering. Leading the Genovese crime family in the 1980s, Salerno strategically orchestrated a vast network of illegal enterprises.

His involvement in racketeering extended to a variety of criminal activities, including loan sharking, illegal gambling, and labor union manipulation. Salerno’s keen understanding of the intricacies of organized crime allowed him to amass substantial wealth and power.

His ability to navigate the complex world of illicit dealings earned him a prominent position within the Mafia Commission. Despite facing legal scrutiny, Salerno’s strategic prowess in racketeering remained a defining aspect of his criminal legacy, solidifying his reputation as a shrewd and influential figure in the annals of organized crime.

3. Salerno’s front business included a flower shop

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno, the notorious Genovese crime family boss, employed a devious strategy by establishing a seemingly innocent front business—a flower shop. Operating under the guise of floral arrangements, Salerno used the flower shop as a cover to conceal his illicit activities.

This facade allowed him to deflect suspicion and scrutiny from law enforcement, creating a veneer of legitimacy around his criminal operations. Behind the petals and blossoms, Salerno orchestrated a web of illegal enterprises, including racketeering and money laundering.

The flower shop served as a clever disguise, enabling Salerno to conduct his criminal affairs discreetly while maintaining an outward appearance of a lawful business. This strategic move showcased Salerno’s cunning ability to navigate the criminal underworld with a blend of subtlety and subterfuge.

4. He controlled the concrete industry through illegal means

The Unites States government, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno wielded influence with an iron grip over the concrete industry through a web of illicit practices. Leading the Genovese crime family, Salerno employed strong-arm tactics, coercion, and corruption to establish dominance in the construction sector.

His control over the concrete business extended to manipulating contracts, ensuring that construction projects were funneled through companies affiliated with the mob. This allowed Salerno to extract a hefty share of the profits while maintaining a stranglehold on the industry.

The concrete racket became a linchpin in Salerno’s criminal empire, enabling him to launder money and exert influence over construction projects throughout New York. Salerno’s manipulation of the concrete industry showcased his ruthless determination to exploit legitimate enterprises for illegal gains, solidifying his notoriety as a cunning and powerful figure in organized crime.

5. Salerno had a reputation for evading law enforcement successfully

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno earned a formidable reputation for skillfully eluding law enforcement throughout his criminal career. As the head of the Genovese crime family, Salerno demonstrated a remarkable ability to stay one step ahead of the authorities.

Employing a combination of astute strategic planning, a network of informants, and a code of silence within the Mafia, Salerno managed to navigate the complex landscape of criminal investigations. His elusive maneuvers allowed him to escape several legal entanglements, contributing to the mystique surrounding his criminal operations.

Despite facing charges on multiple occasions, Salerno’s uncanny knack for evading law enforcement added to his notoriety, solidifying his status as a wily and elusive figure in the annals of organized crime.

6. The mob boss was a key figure in the Mafia Commission

Remo Nassi, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno played a pivotal role as a key figure within the infamous Mafia Commission, the governing body that oversaw the activities of the Five Families in New York City’s organized crime scene.

As the head of the Genovese crime family, Salerno held considerable influence and wielded power in the decision-making processes of the Commission. His involvement in this secretive and powerful council further solidified his standing in the criminal underworld.

Salerno’s position allowed him to participate in high-stakes discussions, strategic planning, and dispute resolutions among the top echelons of organized crime. His role in the Mafia Commission showcased his prominence and underscored the interconnected web of influence that characterized the inner workings of the Italian-American Mafia during his era.

7. Anthony Salerno faced charges in the famous “Commission Trial.”

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno found himself in the crosshairs of the law during the infamous “Commission Trial” in the 1980s. Accused of being a key player in the Mafia Commission, Salerno faced charges related to racketeering, conspiracy, and other organized crime activities.

The trial, a landmark case, aimed to dismantle the top echelons of the American Mafia. Salerno, along with other reputed mob leaders, stood trial for their roles in orchestrating a wide range of criminal enterprises.

Despite his reputation for eluding law enforcement, Salerno was unable to escape the legal consequences this time. In 1986, he was convicted on multiple counts and sentenced to a lengthy prison term, marking a significant blow to the Genovese crime family and the broader organized crime network.

8. Despite his nickname, Salerno was a shrewd and cunning leader

New York Police Department., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Contrary to the whimsical moniker “Fat Tony,” Anthony Salerno was anything but a mere caricature. Behind the jovial nickname lay a shrewd and cunning leader who navigated the treacherous waters of organized crime with strategic finesse.

Salerno’s ability to maintain a low profile and skillfully manipulate the criminal landscape showcased his astuteness. He was a master tactician, adept at forging alliances and orchestrating complex criminal enterprises.

