HOME - Home Glow Design
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Feel AT HOME in your forever house.

You finally have the forever house you wanted … but you just can’t seem to bring it together and create the HOME you always dreamed of.

Whether you’re just

I’m here to help!


Hello! I’m Amy Mitchell, owner of HOME GLOW Design and creator of Home Glow’s Saturday Blog & The HOME GLOW METHOD..

I help time-strapped and style-confused homeowners transform their forever houses into the “Forever Homes” they crave – full of the fresh classic comfort, quality, & style that will stand the test of time.

Let’s make your

Amy Mitchell at design table


I work with lots of different clients with lots of different reasons why they haven’t been able to make their houses into the homes they dream of. But they all want the same thing  – a Forever Home filled with comfort, quality, and character that will stand the test of time.

I’m ready to meet your needs where you are.

You want to LEARN how to become YOUR OWN DESIGNER with our systematic and creative approach to crafting a unique & actionable design plan — how to create a color palette, how to measure a room, floor planning, common dimensions, window & lighting plans, furniture sourcing, oh, everything! — so YOU can create the Forever Home of your dreams!

Whether you live near or far, if you’re happy to be your own project coordinator (but pulling together a comfortable, good quality, and unique space is NOT in your wheelhouse), a Design Master Plan will give you a uniquely crafted room plan according to your style & family’s living habits, with the highest quality decor within your budget … and the confidence you need to get decorating!

You’re busy (sometimes TOO busy) to decorate, or maybe decorating just isn’t your forte!

I’m here to GET IT DONE & handle everything –from the measuring, designing, ordering, shipping, coordinating, and installing of your new space — and give your Forever Home the GLOW you’ve been craving.

let's talk


Not sure where to start or want more details? Schedule a FREE 15-minute intro call with me to discuss your project and your service needs. 


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Home Style Compatibility QUIZ!

Have you tried decorating your home with that all elusive “mix”…

yet nothing seems to work?