Over the past decade, the rallying cries for the Academy Awards to add a new category honoring stunt performers have risen dramatically. Stunt performers occupy an important role in ensuring that film action sequences look as dramatic as possible, giving them incredible insights about what makes a compelling narrative. David Leitch began his career as a stunt performer before stepping into the director’s chair; after doubling for A-list actors like Brad Pitt and Jean-Claude Van Damme, Leitch was given the opportunity to flex his creative muscles and tell stories of his own.

Given his experience, it’s not surprising that Leitch’s films contain terrific stunt sequences, as he often delivers the type of death-defying maneuvers that simply aren’t performed anymore. However, self-awareness is also among Leitch’s attributes, as each of his films contains a healthy amount of cheeky humor. It’s impressive that despite their great action, Leitch’s films manage to develop memorable characters who aren’t only defined by their physical capabilities. Here is every David Leitch movie, ranked by rewatchability.

6 ‘Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs and Shaw’ (2019)

Starring Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham

Hobbs and Shaw pointing at each other and looking angry in the film Hobbs & Shaw
Image via Universal Pictures

The progression of The Fast and the Furious franchise has been quite interesting; although the series began as a series of gritty street racing thrillers, it ballooned into an epic blockbuster franchise that grew increasingly unbelievable with each subsequent installment. While the core series grew less endearing thanks to Vin Disel’s monotone performance, Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs and Shaw succeeds by acknowledging that it’s a B-movie and heightening the absurdity. Leitch gave Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham the opportunity to trade ridiculous one-liners as the titular characters go on an international espionage mission that involves car chase, gun fights, and technology lifted right out of a science fiction movie.

Although the character interactions are mostly fun, Fast and Furious Presents: Hobbs and Shaw is far too long, spending too much time on subplots that aren’t as interesting as the chemistry between Johnson and Statham. Idris Elba’s superpowered bad guy feels a little too over-the-top, and Vanessa Kirby’s turn as Shaw’s sister is given far less screen time than she deserves. Hardcore The Fast and the Furious fans may view it as essential, but for casual cinephiles Fast and Furious Presents: Hobbs and Shaw has less rewatch value.

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw

Release Date
August 2, 2019
David Leitch
137 minutes

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5 ‘Deadpool 2’ (2018)

Starring Ryan Reynolds and Josh Brolin

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool holding up a boom box in Deadpool 2
Image via 20th Century Fox

The first Deadpool film was a defining success for the superhero genre, proving that audiences appreciated snarky humor that poked fun at comic book cliches. Deadpool 2 is much bigger and weirder than its predecessor, as Leitch adds additional mutant characters to the mix. While the original idea of locking Deadpool in combat with reality show hosts may not have made it to the screen, the sequel still features the fun additions of Cable (Josh Brolin), Domino (Zazie Beetz), and Firefist (Julian Dennison). The action is more excessive, with the visceral destruction of Deadpool’s new “X-Force” team standing out among the film’s funniest moments.

It’s packed with even more in-jokes and references than its predecessor (including a very amusing jab at the “save Martha” moment in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice), but Deadpool 2 lacks the heartfelt quality of its predecessor. The relationship between Wade Wilson and Vanessa (Morena Baccarin) is largely secondary, and the attempts at adding a “found family” theme feel a little bit too sincere for such a snarky film. There are standout jokes that rise to a different level, but Deadpool 2 is best enjoyed as a supplement to its predecessor, and not as a standalone achievement.

Deadpool 2

Release Date
May 10, 2018
David Leitch
119 minutes

Watch on Disney+

4 ‘Bullet Train’ (2022)

Starring Brad Pitt and Aaron Taylor-Johnson

Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Brad Pitt in Bullet Train 
Image via Sony Pictures

Leitch clearly has a knack for casting, and Bullet Train features a packed ensemble of great actors playing against type. The propulsive espionage thriller features an uncharacteristically wacky performance from Brad Pitt as the unlucky assassin Ladybug, whose mission to find the son (Logan Lerman) of a powerful Russian gangster (Michael Shannon) is thrown off course upon the arrival of many dangerous criminals. As fun as it is to see Pitt in a subversive role, Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s scenery chewing scene as the hitman Tangerine may be the film’s most memorable character.

Bullet Train shows the creativity Leitch has in directing action, as the film combines hand-to-hand combat with guns, swords, and many other items turned into weapons. The twists and turns make the story quite dense, but Leitch never risks turning the film into a self-serious slog; any moments of gravity are generally undercut by jokes. It’s also a remarkable blockbuster in how standalone it is. Instead of a pointless teaser for a potential sequel, Leitch chooses to simply wrap up the story threads for a satisfying conclusion. The isolated nature has made Bullet Train a film that’s only interested in its own entertainment value, and contributed greatly to its rewatchability.

