Is Lyon Worth Visiting? France’s Underrated Gem

If you’re planning a trip to France, you may be wondering, ‘Is Lyon worth visiting?’

You’ve got limited vacation time and so many great cities to explore in France.  You don’t want to pick a ‘dud’ and miss out on something amazing.

I’ve visited Lyon three times — most recently for an incredible two weeks!  And I have several weeks of Lyon trips planned for next year, so I can confidently tell you that Lyon is worth visiting!

Lyon is known as the gastronomic capital of France, so you know the food will be amazing. 

Plus, it has an incredible depth of history dating back to Roman times, plenty of interesting museums, and fantastic public art from dazzling trompe-l’oeil murals to classical statues.

Ready to find out all the best reasons that Lyon is worth visiting? Lace up your shoes and let’s go!

15 Best Reasons to Visit Lyon France

1. Lyon is Stunning

When you explore Lyon, you’ll immediately notice the phenomenal architecture as well as its natural beauty.

Its streets showcase a unique blend of Renaissance buildings in Vieux Lyon (Old Lyon) and modern structures that define the city’s skyline. Wander through the traboules, hidden passageways that reveal quaint courtyards and staircases steeped in history.

The rivers of Lyon — the Rhône and the Saône — gracefully meander through the city, contributing a relaxed ambiance. Stroll along their banks or cross over the many bridges, each offering beautiful views of the city.

The panoramic views from Fourvière Hill are simply spectacular.  The city spreads out before you, and you can see the cathedrals in Vieux Lyon, the rivers, Presqu’île, and beyond to the horizon.  

(I recommend taking the funicular to the top of the hill unless you have a lot of extra energy!)

View of Lyon from the rooftop of the Notre Dame Basilica, with the gilded Madonna statue shining in the sun.
Is Lyon worth visiting? Just check out these fantastic views from Fourvière Hill!

The Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière is not only an emblem of spiritual significance but also an architectural marvel. Its intricate façade is gorgeous, and you won’t want to miss the gilded mosaics decorating the walls inside the basilica.

Your journey wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the bustling Place des Terreaux, where the Bartholdi Fountain stands as a centerpiece. There are plenty of restaurants here, where you can dine surrounded by the majestic City Hall and the Museum of Fine Arts.

Keep your camera handy, you’re going to be taking a lot of beautiful photos of Lyon!

2. Delicious Food

Lyon holds an esteemed reputation as the culinary capital of France, and for a good reason. Your taste buds will be happy to take a tour through local favorite dishes.

Eating delicious food is one of the top things to do in Lyon, of course!

  • Bouchons: Genuine Lyonnais bouchons are traditional eateries offering a convivial atmosphere where you can indulge in meat-centric dishes, accented with local cheeses. Prepare for hearty servings of saucisson and staples like the savory quenelle, a fish dumpling often served in a rich, creamy sauce.

Michelin star restaurant sign in Lyon France.
Experience amazing cuisine at one of Lyon’s Michelin-starred restaurants.
  • Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse: Named after the legendary chef Paul Bocuse, this renowned covered market invites you to traverse through stalls brimming with top-quality products. Treat yourself to sausages, cheese, praline rose sweets, or enjoy a top-quality meal in this gourmet market.

  • Pastries and Sweets: I have a major sweet tooth, and I must say that Lyon has the best pastries I’ve eaten in France! (It’s tough research, but someone’s gotta do it.) Enjoy Lyon’s signature praline rose by itself, or in a delicious pastry!
Spiral pastry with pink sugared almonds baked into the pastry.
Is Lyon worth visiting? Yes, definitely, if you love food!

3. Great Walkability

I typically log 20,000-30,000 steps a day on vacation (according to my fitbit).  So, for me, it’s really important that a city is walkable!

Many of Lyon’s top attractions are located close to one another (generally spread through the Vieux Lyon and Presqu’île neighborhoods).  This makes it easy to explore the city by foot and see a lot of great attractions even if you have only a day in Lyon.

Tip:  Many of Lyon’s historic areas feature cobblestone streets.  They’re charming, but you’ll want to keep an eye on where you’re walking since the surfaces can be uneven.

  • Vieux Lyon
    • Renaissance Quarter: Traverse the traboules, passageways unique to Lyon that connect buildings and streets.
    • Atmosphere: The area’s medieval and Renaissance architecture create an immersive walking experience.

