Happiness Becomes You: A Guide to Changing Your Life for Good by Tina Turner | Goodreads
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Happiness Becomes You: A Guide to Changing Your Life for Good

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I dedicate this book to you… in honor of your unseen efforts to triumph over each problem life sends your way.

Tina Turner, one of the world’s most beloved performers, reveals the joyful wisdom behind her inspirational life story in this powerful guide to finding happiness, hope, and love in your own life. In Happiness Becomes You: A Guide to Changing Your Life for Good, Tina shows how all of us can overcome life’s obstacles—even change the impossible to possible—and transform our lives. She explains how we, too, can realize our dreams, empowering us with spiritual tools and sage advice to enrich our unique paths.

For decades, Tina Turner has shined brightly as an example of someone who can generate hope from nothing, break through all limitations, and achieve success that endures. Drawing on the lessons of her own experiences—rising out of sorrowful lows to stratospheric heights—Tina illuminates the practical principles of Buddhism and how, since 1973, they’ve helped her elevate from despair, adversity, and poverty to joy, stability, and prosperity.

Now, Tina offers the wisdom gained throughout her extraordinary life in Happiness Becomes You, making this the perfect gift of inspiration for you and those you love.

“Each of us is born, I believe, with a unique mission, a purpose in life that only we can fulfill. We are linked by a shared responsibility: to help our human family grow kinder and happier.” — from the Introduction

240 pages, Hardcover

First published December 1, 2020

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About the author

Tina Turner

4 books319 followers
Tina Turner, one of the world’s most beloved performers, reveals the joyful wisdom behind her inspirational life story in her powerful new book about finding happiness, hope and love in your own life, "Happiness Becomes You: A Guide to Changing Your Life for Good."

A legendary singer, Tina has sold more concert tickets than any other solo artist in history. After her early hit songs including “Proud Mary,” her well-publicized hardships forced her to disappear from the music scene. She rebuilt her life by tapping into her spiritual strength and rose up to recreate her career with a string of megahits including her multi-platinum album "Private Dancer." During her 50th Anniversary Tour in 2009 she performed for more than a million fans.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 342 reviews
Profile Image for Hailey.
1 review1 follower
October 11, 2021
Tina Turner is the queen of hope, the queen of inspiration, as well as the queen of rock n roll. This book is uplifting and emotional, deeply personal, and a pure joy to read. I've already been incorporating Tina's wisdom into my daily life and I'm happier for it. I'll be referring to her words over and over for motivation and clarity. Love the great and rare photos of Tina in it too. This book is a treasure!
December 2, 2020
This book is already life-changing, I can feel it. I was thinking I'd just start reading it when I received it in the mail yesterday and then finish later, but I literally couldn't put it down! I'm going to re-read it many times, I am certain. There is so much amazingly good, deep yet easily understandable material here about how to improve life, to see things more clearly, to be happier. It's really a masterpiece of inspiration.
Profile Image for CJ.
1 review
December 1, 2020
Love everything about this book. One of the best books of wisdom and inspiration I've ever read. Tina's life is incredibly motivational and the way she describes the personal details of her inner-most thoughts and how she changed and overcame so many challenges... it's just amazingly inspirational! All love for this book and have already purchased more copies to give away for the holidays for my loved ones.
Profile Image for Diane Law.
474 reviews6 followers
December 2, 2020
I love Tina Turner - her strength and her energy.
This book is her own account of how embracing Buddhism helped her to meet the many challenges she has faced in her life and turn 'poison to medicine '.
Profile Image for Misti M..
5 reviews1 follower
January 4, 2021
This beautifully crafted book is like a hero's "origin story" of Tina Turner. It has already changed my life for the better. Tina opens up her heart so beautifully and shares things she's never talked about publicly before. She also explains parts of her well-known life story in a new light, from the perspective of her inner, private world. It's brilliantly written, weaving scenes from Tina's life with profound yet easy to grasp concepts that could help anyone live a happier life. Love the color page accents and photos too.
Profile Image for Sophie.
1 review
December 6, 2020
Fantastically inspiring memoir from the queen of rock, who is really the queen of heart. Every single page is a punch of positivity! Tina gets deeply personal in this book, and really opens up about how she got through the worst of times and also how she stays grounded in the best of times. I've got so many pages dogeared and so many places highlighted. This book is overflowing with goodness.
Profile Image for S.J. Smith.
1 review
December 30, 2020
I've read all of Tina's books and this one, Happiness Becomes You, is by far my favorite. She reveals so many fascinating things about her process of overcoming obstacles and transforming negativity into positivity. As I read each page I felt like she's giving the world such important information! I've underlined and highlighted so many parts of my book, I'm sure I'll be going back to refer to the wisdom in this book for years to come. I also enjoy the photos of Tina, most of which I've never seen before, especially the ones in her home.
Profile Image for Wendy Uchimura.
41 reviews1 follower
January 12, 2021
I never thought I'd find myself writing this, but it's 2020 and I've been spiritually enlightened by Tina Turner. You can feel her energy throughout and I didn't feel a strong push to any one religion. It's very much Tina and her life journey, and it made me really happy to read how she's found the strength to remain positive whatever happens and use that to bring happiness to everyone around her and beyond.
Profile Image for Serg Jovanski.
1 review2 followers
January 4, 2021
Great book to start the New Year! Pearls of wisdom from the queen of hope herself. No one can encourage you the way Tina does, and this book is the her at her best. Pure light and love on every page. Been re-reading it and finding even greater meaning in it the second time around. Thank you Tina!
Profile Image for Ruth Holla.
2 reviews
December 30, 2020
Excellent book in all ways. I rarely use terms like "life-changing" but I would definitely say this book contains life-changing wisdom. I believe it could even help the most pessimistic and jaded person feel optimistic and happier, that's the power of Tina Turner's life. The way she weaves philosophical material with her personal, intimate stories is really wonderful.
Profile Image for Jake Goodman.
1 review
January 4, 2021
Love everything about this book, from Tina's personal stories as a child all the way to present day (can't believe she's 81!!) and from the beautiful layout and interior color, photo section, and even the glossary and back matter are amazing. This book helps me feel hopeful and more positive.
Profile Image for James Buckley.
10 reviews
January 1, 2021
Tina Turner, Bodhisattva