Bullet Train

Release Date
August 5, 2022
David Leitch
2 hr 6 min

Watch on Netflix

3 ‘Atomic Blonde’ (2017)

Starring Charlize Theron and James McAvoy

An MI6 operative dons a disguise, readying herself for combat with two German police officers.
Image via Focus Features

Although her role as Furiosa in Mad Max Fury Road indicated an interest in doing genre roles, Charlzie Theron proved herself as an action icon in Atomic Blonde. The Cold War-set neo-noir features Theron in the instantly iconic role as Lorraine Broughton, an MI6 agent sent to uncover an international conspiracy within the Soviet Union. Leitch’s fight scenes have rarely been as brutal; an intense brawl on a stairwell where Lorraine squares off with multiple opponents features more than a few bone-crushing blows. The film exercises the freedom of its R-Rating with some truly disturbing death sequences, as well as a sexually adventurous subplot.

He may be best known for action, but Leitch proved himself capable of making a neo-noir thriller with Atomic Blonde. The film uses Lorraine’s mission as a window into a larger international conspiracy that intertwines British, American, and Russian secret agents all vying for a list detailing active operatives. Leitch thankfully ensures that the story never gets too confusing by using non-linear narrative techniques to flesh out every character’s backstory. Thanks to terrific needle drops that include Queen’s “Under Pressure” and New Order’s “Blue Monday,” Atomic Blonde is one of his most slick and stylized works to date. The inventive amalgamation of influences make it fun to watch Atomic Blonde multiple times by looking at it from different perspectives.

Atomic Blonde

Release Date
July 28, 2017
David Leitch
115 Minutes

Rent on Amazon

2 ‘The Fall Guy’ (2023)

Starring Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt

Ryan Gosling holds onto something from the back of a car, flying after it across a busy bridge.
Image via Universal Pictures

There have been more than a few films based on television shows, but The Fall Guy doesn’t require any preexisting knowledge of the original series starring Lee Majors. In what feels like Leitch’s most personal film to date, The Fall Guy is a sincere love letter to stunt artists and the other hardworking professionals who work on film sets. The film’s hero is the charismatic stunt double Colt Seavers (Ryan Gosling), who is tasked with finding the high profile action star Tom Ryder (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) after he mysteriously disappears. The conspiracy gets more complicated as the film continues, but the emphasis is on the hilarious romantic relationship between Colt and the blockbuster director Jodie Moreno (Emily Blunt).

The Fall Guy succeeds thanks to Gosling’s charismatic performance, as he performs astounding feats of physical comedy as Colt is jettisoned between set pieces. The film is more than a treat for action movie buffs, with references to such classics as Die Hard, Dune, The Bourne Identity, and Lethal Weapon among others. Nonetheless, it’s nice to see a Hollywood satire that seems to have a sincere appreciation for craftsmen. Moments where Colt and Jodie discuss the importance of cinema allow Leitch to emphasize why it’s important to support films in the theater. It’s the type of old-fashioned spectacle that is worth seeing multiple times.

The Fall Guy

Release Date
May 3, 2024
David Leitch
114 minutes

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1 ‘John Wick’ (2014)

Starring Keanu Reeves and Willem Dafoe

Keanu Reeves shooting a gun in John Wick
Image via Summit Entertainment 

It can’t be overstated how much John Wick changed the action movie landscape. By combining neo-noir stylistic elements with both American action movie gunplay and Asian hand-to-hand combat, John Wick felt like a love letter to the genre’s vast and impressive history. Leitch worked as an uncredited co-director on the first installment in the series alongside Chad Stahelski; although he did not return for the film’s sequels, his impact can be felt within the film’s brutal nighttime fight scenes. The authenticity of the stunt coordination makes all the difference in a film as brutal as John Wick.

There have been many films since that have tried to replicate the unique style, but John Wick succeeded because of the development of a niche mythology. The world of “The Continental” and its covert assassins allowed Leitch and Stahelski to build a vast world that was large enough to inspire multiple spinoffs. Nevertheless, it’s a film that succeeded first and foremost as a grimy revenge thriller; the earnest performance by Keanu Reeves ensured that viewers had an instantly iconic action hero that they were willing to invest in throughout multiple installments. Leitch’s first work may have been his best, as a decade later John Wick has held up upon multiple viewings.

John Wick

Release Date
October 24, 2014
Chad Stahelski
101 minutes

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