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With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law Is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful Pasta blanda – 3 julio 2012

4.5 4.5 de 5 estrellas 250 calificaciones

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Opciones de compra y productos Plus

From the most important voice to have entered the political discourse in years (Bill Moyers) and the journalist who broke the story on NSA spying programs comes a scathing critique of the two-tiered system of justice that has emerged in America

From the nation's beginnings, the law was to be the great equalizer in American life, the guarantor of a common set of rules for all. But over the past four decades, the principle of equality before the law has been effectively abolished. Instead, a two-tiered system of justice ensures that the country's political and financial class is virtually immune from prosecution, licensed to act without restraint, while the politically powerless are imprisoned with greater ease and in greater numbers than in any other country in the world.

Starting with Watergate, continuing on through the Iran-Contra scandal, and culminating with Obama's shielding of Bush-era officials from prosecution, Glenn Greenwald lays bare the mechanisms that have come to shield the elite from accountability. He shows how the media, both political parties, and the courts have abetted a process that has produced torture, war crimes, domestic spying by the NSA, and financial fraud.

Cogent, sharp, and urgent, this is a no-holds-barred indictment of a profoundly un-American system that sanctions immunity at the top and mercilessness for everyone else.

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Descripción del producto


"The most important voice to have entered the political discourse in years." --Bill Moyers

"Glenn Greenwald's latest book is an absolute must-read. Incredibly persuasive, rigorous and damning." --Christopher Hayes

"Glenn Greenwald is not just the American Left's most fearless political commentator; his fearlessness is such that he has shifted the expectations for everyone else, too. His rock-ribbed principles and absolute disregard for partisan favor have made U.S. political discourse edgier, more confrontational, and much, much better." --Rachel Maddow

"See this book? Then grab it. Read it. Shove it into everyone's face. This is the kind of text supporters of progress and justice urgently need. We need its honesty and clarity; its focus on what matters; and its expertise... We also need its courage, for it tells us what many suspect, but few dare to shout out." --PopMatters

"Greenwald lets no one off the hook in demonstrating the vast differences in legal recourse between rich and poor, powerful and weak... When the executive, judicial and legislative branches collude to avoid enforcement, lawlessness is the end result." --Kirkus Reviews

"The first thing I do when I turn on the computer in the morning is go to Glenn Greenwald's blog to see what he said. He is truly one of our greatest writers right now." --Michael Moore

Biografía del autor

Glenn Greenwald is the author of several bestsellers, including How Would a Patriot Act? and With Liberty and Justice for Some. Acclaimed as one of the 25 most influential political commentators by The Atlantic, one of America's top 10 opinion writers by Newsweek, and one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers for 2013 by Foreign Policy, Greenwald is a former constitutional law and civil rights litigator. He was a columnist for The Guardian until October 2013 and is now a founding editor of a new media outlet, The Intercept.. He is a frequent guest on CNN, MSNBC, and various other television and radio outlets. He has won numerous awards for his NSA reporting, including the 2013 Polk Award for national security reporting, the top 2013 investigative journalism award from the Online News Association, the Esso Award for Excellence in Reporting (the Brazilian equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize), and the 2013 Pioneer Award from Electronic Frontier Foundation. He also received the first annual I. F. Stone Award for Independent Journalism in 2009 and a 2010 Online Journalism Award for his investigative work on the arrest and detention of Chelsea Manning. In 2013, Greenwald led the Guardian reporting that was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for public service.

Detalles del producto

  • Editorial ‏ : ‎ St. Martins Press-3PL; Edición Reprint (3 julio 2012)
  • Idioma ‏ : ‎ Inglés
  • Pasta blanda ‏ : ‎ 304 páginas
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1250013836
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1250013835
  • Dimensiones ‏ : ‎ 13.97 x 1.73 x 20.96 cm
  • Opiniones de los clientes:
    4.5 4.5 de 5 estrellas 250 calificaciones

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4.5 de 5 estrellas
4.5 de 5
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Firdaus Vogt
4.0 de 5 estrellas A shocking exposé of criminality on high in the US
Revisado en el Reino Unido el 19 de agosto de 2020
Glenn Greenwald’s book, albeit rather dry in places, is an excellent exposé of the shocking nature of criminality on high in the US, and the profit-driven, prejudiced, compassionless persecution of the lowly, little man. It details the sociopathic nature of a country that has become all too evident on the world stage, and which has demeaned it hugely even further since the book was published in 2011. Even though it fails to mention some of the most egregious conduct of the US, such as the School of the Americas (which trained its students to torture, murder and politically repress throughout Latin America), complemented by Operation Condor (a US-backed campaign of political repression and state terror), it is a sad indictment of the leading nation of the so-called free world. Because it sees itself beyond the reach of domestic and international law, the US has descended, in many respects, to the level of a banana republic, while hypocritically professing to uphold the rule of law. Something which Noam Chomsky expatiated on in his “Failed States”; but which Greenwald shows has become bipartisan and deeply entrenched by, amongst other things, subverting fundamental legal principles. Worryingly, it is a perverse model that other nations increasingly feel justified in copying.
5.0 de 5 estrellas should be taught in school
Revisado en Canadá el 3 de octubre de 2013
I witnessed Rudy Giuliani dismissing Mr. Greenwald as someone who "hates America". This book reveals a man who loves both the U.S. constitution and the rule of law. These being the very foundation of America, one might conclude that Mr. Giuliani and those elites who share his opinion have lost sight of the higher purpose - were it not for the undeniable argument put forward in the book that the current trend of unaccountability and preferential treatment at the top is completely by design and blatantly self-serving.

