Friedrich Wieck - Schumann-Portal

Friedrich Wieck (1785 - 1873), father in law

Friedrich Wieck at the age of 45

Friedrich Wieck (1785 – 1873) at the age of 45
Painting, unknown
Robert-Schumann-Haus Zwickau

The picture shows the father of Clara in the year, when he met with Robert Schumann for the first time. In August 1828, Robert took first piano lessons with the famous piano educator from Leipzig, who gave proof of his excellent talent, in particular with his child genius Clara. At that time, Friedrich Wieck ran also a business in music supplies in Leipzig and traded with pianos. Later, he fought with all conceivable means against the marriage of his daughter with Robert Schumann.

About the relationship between Friedrich Wieck and Robert Schumann, regarding the “fight for Clara”, that was also proceeded in court, see cf. the (controversially discussed) dissertation by Friederike Preiss.

[ Der Prozeß ]

[Translated by Katharina Ma]

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