How to Get a Promotion

That’s how David Myles described the F.O.R.M S.I.G.N. method of connecting in a conversation. He said, “If you use it, text me when you get your promotion at work.”

I agree wholeheartedly that this will give you a strategic advantage at work and in relationships.

Here's why: Lois and I have lots of conversations with lots of people outside of church, and the vast majority (90%?) never ask us even one question to get to know us. It’s a one-way street almost every single time. So people who ask questions will get noticed.

What a strategic advantage for kids and students!

When someone asks me questions to get to know me, I always notice and am impressed by that person.

To get this method, go to the QR code below. You give David feedback on his sermon, and you get a bonus—not only the FORM SIGN explained but a series of questions under each letter.

Snippet: "Own the libs."

Snip·pet | ˈsnipit | noun a small piece or brief extract.

This snippet is Nancy French toward the end of an interview by Skye Jethani on The Holy Post Podcast. She recently published a memoir called Ghosted: An American Story. She has been a ghostwriter for many Christian and political authors.

“The reason I keep butting my head up against all these Christian institutions over and over and over is that no one can admit that they do stuff wrong, you know? And so I wanted to sort of model this because I did so much wrong, especially in my ghostwriting life, you know, in terms of owning the libs and making people drink liberal tears and all that. Like that was what I did. And so I sort of wanted to lead with that. But also, I mean, it's not like otherwise, I'm this amazing, virtuous person, you know, it's just like, I'm just a person. I trust God. It looks weird. Sometimes it looks clumsy. Sometimes I make huge mistakes. But man, how much fun is it that we serve a God who is so much better and bigger and more generous and you know…our pettiness…is no match for his generosity of spirit….”

Earlier in the interview she explains how she would apply dishonest tactics to “own the libs.”

I talk about some of those kinds of tactics this weekend in the sermon.

I also talk about the inability of too many people to admit the flaws on their side of the political aisle. And how, when we do that, it makes us look like rubes.

This isn’t a one-sided thing. Every side of the political spectrum does this. I’ve done it.

Rhetoric is powerful, and it can be and often is misused.

Photo by Conor Samuel on Unsplash