Natalya Alexeyevna, Grand Duchess of Russia

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Natalya Alexeyevna, Grand Duchess of Russia Gender: F
born on 12 July 1714 at 06:00 (= 06:00 AM )
Place St.Petersburg, Russian Federation, 59n56, 30e18
Timezone LMT m30e18 (is local mean time)
Data source
News report
Rodden Rating A
Collector: Scholfield
Astrology data s_su.18.gif s_cancol.18.gif 19°16' s_mo.18.gif s_cancol.18.gif 24°37 Asc.s_leocol.18.gif 16°37'

Grand Duchess of Russia Natalya Alexeyevna (with her brother Peter II in 1722)


Russian Grand Duchess as the daughter of Alexei Petrovich, Tsarevich of Russia and Charlotte Christine of Brunswick-Lüneburg, grandchild of Peter the Great and the sibling of Tsar Peter II. She and her brother were moved to the Russian court in 1719. Her brother became monarch in 1727. She was heir to the throne after Elizabeth and Anna. She became a centre of attention, and Menshikov wished to have her marry his son. She was described as intelligent and kind and was considered as a good influence on her brother, who was close to her. She died in Moscow on 22 November 1728, aged 14.

Link to Wikipedia biography


Source Notes

Sy Scholfield forwarded news report from "Oprechte Haerlemsche courant," 14 August 1714, p. 2: "Petersburg den 12 July. Eyndelijck is defen morgen ten 6 uuren de Gemalin van den Czaarffe Erf-Prins van een Princes in 't Kraem-Bed bevallen; waer over 't Canon gelofcht en Salvo gefchoten is."

(St Petersburg, 12 July. Finally, at 6 o'clock this morning, the consort of the Tsarevich was brought to bed of a Princess, and a salvo of cannons was fired).

English Wikipedia gives 3 March and 21 July, no source given for either date.


  • Personal : Death : Short Life less than 29 Yrs (Age 14)
  • Notable : Famous : Royal family (House of Romanov)