David Arquette movie reviews & film summaries | Roger Ebert

David Arquette


Scream (2022)
12 Hour Shift (2020)
Spree (2020)
Mope (2020)
Sold (2016)
Bone Tomahawk (2015)
Scre4m (2011)
Hamlet 2 (2008)
The Grey Zone (2002)
See Spot Run (2001)
Scream 3 (2000)
Ravenous (1999)
Scream 2 (1997)
Johns (1997)
Scream (1996)
Wild Bill (1995)

Blog Posts

Ebert Club

#387 August 18, 2020

Matt writes: Earlier this month, Chaz Ebert invited readers to share about their own “Happy Place,” which can be any form of escape from our current quarantine. In her initial Happy Place column, Chaz asked readers to write about "a movie, TV show, book, play or song; or even a recipe, remembrance, person, dream or life’s experience that takes you to your Happy Place." Responses can be as short as a brief sentence, and we encourage you to email them to editor@ebertdigital.com. You can find the first few submissions Chaz received in her second Happy Place column.

Ebert Club

#122 July 4, 2012

Marie writes: If you're anything like me, you enjoy a good book cover as much as a good story; the best often speaking to inspired graphic design. Indeed, I know I'm not alone in my admiration...Welcome to "The Book Cover Archive" for the appreciation and categorization of excellence in book cover design; edited and maintained by Ben Pieratt and Eric Jacobsen. On their site, you can gaze lovingly at hundreds of covers complete with thumbnails and links and even the name of the type fonts used. Drool....

{click image to enlarge]

Movie Answer Man

Movie Answer Man (03/08/2001)

Q. Everyone is up in arms over "Hannibal" getting an R instead of an NC-17. What about the PG-rated "See Spot Run," the most disgusting excuse for a "family" movie I've ever seen? You've no idea the sensation I got when I took my four- and eight-year-old kids to a movie that tried to get laughs from a man's testicles getting bitten off by a dog, and David Arquette trying to make a Chaplin-type ballet out of falling into doggy-doo. Where are the censors when you really need them? (Steve Bailey, Jacksonville Beach, FL)


Drew finds her way `Home'

It's like, you know, I'm talking with Drew Barrymore and she is like so drowning me in words, and I'm like so getting it, and I'm thinking like, here is a girl who is like still only 23 years old and has been in like 30 movies and already grown beyond the problems that most people her age still soooo don't know how to handle.