The Night Chancers | Baxter Dury more from
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The Night Chancers

by Baxter Dury

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lazareissoaked thumbnail
lazareissoaked Baxter is going electro and it's banging. Favorite track: Carla's Got A Boyfriend.
chahula thumbnail
chahula The lyrics are endlessly entertaining and the music paired with Baxter's delivery is perfect. They're all really good tracks Favorite track: Carla's Got A Boyfriend.
Darknight thumbnail
Darknight Baxter Dury is the audio poet of pure rebellion, the lyrics are like jewels in the Crown and The Night Chancers happens to be a radical album of diversity. Only thing that matters is I really like it. Favorite track: Sleep People.
Kniteivest thumbnail
Kniteivest Such a great album. Baxters laid back style, his amazing lyrics flowing through gorgeous strings, bass lines and harmonies. Favorite track: I'm Not Your Dog.
dfectiveDtective thumbnail
dfectiveDtective Rarely has an album ever been so evocative of a smell for me. The Night Chancers fills my nostrils with that mingled mélange of exhaust, cigarette smoke, street shit, and a dash of crisp night air shaken with a heavy heart and strained sleepless through 4am drowse. Favorite track: Daylight.
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Slumlord 03:24
Saliva Hog 03:03
Samurai 03:20
Sleep People 02:55
Daylight 02:42
Say Nothing 02:45


From thrilling affairs that dissolve into sweaty desperation (Night Chancers) to the absurd bloggers, fruitlessly clinging to the fag ends of the fashion set (Sleep People), via soiled real life (Slum Lord) social media – enabled stalkers (I’m not Your Dog) and new day, sleep – deprived optimism (Daylight), the record’s finely drawn vignettes, are all based on the corners of world Dury has visited.

Baxter says “Night Chancers is about being caught out in your attempt at being free”, it’s about someone leaving a hotel room at three in the morning. You’re in a posh room with big Roman taps and all that, but after they go suddenly all you can hear is the taps dripping, and all you can see the debris of the night is around you. Then suddenly a massive party erupts, in the room next door. This happened to me and all I Could hear was the night chancer, the hotel ravers”.


released March 20, 2020


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Baxter Dury London, UK

We’ve had two decades of Baxter Dury’s louche sardonic music, twenty years – twenty years! – of late-night London snapshots, shuffling basslines, comedown disco tunes, all run through with seedy bleakness and a sweet love for humanity.

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