His influence extended far beyond his persona, and his strategic acumen earned him respect within the Mafia. The dichotomy between the jovial nickname and Salerno’s true character highlighted the deceptive nature of his leadership style, revealing a calculating and sharp mind that allowed him to thrive as a formidable figure in the world of organized crime.

9. He influenced labor unions, securing power in various sectors

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno wielded significant influence by strategically infiltrating labor unions and consolidating power across various sectors of the economy. As the head of the Genovese crime family, Salerno exploited his connections to manipulate unions, ensuring a tight grip on industries such as construction, trucking, and waste management.

Through coercion, bribery, and strong-arm tactics, Salerno secured control over labor forces, enabling him to dictate terms and extract financial gains. His ability to influence union activities not only bolstered his criminal enterprises but also allowed him to exert indirect control over legitimate businesses.

Salerno’s manipulation of labor unions showcased his prowess in leveraging economic sectors for illicit gains, underscoring the pervasive reach of organized crime in shaping various aspects of the American economy during his reign.

10. Salerno’s connections extended to political and influential figures

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno, as the head of the Genovese crime family, skillfully cultivated connections that reached into the highest echelons of political and influential circles.

His intricate web of associations included politicians, law enforcement officials, and prominent figures. Through strategic alliances and clandestine dealings, Salerno ensured that his criminal enterprises operated with a degree of protection and impunity.

These connections not only shielded him from law enforcement scrutiny but also provided opportunities for mutual benefit. The intertwining of organized crime with political and influential figures showcased Salerno’s ability to navigate the complex landscape of power, using his network to wield influence discreetly.

This symbiotic relationship between the underworld and the upper echelons of society exemplified the far-reaching impact of Salerno’s connections on both the criminal and political fronts.

11. His involvement in the concrete club brought him significant wealth

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno amassed substantial wealth through his involvement in the lucrative world of the concrete industry, often referred to as the “concrete club.” Operating within this realm allowed Salerno to exploit construction projects, ensuring a pervasive influence over the allocation of concrete contracts.

Through manipulation, kickbacks, and controlling the flow of construction materials, Salerno secured a steady stream of illicit profits. The construction boom in post-war America provided ample opportunities for financial gain, and Salerno capitalized on the demand for concrete in various projects.

His strategic positioning within the concrete club not only contributed to his wealth but also fortified the financial foundation of the Genovese crime family. Salerno’s success in this sector exemplified his adeptness at turning legitimate industries into sources of substantial and illicit prosperity.

12. Salerno was convicted of racketeering and sentenced to prison

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno, despite his crafty maneuvers and elusive reputation, faced a significant downfall when he was convicted of racketeering. The culmination of legal efforts against him materialized in a conviction that led to a substantial prison sentence.

In 1986, Salerno, along with other prominent figures in organized crime, was found guilty on multiple counts related to racketeering, conspiracy, and other criminal activities. The sentence marked the end of his reign as the head of the Genovese crime family.

Salerno was handed a substantial term of imprisonment, reflecting the severity of his criminal activities and their impact on society. The conviction underscored the government’s commitment to dismantling organized crime and holding its leaders accountable for their actions.

13. He died in prison in 1992, serving a 70-year sentence

Rainerzufall1234, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno’s life of crime ultimately concluded within the confines of a prison cell. Serving a staggering 70-year sentence for his convictions related to racketeering and other criminal charges, Salerno spent the final years of his life behind bars.

The once-powerful mob boss, who had evaded law enforcement for years, succumbed to declining health within the federal prison system. In 1992, at the age of 81, Salerno passed away, marking the end of an era in organized crime.

His death underscored the consequences of a life dedicated to illicit activities, leaving a legacy of cunning and infamy that lingered even beyond the walls of the prison that became his final domain.

14. Salerno’s rise to power was marked by cunning alliances and betrayals

Joseph Martin Kronheim (1810–96)[1], Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno’s ascent to power in the underworld was defined by a strategic dance of cunning alliances and calculated betrayals. Within the complex landscape of organized crime, Salerno adeptly formed alliances with key figures, establishing a network that would secure his position as the head of the Genovese crime family.However, his climb to power was equally punctuated by betrayals, as he navigated the treacherous dynamics of Mafia politics. Salerno’s shrewd ability to forge alliances when advantageous and ruthlessly betray when necessary became a hallmark of his leadership style.

This combination of strategic collaborations and opportunistic betrayals allowed him to solidify his influence and rise to prominence in the intricate hierarchy of the American Mafia during his era.