  • Presqu’île
    • Cultural Hub: This peninsula between the Rhône and Saône rivers boasts shops, cafes, and squares.
    • Landmarks: Stroll down Rue de la République or visit Place Bellecour or Place des Terreaux to feel the city’s pulse.
The Bartholdi Fountain in the Place des Terreaux in Lyon France.
The Place des Terreaux. with its stunning Bartholdi Fountain, is one of the best free things to see in Lyon France!

By walking around Lyon, you can better appreciate the city’s charm and character. Plus, it gives you the ability to be spontaneous – you never know what might catch your eye as you glance down a narrow side street!

4. Rich History

Lyon is a city woven with layers of history. While many cities built over their historic sites, the city of Lyon expanded outwards over the centuries.  This means that we can take a walk back in time and appreciate Lyon’s history reaching back to Roman times.

  • Fourvière: This historic hill is often referred to as “the hill that prays”.  It’s the site where Lyon was founded by the Romans in 43 BC, known then as Lugdunum. The hill is home to the ancient Roman theaters and the majestic Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, a symbol of the city’s religious heritage and an important French landmark.

  • Roman Architecture: As you stroll through Lyon, you’ll encounter impressive remnants of Roman engineering. The Ancient Theatre of Fourvière, for instance, is a marvel that once seated 10,000 spectators, illustrating the grandeur of Gallo-Roman culture.

Gallo-Roman amphitheater in Lyon France, with groups of people sitting on the seats of the theater.  The spires of the Notre-Dame Basilica can be seen in the background along with other buildings.
Visiting the Gallo-Roman amphitheater should be at the top of your Lyon itinerary!
  • Vieux Lyon (Old Lyon): Your wanderings through the cobbled streets of Vieux Lyon reveal one of Europe’s largest Renaissance neighborhoods. Here, pastel-colored facades, hidden courtyards, and Gothic cathedrals paint a picture of medieval life.

  • Renaissance Heritage: Dive into the district of Saint-Jean and marvel at the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Cathedral, a masterpiece of French Renaissance architecture.  Don’t miss its 16th-century astronomical clock!

  • UNESCO World Heritage Site: In recognition of its cultural and historical importance, central areas of Lyon, including Vieux Lyon, the Fourvière hill, and other parts of the city, have been designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This honors the city’s well-preserved urban fabric, which has evolved over two millennia.

5. Incredible Trompe-L’oeil Murals

One of my favorite things about Lyon is its stunning trompe-l’oeil murals. These murals aren’t simply paintings; they’re so realistic that you’ll think they are part of the neighborhood.  There are many fabulous murals throughout Lyon, but these are the two most impressive:

  • Le Mur des Canuts: Located in the Croix-Rousse district, this large mural gets periodic updates, making it a living piece of art. Painted on a flat wall, it astonishingly appears to have real streets and buildings receding into the distance.

  • Fresque des Lyonnais: This mural showcases over 30 famous figures from Lyon, each connected to the city’s history. As you view the mural, you might recognize the likes of Paul Bocuse and the Lumière brothers as well as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.  (They even named Lyon’s airport after him!)
Fresque des Lyonnais mural in Lyon, France.  It covers the side of a building with famous people from Lyon's history.
Fantastic trompe-l’oeil murals are one of the top reasons to visit Lyon France!

I often find myself turning a corner in Lyon and – wow! – there’s a beautiful mural.  There are many more murals than the two listed here, so keep your eyes open as you explore the city.

Each mural tells a unique story, not just through the painted scenes but also through the intricate details. It’s easy to appreciate the skill and craftsmanship that went into the creation of these amazing murals.  (Especially for me, as my artistic ability is limited to drawing stick figures.)

These murals are definitely some of the best things to see in Lyon!

6. Charming Vieux Lyon

Vieux Lyon, the charming old town of Lyon, is nestled between the Saône riverbanks and the slopes of Fourvière Hill.

As you meander along its narrow streets, seek out the famous ‘traboules’—secret passageways originally used by silk manufacturers to transport their goods. These passageways are one of Lyon’s unique attractions and exploring them feels like a journey through time.  (Plus, it’s fun to search for them!)

In the heart of Vieux Lyon lies the Saint-Jean Cathedral, a majestic edifice that blends Gothic and Romanesque styles. Here, you can see artifacts in the Treasury, observe the astronomical clock, and spend a quiet moment away from the hustle of the city.

Cathedrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste in Lyon, France.
Amazing architecture such as the Cathedrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste is one of the main reasons to visit Lyon France!

For couples looking to share a romantic experience in Lyon, Vieux Lyon can’t be beat. Strolling by the river Saône as dusk falls, you’ll find charming bouchons and candlelit dinners, with each cobblestone alley offering a backdrop that seems tailor-made for romance.

7. Mysterious Traboules

Traboules are a unique feature of Lyon, particularly in the historic districts of Vieux Lyon and Croix-Rousse. These hidden passageways date back to the 4th century and were originally used by silk manufacturers and other craftsmen to transport their goods.

Why Traboules Are Fascinating:

  • Historically served as a route for silk workers to avoid inclement weather while transporting products.  (Water plus silk is a problem!)
  • Fun Fact: Traboules played a significant role during World War II, allowing residents to evade German troops.
  • Architecturally intriguing with their mix of Gothic and Renaissance influences.

To best experience the traboules, I recommend taking a group tour.  If you have the Lyon City Card, you can join a free tour of Vieux Lyon which takes you through many of its famous traboules.  I did this tour on my last trip, and it was interesting to learn more about the city’s history.

One of the beautiful traboules in Lyon France,  The walls are reddish in color, and a tall tower with multiple windows is in the center.
Exploring traboules is one of the best things to do in Lyon (and a unique Lyon experience!)

I had actually discovered most of the tour’s traboules on my own earlier in the day.  But I think the tour is worthwhile to learn about the history of the traboules and Vieux Lyon in general.  I like trivia, so I thought it was interesting and a lot of fun.

If you prefer to explore on your own, you can search for traboules – you’ll find most of them in Vieux Lyon.  Note that some traboules pass through private property, so please be respectful and keep your voice down. You wouldn’t want someone making noise in your courtyard, would you?

8. Top-Notch Museums

Just as Lyon has a wide variety of attractions, it also boasts a wide variety of museums.  Whether you are interested in fine arts, puppetry, or the cinema, Lyon’s top museums are sure to please!

Plus, with the Lyon City Pass, you can enjoy free admission to over 20 museums in Lyon (along with free public transit).  It’s quite the bargain, and I buy it every time I visit Lyon.

Musée des Confluences
Sitting at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône rivers, this futuristic museum takes you on a journey through natural history and anthropology. Its exhibitions often blend science with art, offering a unique perspective on our world’s origins and the myriad of cultures within it.

Museum of Fine Arts
The Musée des Beaux Arts de Lyon is one of the largest fine arts museums in Europe.  Housed in a stunning 17th-century building, this museum boasts a fine collection of European masterpieces. The tranquility of the sculpture garden in the courtyard is the perfect place to spend a quiet moment before you head out for more sightseeing in Lyon!

Classical statue and art at the Musee des Beaux-Arts in Lyon, France.
Admire the classical statuary at the Musee des Beaux Arts, one of the best museums in Lyon!

Musée Lumière
Dedicated to the pioneers of cinema, the Lumière brothers, this museum is a must-visit for film enthusiasts. Located in the grand Villa Lumière, you can delve into the early days of film, experiencing the remarkable inventions that paved the way for modern cinema. The Lumière brothers’ legacy in transforming the visual narrative medium emanates throughout the array of exhibits.

Musée Cinéma et Miniature
This museum, located in Vieux Lyon, is a quirky combination.  Part of the museum is dedicated to props and special effects from blockbuster films, from Alien to Pirates of the Caribbean.  And the top floor houses dozens of miniature models, perfect in every detail.   We ducked into this museum to get out of a surprise rain shower, and it was fun to explore.

9. Scenic Rhône and Saône Rivers

“The convergence of the Rhone and Saone. Paul Bocuse. The birthplace of cinema. Chateauneuf-du-Pape just a few miles down the road. It does not get much better than Lyon.”

Leonard Slatkin (this is one of my top France quotes. It sums up Lyon so well!)

Lyon is nestled at the confluence where the Rhône and Saône rivers meet, offering remarkable waterfront views that add a romantic flair to the city. These two rivers have shaped Lyon’s landscape and are integral to the city’s charm.

  • Rhône River: Flowing from the Swiss Alps, it passes through Lyon, providing a scenic backdrop for photos and leisure.  The Rhône is located to the east of Presqu’île, and the Parc de la Tête d’Or is located on the eastern banks of the Rhône river.