Due to the fact that the media has largely morphed from watchdog to lapdog and easily misinforms the public as much as it informs, my utopian wish would be to see the schools of the nation truly educate those who will eventually be electing the future servants of the country - because it is the servants who bear the responsibility for allowing such travesties to flourish. Mr. Greenwald's infuriating and important book would go a long way to fulfilling such a curriculum.
A 7 personas les resultó útil
5.0 de 5 estrellas Man glaubt es nicht, das amerikanische Gesetz gilt nicht für alle.
Revisado en Alemania el 16 de enero de 2014
Dieses Buch ist ein Augenöffner. Man kann es leider sehr kurz zusammenfassen. In der obersten Etage der Wirtschafts-- und Politikelite gilt das Gesetz nicht. Greenwald, der auch an den Unterlagen von Edward Snowden arbeitet und mit ihm in Kontakt ist, ist ein Fachmann, den man sich, falls die Englishkenntnisse ausreichen, auch auf youtube ansehen sollte.
A 2 personas les resultó útil
Christopher Brennan
5.0 de 5 estrellas Everyone in the United States should read this book
Reseñado en los Estados Unidos el 22 de noviembre de 2011
Glenn Greenwald's With Liberty and Justice for Some is an extremely important book. I don't exaggerate when I say it's a book everyone in the United States should read, something I don't normally say about even my favorite books.

Greenwald makes the case in the United States today, rule of law is disappearing. Instead, we have what he calls "The Principle of Elite Immunity,"-the idea that political and business elites are never to be punished for their crimes, except perhaps if their crimes harm other elites. Greenwald blames the current mindset on Ford for pardoning Nixon and justifying the pardon on the grounds that prosecuting Nixon would be too divisive.

Now, personally, I don't think the pardon of Nixon would have been such a bad thing if it had been a one-time thing and the country had gotten back on course afterwards. However, Greenwald convincingly argues that the Nixon pardon was the beginning of a pattern of bad excuses for forgiving any and all high-level wrong doing in this country. Thus, we get pardons for Iran-Contra criminals, Bill Clinton suppressing inquiry into Regan and Bush's illegally providing of weapons to Iraq in spite of having promised investigations, and Obama's failure to prosecute the crimes of the Bush administration.

It's important to stress that the excuses really are ridiculous-read the book for the full recitation, but here's one especially bad example, both in terms of the flimsiness of the rationale and the fact that it was given by a member of our government's alleged watchdog, the media. When Bush pardoned Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger for multiple felony counts of perjury and obstruction of justice in connection with Iran-Contra, Richard Cohen, on the grounds that Cohen had run into Weinberger quite a few times at Safeway, and he seemed like an OK guy to Cohen.

One of the strongest sections of the book is the coverage of the NSA wiretapping scandal and the decision to grant telecoms immunity for breaking the law on behalf of the Bush administration. Previously, I had known about the scandal, but had simply filed it away in my brain as one of the lesser crimes of the Bush administration. However, Greenwald explains how by granting the telecoms retroactive immunity for breaking the law, Democrats (and Congress was controlled by Democrats at the time) passed on a rare opportunity to get an actual investigation into Bush's crimes.

Several other things stick out about the telecom immunity story. First, Congress' actions can't be defended on the grounds that the telecoms thought what they were doing was legal, because under the original law that was a valid defense. Second, the telecom immunity bill was written with heavy influence from corporate lobbyists, a troubling example of how, in Greenwald's words, "major corporations literally write our nation's laws." Third, as a senator Obama went back on an initial promise to help block telecom immunity. Had I known that fact when Obama was elected, his other lapses in office would have surprised me less.

By comparison, the discussion of lawbreaking in relation to the 2008 financial crisis was a bit weak. It includes quotes from a number of authorities, including Alan Greenspan saying that much of what happened was "just plain fraud," and cites one case where a former CEO was found to have committed fraud but was allowed to settle his case with a fine of $67, a fraction of the half-billion dollars he made while the fraud was going on. However, unlike most parts of the book, the laws that were supposedly broken are never explained clearly.

In fairness to Greenwald, part of his point is that the financial crisis was never thoroughly investigated, making it hard to know what crimes were or were not committed. Still, given all the anger at Wall Street right now, the book could have benefited a lot from more clarity on that point. Also, Greenwald's focus on lawbreaking means that his mention of how lobbyists managed to get important regulations repealed doesn't have a clear place in his narrative, and I wonder if that wasn't the bigger problem (though it would still be a sign of how corrupt our government is).

Anyway, With Liberty and Justice for Some is an excellent book in spite of this complaint, and telecom immunity and the financial crisis are only two examples of the problems Greenwald covers. So go buy the book, even if you think you know all about these problems. Looking at any one incident in isolation, it's tempting to say, "Okay, that was bad, but I'm sure it won't happen again." Greenwald, however, makes clear that we suffer from a recurring pattern of elites committing serious crimes and getting de facto immunity for doing so, a pattern that will likely continue until we do something to stop it.
A 30 personas les resultó útil
5.0 de 5 estrellas A Well-Written Case for Reforming the Legal and Political Systems of the U.S.
Revisado en Canadá el 9 de agosto de 2016
I really enjoyed reading this account of how Gerald Ford's pardon or Richard Nixon set the stage for our current absence of an equal and fair rule of law for all Americans. While we've always suspected that the rich and well-connected do not pay the same price for their crimes as the poor and minority offenders, Glenn Greenwald's book documents the historical and legal facts that prove this suspicion to be accurate. Clearly written and passionately described, the arguments in this book cry out for reform of the legal and political system to accord with the Constitution and American values of equality and fairness.
A 2 personas les resultó útil