15.  He was known for meticulous grooming and sharp, expensive suits

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno, the notorious Genovese crime family boss, was not only recognized for his criminal prowess but also for his impeccable sense of style. Renowned for meticulous grooming, Salerno was a distinctive figure, often seen impeccably dressed in sharp, expensive suits.

His sartorial choices reflected a deliberate effort to project an image of sophistication and power. The carefully tailored suits became a symbol of his status within the Mafia, underscoring the idea that organized crime figures could seamlessly blend into high society.

Salerno’s commitment to a refined appearance served not only as a personal trademark but also as a strategic tool, projecting an aura of authority and success while concealing the criminal activities that lay beneath the polished exterior.

16. Salerno served as a mentor to future mob boss Vincent “Chin” Gigante

Al Aumuller, World Telegram staff photographer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno played a crucial role in the development of the American Mafia by serving as a mentor to Vincent “Chin” Gigante, who would go on to become a notorious mob boss. Salerno’s influence on Gigante was instrumental in shaping the younger mobster’s understanding of organized crime.

The mentorship provided Gigante with insights into the intricacies of Mafia operations, tactics, and the importance of maintaining a low profile. Gigante, in turn, would adopt some of Salerno’s strategies and later become the powerful boss of the Genovese crime family.

The mentor-protege relationship between Salerno and Gigante exemplified the continuity and tradition within the Mafia, where knowledge and influence were passed down through generations of mobsters.

17. The Genovese family, under Salerno, thrived on loan sharking enterprises

Under the leadership of Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno, the Genovese crime family flourished through a lucrative network of loan-sharking enterprises. Salerno strategically capitalized on the demand for illicit loans, extending financial services to businesses and individuals in need, albeit with exorbitant interest rates.

The Genovese family’s control over loan sharking allowed Salerno to amass significant wealth while ensnaring borrowers in a cycle of indebtedness. This criminal enterprise became a cornerstone of the family’s financial success, providing a steady stream of income and reinforcing their influence within the organized crime landscape.

Salerno’s adept management of loan sharking operations exemplified the family’s ability to exploit economic vulnerabilities for illicit gains, solidifying their dominance in the shadowy world of organized crime.

18. He controlled Teamsters Local 560, exerting influence over trucking

Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno exercised a stronghold over the Teamsters Local 560, a pivotal labor union representing trucking industry workers. This control allowed Salerno to exert considerable influence over the trucking sector.

Through strategic alliances and manipulative practices, Salerno ensured that the Teamsters Local 560 operated as an extension of his criminal enterprise. By dominating the union leadership, he could dictate terms, secure favorable contracts for mob-affiliated businesses, and manipulate the transportation industry for illicit gains.

Salerno’s influence within the Teamsters not only provided him with a powerful tool for labor-related extortion but also enabled him to manipulate the movement of goods, consolidating his control over a critical economic sector and reinforcing the Genovese crime family’s grip on various industries.

19. Salerno’s net worth at its peak was estimated in the millions

At the zenith of his criminal empire, Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno amassed a staggering fortune, with his net worth estimated in the millions. As the head of the Genovese crime family, Salerno orchestrated a multitude of illegal enterprises, from racketeering to labor union manipulation, contributing substantially to his amassed wealth.

His control over various industries, including the concrete and trucking sectors, allowed him to extract significant profits through extortion, kickbacks, and other illicit means.

Salerno’s strategic alliances, influence within the Mafia Commission, and extensive connections to political and influential figures further bolstered his financial success.

This immense wealth not only solidified his status as a powerful mob boss but also underscored the pervasive impact of organized crime on both the criminal underworld and legitimate sectors of the economy.

20. The mobster’s final years were spent battling declining health in prison

In the waning chapters of his life, Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno faced the grim reality of declining health while incarcerated. Serving a 70-year prison sentence for his convictions related to racketeering, the once formidable mobster found himself grappling with the physical toll of age and infirmity behind bars.

As his influence waned, Salerno’s final years were marked by a stark contrast to the power and wealth he had once wielded. Battling ailments in the confines of prison, he experienced a poignant demise that underscored the harsh consequences of a lifetime dedicated to organized crime.

In 1992, at the age of 81, Salerno passed away, leaving behind a legacy defined by cunning, ruthlessness, and the inevitable toll of a criminal existence.


Anthony Salerno, the mysterious maestro of the criminal underworld, unveils his secrets through these 20 surprising revelations. From clandestine dealings to unexpected alliances, Salerno’s story is a riveting saga of organized crime. As we close this chapter, his enigmatic legacy lingers—a testament to a life shrouded in shadows, leaving an indelible mark on the gritty canvas of gangster history. The surprising facts merely scratch the surface of a complex character, ensuring Salerno remains an enduring figure in the intricate tapestry of the criminal underworld.

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