‎Reviews of Blue Valentine • Letterboxd
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  • indial0dge


    i believe their relationship would be solved if ryan gosling got a hair transplant ❤️

  • Wheel22


    Yeah this film didn’t make me feel very nice

  • avwee


    yall dont want my take on this one

  • emedeli


    Quería llorar (mariquita) y la peli no lo ha conseguido, ahora yo como me voy a dormir.

    La peli no está mal pero no creo que sea lo suficientemente buena como para llegar al corazón del espectador y conseguir que empatices con los personajes. Una romántica más

  • rabia


    hic begenmedim izledigim en sikko film sanki iki saat degil de bir omur gibiydi mal karı

  • spdr_lea


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    un film pas mal plombant mais plutôt réaliste 
    comme deux debiles on a mis mille ans à capter qu’il y avait des allers retours passé présent
    la relation père fille est absolument adorable

  • Marley


    Acho que a maior lição desse filme é que o tempo mostra o que vai dar ou o que não vai dar certo.
    Atuação incrível.

  • Tom Koopman


    Had echt andere verwachtingen bij deze film. Vond hem iets te realistisch. Snap ook niet precies wat hij nou allemaal fout heeft gedaan, zij moet gwn zeggen dat ze er klaar mee is en tegen hem zeggen dat hij heel lief is geweest. Maar snap ook wel dat zij het een en ander te verduren heeft gekregen. P.S. Ik ben hem letterlijk, letterlijk

  • diamondcentury


    ryan gosling with receding hairline? 
    yes, i do.. 

    this movie makes me feel like I’m watching it with 3D paper glasses, metaphorically speaking too

  • MilkshakeReview


    5/5. The performances by Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams were so raw, realistic, so powerful. They both deserved at least a nomination for those performances.
    The story was such a roller coaster of emotions, it was so real, I fell in love with them, and felt the pain too. Amazing job.
    The cinematography was not flashy, it was grounded. Just as it should be for this movie. A perfect fit for a grounded story.

  • dominos2


    So glad I ain't never getting married.

  • nicole

    caralho lembro de ter vontade de jogar uma BOMBA nessa bosta ela eh uma filha da puta do caralho, ele um corno e a criança uma chata meu amigo que ABUSO esse filme eh o retrato de um relacionamento bosta desperdício de tempo de Ryan gosling de tudo smt