1.03 Won’t Get Fooled Again

Season: 1 Episode # 3 Original Air Date: October 5, 2005

Won't Get Fooled Again

When three bombs explode in the same residential area, killing two and seriously wounding one, the BAU must track down the bomber. But the design of the bomb reveals that they may be dealing with someone they've encountered before — someone who was responsible for the incident that caused Gideon's breakdown and subsequent leave.
Set in:
Palm Beach, FL
Best Moments Between Characters:
  • Garcia puts together the final piece of a fragmented bomb — revealing to Morgan whose plans the bomb had been made by.
Best Lines:
  • Hotch: "I spent a good chunk of my childhood looking for a 1944 penny worth thousands."
    (Elle looks at him strangely.)
    Hotch: "Yes, I was a little bit of a nerd. Is that so surprising?"
    Elle: "Not to me."

  • Garcia: "If there was another piece like this.." (She picks up a pencil)
    Morgan: "No, I tried that. It doesn't fit."
    Garcia: "It could have been part of a longer rod that fit through the top and went all the way through." (She pokes the pencil into a crack in the bomb sample; Morgan looks at it and then looks at Garcia)
    Garcia: "Tetris."

  • Gideon: (as Bale is being led back to his cell) "Despite the fact that you lied to us and your deal is void, I made sure to tell all your friends here how extremely willing you were to give up information on your fellow inmates. You're a rare bird, Adrian. I can't tell you how much pleasure I get just knowing I put you in this tiny cage. You might even call it an emotional release."
The turning point in the investigation:
An antique salesman, David Walker, who had consulted with one of the victims on the subject of some antique coins she owned, is discovered to have an account on a bombing site — the same site Adrian Bale, the bomber who sent Gideon into "a post-traumatic tailspin," visits illegally from prison.
David Walker. A woman discovered he had sold fraudulent coins to her, and was about to report him — thus revealing the hundreds of frauds he'd sold before. He planted a bomb to silence her, and then the others to cover his tracks. He copied the plans for the bombs from Adrian Bale. In the end he strapped a bomb to an innocent man who walked into the police station. Gideon made a deal with Adrian to help them diffuse the bomb but the deal was null and void when Gideon called his bluff and Adrian had lied and once again, attempted to kill numerous FBI agents, himself and innocent people and police officers.
Counterfeiter, forger, and convicted murderer, Mark Hoffman, was the basis for the episode.

Promotional Images / Screencaps
1x03 Won't Get Fooled Again 1x03 Won't Get Fooled Again
1x03 Won't Get Fooled Again