  • Saône River: A more tranquil counterpart to the Rhône, the river Saône flows through the city with a serenity that invites peaceful walks along its banks.  The Saône separates the Presqu’île and Vieux Lyon, and the lively Saint-Antoine Market is located on its banks.  This is my favorite food market in Lyon!

  • Confluence Area: This is where the two rivers merge—a unique district that’s been revitalized with modern museums, restaurants, and public spaces.  This is where you’ll find the Musée des Confluences and modern buildings such as Lyon’s ‘Orange Cube’.

  • River Cruise: The Saône is also popular for sightseeing cruises, which is a fantastic way to see some of Lyon’s top attractions, from Vieux Lyon to the hilltop Notre-Dame Basilica.  Multiple cruise routes are available, and you can also take a romantic dinner cruise!
Card showing Saone river cruise options in Lyon, France.  There are three routes available, marked in different colors.
Enjoy Lyon by taking a relaxing river cruise! Several routes are available to see different Lyon neighborhoods and attractions.
  • Sightseeing:  You should definitely spend some time walking along the banks of the rivers and taking in the sights.  I find water so relaxing, and the reflections of the city lights in the waters at night are always so beautiful.

10. Excellent Public Transportation

Lyon boasts an extensive network of public transportation options that make touring the city convenient and comfortable. Although I start off my vacations strong with tons of walking, after a few days my body tells me that I need to pace myself, and I start leveraging public transit more.

 In Lyon, you have access to buses, metros, trams, and funiculars to help you get around town.  Plus, there are many trains servicing Lyon through the Part-Dieu station, so you can easily use Lyon as a home base for your trip to France.

Buses: Your travel through Lyon is well-supported by a fleet of buses that connect various parts of the city. The routes are designed to cover areas not reached by the metro, ensuring you can reach your destination without hassle.

Metro: The Lyon Metro is the fastest way to traverse Lyon. This makes getting from your hotel to popular attractions a breeze.

Funicular: For a unique mode of transport, take the funicular. Two lines ascend the hill to Fourvière. It’s especially helpful for visiting the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière without the steep climb.  The second line takes you near the entrance to the Gallo-Roman theater.

Train: If you’re looking to venture outside Lyon or coming in from another city, trains are a fast and easy option. The Part-Dieu train station is a central hub, connecting Lyon to Paris, Marseille, and beyond.  Regional trains will be slower, while the high-speed TGV trains are the best way to travel longer distances.

If you’re aiming for the most cost-effective and convenient travel within Lyon, consider the Lyon City Card. The card entitles you to unlimited public transit, free admission to over 20 museums, and complimentary tours, maximizing your experiences in the city. It’s an excellent way to save money in Lyon!

Lyon city card and information booklet.
Save money in Lyon with the Lyon City Card pass! It’s a great way to make your trip to Lyon even better!

11. Gorgeous Architecture

When you visit Lyon, you’ll be greeted by a treasure trove of architectural marvels that span a range of styles, from the medieval to the ultra-modern. Let’s explore some of these wonders that make Lyon a feast for your eyes.

Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière
Gothic and Romanesque styles
Perched atop Fourvière Hill, the Basilica commands attention with its grand presence. This 19th-century edifice is a blend of Gothic and Romanesque styles, boasting intricate gilded mosaics and gorgeous stained-glass windows.

The Basilique Notre Dame in Lyon, France has incredible architecture and is one of the reasons Lyon is worth visiting.
Visiting the stunning Notre Dame Basilica is one of the best things to do in Lyon France!

Roman Ruins
Gallo-Roman heritage
Lyon houses a significant collection of Roman ruins, including two ancient theatres. These remnants of Lugdunum (the Roman name for ancient Lyon), offer a literal walk through history, allowing you to imagine life in Roman times.

Astronomical Clock
Located in Saint Jean Cathedral
Inside the gothic Saint Jean Cathedral, you’ll find the stunning 16th-century astronomical clock. With its precise cosmic indications, it’s not only a masterpiece of timekeeping but also a work of art.

Historic Churches
Varied styles across the city
Lyon is dotted with historic churches revealing Gothic, Romanesque, and Renaissance influences. Their spires and bell towers punctuate the skyline, each telling its own story.  The last time I was in Lyon, I stopped into one church to look at its décor, and was treated to a performance of lovely organ music.

