it was an accident - Spanish translation – Linguee

Dictionary English-Spanish

External sources (not reviewed)

They said it was an accident, and that there was no identifiable reason for what had [...]
happened,' says Flavio.
Dijeron que era un accidente, y que no hab�a raz�n identificable para lo que hab�a ocurrido', [...]
dice Flavio.
It was an accident that could have happened [...]
to anyone, at any place.
Fue un accidente como le puede ocurrir a [...]
cualquiera, en cualquier lugar.
I don't think it was an accident that his death [...]
occurred during the annual Federation conference; for many the collective
support and love of such a compassionate group helped to soothe some of the personal pain that Kwame's suicide triggered as many parents reflected on the difficulties that some of their own children were having.
El apoyo
[...] colectivo y el amor de un grupo tan compasivo, ayud� [...]
a aliviar el dolor personal que desat� en muchos el suicidio
de Kwame porque los hizo reflexionar sobre los problemas por los que algunos de ellos est�n atravesando con sus propios hijos.
The Navy has acknowledged that during training in 1999 for the Kosovo assault it fired 263 depleted uranium-tipped bullets, of
which it recovered 57, on the training range on Vieques, an island of 9,400
[...] residents. The Navy said it was an accident.
La Marina reconoci� que durante un entrenamiento que se realiz� en 1999 antes del ataque a Kosovo, se dispararon en el campo de tiro de Vieques, ubicado en una isla con una poblaci�n de 9400 residentes,
263 balas con punta de uranio empobrecido, de las cuales se recuperaron 57.
[...] La Marina dijo que se trat� de un accidente.
There is
[...] no chance that it was an accident!
de ninguna manera no lo es!
Authorities have maintained that it was an accident.
Las autoridades sostienen que fue un accidente.
If someone bumps into you, don't assume it was an accident.
Si alguien le choca contra, no asume que fue un accidente.
The authorities are
[...] claiming that it was an accident and that Lembarki [...]
was hurt by stone throwing.
Las autoridades pretenden
[...] que se trata de un accidente y que Lembarki fue [...]
v�ctima de una piedra que tiraron.
It was an accident that could have happened to anyone, at any place.
Los Republicanos trabajan todav�a en los temas y las fechas.
Although the court concluded that it was an accident and not sabotage, many had [...]
their doubts.
Aunque la conclusi?n del corte fuera que era un accidente y no sabotaje, [...]
hab?an muchas personas que ten?an dudas.
The Moroccan police claimed that it was an accident following a dispute.
La polic�a marroqu� pretende que se trata de un accidente ocurrido durante una discusi�n.
It was an accident of history that E.P.A. got stuck with regulating pesticides.
Era un accidente de historia en cual el E.P.A. se peg� con la responsibilidad [...]
de regular a los pesticidas.
A paradox it may be, but this was not an accident or a mistake.
Puede que parezca una paradoja, pero este hecho no es accidental ni err�neo.
It appears there was an accident and the content [...]
of these recipients contaminated Lieutenant Colonel Desiderio Mel�ndez
whom, at the moment, is close to die.
Al parecer hubo un accidente y el contenido de [...]
estos recipientes contamin� al Teniente Coronel Desiderio Mel�ndez que actualmente
se encuentra al borde de la muerte.
The ensuing "Elizabethan
[...] Settlement," it may be argued, was an accident of history since [...]
religious pluralism was unimaginable.
Se puede argumentar que el resultante "Convenio Isabelino"
[...] (Elizabeth Settlement) fue un accidente de la historia ya que el pluralismo [...]
religioso era algo, por entonces, inimaginable.
It was about 9 a.m. on that fateful day when Luz America learned from her husband about what she thought was an accident at the Twin Towers resulting from a disoriented pilot.
Eran como las 9 de la ma�ana de ese fat�dico d�a cuando Luz Am�rica se entero a trav�s de su esposo de lo que ella crey� hab�a sido un accidente causado por un piloto [...]
If failing to do so leads to an accident, one might be held accountable for it.
Si esa omisi�n provoca un accidente, la persona puede ser considerada responsable de lo ocurrido.
Those with low blood sugar were more
[...] likely to have had an accident than were diabetics whose blood sugar was not as well controlled.
Los que ten�an glucemia baja ten�an
[...] m�s probabilidades de haber sufrido un accidente que aquellos cuya glucemia no estaba [...]
bien controlada.
This did not happen by accident: it was part of a strategic [...]
political and administrative plan.
Esto no ha ocurrido por casualidad: era parte de un plan estrat�gico [...]
pol�tico y administrativo.
It appears that the accident was not as severe [...]
as we first thought.
Al parecer el accidente no fue tan grave como [...]
se temi� en un principio.
d) a divorced spouse is treated the same as a widow or widower if an insuree
[...] who has suffered an accident was obliged to pay him [...]
or her alimony.
d) el c�nyuge divorciado est� asimilado a la viuda o viudo si el
[...] asegurado que ha sido v�ctima del accidente estaba obligado [...]
al pago de una pensi�n alimentaria.
If emergency dental treatment is performed because of an accident or other dental emergency, it won't be possible to obtain a predetermination [...]
before getting treatment.
Si se realiza un tratamiento dental de urgencia debido a un accidente u otra emergencia dental, no ser� posible obtener [...]
una predeterminaci�n antes del tratamiento.
This was an accident waiting to happen.
Este accidente era previsible".
There is also the emergence of pain
[...] similar to what was felt during an accident involving a serious [...]
contusion or ripping injury.
Tambi�n est�la aparici�n de dolor similar a la
[...] que se siente durante un accidente con contusiones serias [...]
o heridas.
The school director said Soso's accident was "an unfortunate lesson.
La directora
[...] agrega que el accidente que sufri� Soso fue "una dolorosa lecci�n".
They insisted that the accident was an isolated incident; however, the blatant disregard of fundamental safety requirements by both of the subcontractors that were involved suggests that it reflects more [...]
systemic shortcomings.
Ellos insistieron que el accidente fuera una casualidad aislada; sin embargo, el descuido ruidoso de requisitos de seguridad fundamentales por los dos de los subcontratantes que estaban envueltos [...]
sugiere que refleje las limitaciones m�s sist�micas.
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