Orange Cube
Bold contemporary design
For a taste of modernity, the Orange Cube emits a stark contrast with its bright color and striking geometric design. It symbolizes Lyon’s forward-thinking in urban development and innovative architecture.

Lyon's modern architecture of the 'Orange Cube', which looks like a block of orange cheese with a hole in it.
Lyon’s mix of classical buildings and modern architecture (like the Orange Cube) is one of the reasons Lyon is worth visiting.

Opera House
19th-century extravagance meets modernity
The Lyon Opera House blends tradition with avant-garde. Its original 1831 structure is topped by a modern, semi-transparent dome, a fusion that reflects the city’s respect for history meshed with contemporary flair.

12. Fabulous Food Markets

When you’re in Lyon, the question ‘is Lyon worth visiting’ is usually answered with food! The allure of local markets is undeniable. Get ready to experience the vibrant food scene through the markets sprinkled across the city.

  • Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse
    This is the epitome of Lyon’s gastronomic markets. Home to over 50 stalls, you can meander through an array of local cheeses, meats, chocolates, all while being surrounded by the intoxicating aromas of fresh pastries and delectable dishes.  There are several restaurants located inside the market to tempt your taste buds!

  • Presqu’île Markets
    Set in the heart of Lyon, the Presqu’île area hosts several markets. These markets boast a selection where the emphasis is on the freshness and quality of the foods. My favorite market is the Saint-Antoine Market, located on the banks of the Saône.  This market is open daily, with the Saturday market being the most impressive.
Bunches of radishes at a market in France, with a cute cartoon radish sign.
Pick up the freshest local produce at one of Lyon’s incredible food markets!

13. Parc de la Tête D’or

When visiting Lyon, the Parc de la Tête d’Or is the best place to reconnect with nature. It’s the largest urban park in France and is an excellent spot for a variety of activities.

There are several entrances to the park, but the most impressive is through the gilded Porte des Enfants du Rhone.

Be sure to wear comfortable shoes, as this park is huge (spanning 105 hectares)!

  • Zoo: Home to a free zoo, you can see over 400 animals across 117 different species, including giraffes, elephants, and tigers. This is a perfect place for wildlife enthusiasts of all ages.
  • Botanical Gardens: With more than 15,000 plants and several greenhouses, the botanical gardens offer a colorful and educational experience. You can discover a wide range of flora here, making it a haven for plant lovers.
  • Lake: Central to the park is a large lake where you can rent a boat and enjoy a leisurely row during the warmer months.
  • Sports Facilities: For the more active visitor, there are numerous sports facilities, including a velodrome and mini-golf.
  • Walking Paths: The park boasts extensive walking paths that meander through the various landscapes, perfect for a stroll or a vigorous walk against the backdrop of the park’s tranquil setting.
  • Events: Regularly, the park hosts events and markets, which can be an unexpected bonus for your visit.  You can even catch a Guignol puppet show!
Statue of a female centaur kissing a man lying across her back in the Parc de la Tete D'Or in Lyon, France.
Enjoy classical statues as you explore the Parc de la Tête d’Or, one of the best places to visit in Lyon.

14. Unique Souvenirs

You’ll of course want something to remember your visit to Lyon.  Why not pick up something special from one of Lyon’s local boutiques or markets?

  • Silk Scarves & Ties: Lyon is famed for its historical silk industry. You can find high-quality silk scarves and ties, each with intricate designs, at the Maison des Canuts. This old silk workshop showcases the artistry of Lyonnais silk weaving.  I love buying scarves as souvenirs – they are easy to pack and add a quintessentially French flair to your wardrobe!

  • Puppets: Be charmed by traditional Lyonnais puppets known as ‘Guignol’. They make for a fun souvenir, especially for enthusiasts of performing arts. Puppetry is a centuries-old tradition in Lyon and these make a lively memento.

  • Praline Rose: Indulge in the praline rose, a signature Lyonnais confectionery. These candied almonds coated with rose-hued sugar are a treat for your taste buds!

  • Chocolates: Spoil yourself with artisanal chocolates from Voisin, the master chocolatier of Lyon.  Try the famous ‘coussin de Lyon’ for a special treat!

15. Amazing Festivals

Lyon is renowned for its vibrant festivals, each offering a unique cultural experience. When you visit, there are two must-see events:

  • Nuits de Fourvière: This festival is a celebration of arts spanning from June to July. Taking place in the Gallo-Roman theater in Vieux Lyon, it offers an eclectic mix of performances.  Immerse yourself in this festival’s incredible performances under star-lit skies.  (They were just setting up the theater for the festival during my visit last May, and it was so odd to see the modern stage and sound system set up inside these Roman ruins!)

  • Fête des Lumières: This is a breathtaking festival of lights, occurring every December. The city transforms into a canvas for light artists, as Lyon’s buildings, streets, and parks shine with innovative displays.  (The spectacle at the Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste is one of the highlights.)  This four-day festival invites you to walk through Lyon’s illuminated streets, offering a magical winter experience.

Is Lyon Worth Visiting: Lyon Travel FAQ

What are the top attractions to see in Lyon?

Lyon, a UNESCO World Heritage site, boasts a rich history and vibrant culture. Your journey should include the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, offering panoramic views of the city. Don’t miss the ancient Roman Theatre and the labyrinthine traboules of the old town, known for their historic passageways.

What are the best dishes to eat in Lyon?

As the gastronomic capital of France, Lyon’s cuisine is an absolute must-try. Indulge in traditional dishes like Quenelle de Brochet, a creamy fish dumpling, and the hearty Coq au Vin. For a taste of local flavors, visit a bouchon, a Lyonnaise bistro, to sample specialties like the savory Tarte aux Pralines.

Top view of a slice of Lyon's famous tarte aux pralines with a spoon.
The tarte aux pralines is one of the best things to eat in Lyon. Food is definitely one of the top reasons to visit Lyon France!
What are some hidden gems in Lyon?

Beyond the well-trodden paths lie hidden spots like La Croix-Rousse, an area with a bohemian atmosphere and silk weaver history. While the serene Île Barbe offers a tranquil escape on the Saône River. These locales provide a glimpse into Lyon’s lesser known, yet enchanting, facets.

How many days should I spend in Lyon?

To fully immerse yourself in Lyon’s atmosphere, a minimum of three days is recommended. This allows for ample time to explore major attractions, taste the local cuisine, and even discover a few off-the-beaten-path sights.

When is the best time to visit Lyon?

The ideal time to visit Lyon is either during the spring (April to June) or fall (September to November). These periods offer moderate weather, fewer crowds, and the lively Fête des Lumières, a must-see festival of lights held every December.

Final Thoughts:

By now, you know my answer to the question ‘Is Lyon Worth Visiting?’

It’s a resounding ‘Yes!’

With its blend of gastronomy, history, arts, and architecture, there are so many reasons to visit Lyon.

To help you plan your trip, I’ve got several posts to help you learn more about the best things to do in Lyon.  Plan to take a food tour in Lyon to experience all the culinary highlights and pick up a Lyon City Card to save money during your trip! 

Bon Voyage!

Are you ready to book your trip to Lyon?

Looking for the top picks for your trip to Lyon? Here are some of the best tours, hotels, and more to help you plan the perfect vacation!

Top Tours and Experiences in Lyon

  1. Old Town Walking Food Tour (Vieux Lyon sightseeing + tasty local favorites)
  2. E-Bike Tour of Lyon (A fun & easy way to see Lyon’s top sights!)
  3. Market Tour, Cooking Class+ Lunch (Perfect for those who love to cook!)
  4. Beaujolais Golden Stones Wine Tour (The best day trip for wine lovers)
  5. Lyon City Card (Amazing value! I buy this every time I visit Lyon)

Top Hotels in Lyon

  1. Villa Florentine (Fabulous 5-star hotel in Vieux Lyon)
  2. Grand Hotel des Terreaux (I stayed here! Great location)
  3. Hôtel Bayard Bellecour (Highly rated budget-friendly hotel)

Planning to travel to Lyon, France? Pin this for later so you don’t miss any great Lyon attractions!

The Notre Dame de Fourviere basilica is one of the top reasons Lyon is worth visiting -- especially on a beautiful sunny day.

Lisa Garrett

Lisa Garrett is the founder of Travel to Lyon.

She has explored Lyon with her husband (Chris) as well as on solo trips to France. She will be living in Lyon this summer to bring you even more tips to help you plan the perfect trip to Lyon!

Learn more about Lisa!

Me, Lisa, in a gondola in Venice.

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