Tina Turner is a true warrior of worldwide renown whose experience of overcoming abuse to become one of humanity's most famous solo performers is well known and documented, but not everyone knows about her deeply personal spiritual journey. In this book, Tina gives us an intimate glimpse into the practices that have grounded her for nearly half a century, helped her turn poison to medicine, and guided her toward becoming her truest and best self.
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,668 reviews3,277 followers
August 12, 2021
5 Plus -Simply The Best Stars-HBOMAX Documentary
* * * * * Plus, hahahahahahahaha
Ms. Tina Turner IS SIMPLY THE BEST. Unfortunately, I never got to see her live but oh how I rocked out to her music and adored her. This is one of the best documentaries I have recently seen and what makes it so special is all of the people who were there in the moment with her, speak. The actual footage of the times, the past interviews, and the glorious woman herself.

If you love music, love finding out all the little bits that aren't out in the mainstream, and can appreciate how hard life can be, having to reinvent yourself over and over again, then PLEASE, do yourself a favor and see this film.

March 29, 2021-In My Happy Place Watching the Documentary, Tina on HBOMAX!!!!
March 18, 2021
I just found out, late I know, that there will be a new Tina Turner documentary out March 27th!!!
Tina Turner has been an inspiration throughout my life. I have measured so many against what she has accomplished, right or wrong. The woman is SIMPLY THE BEST. PERIOD.
I cannot wait to see this, here is the trailer for the release on HBOMAX:

This amazing human being has written these books:
Happiness Becomes You A Guide to Changing Your Life for Good by Tina TurnerHappiness Becomes You: A Guide to Changing Your Life for Good
My Love Story by Tina Turner My Love Story
I, Tina by Tina Turner I, Tina

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1 review
December 7, 2020
I've been a Tina fan for as long as I can remember. This book is "Simply The Best", I LOVE THIS BOOK. Tina provides a thoughtful, detailed, and inspiring guide for life. She tells how she learned these life lessons and viewpoints throughout her life, how it helped her get through her struggles, and then translates how anyone can apply these same principles to our own lives. Very well organized, clearly written, complete with selected quotes and pictures. The book is easy to read, is personally sized, and is perfect for anyone who wants some tips and fresh viewpoints how they can improve their own lives. Everyone from every walk of life, young or old, with any beliefs or religion, can enjoy this book. I'm going to buy a few more copies and give to some friends/family for a holiday gift. One of the best books I've read in a long time. I love this book!!
February 21, 2021
An exceptionally positive, hopeful, inspiring book that uplifts your spirit. Tina Turner is one of the most encouraging people on Earth, and this book is like having a warm conversation with her in which she shares her valuable insights on living a joyful life and never giving up no matter what.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
987 reviews
May 30, 2021
I enjoyed listening to HAPPINESS BECOMES YOU: A Guide To Changing Your Life For Good written by Tina Turner and expertly read by Adrienne Warren.
Did you know that Tina Turner was given that name by her first husband? Her parents named her Anna May and against her wishes, Ike changed her name to Tina Turner.
In this memoir she tells her life story and challenges she has overcome during her eight decades on planet earth.
There are lots of life affirming quotes.
As Tina Turner shares the story of her spiritual journey, we are introduced to chanting and Buddhism.
She leaves these parting words, "Please never give up!"
3 stars
Profile Image for Sharon.
224 reviews
December 25, 2020
Beautifully written book offering positivity, hope and inspiration.
Profile Image for Marsha Carol Watson Gandy.
31 reviews1 follower
November 25, 2020
I just Love TINA. Tina brings to the world her life experiences, and how they in reality impact each of us. She---like multitudes of millions of women---have Enjoyed the BEST OF TIMES---and she has had the COURAGE AND THE STRENGTH TO ENDURE IN THE WORST OF TIMES. It is called LIFE. YOU DON'T GET TO PICK YOUR PARENTS---YOU DO GET TO PICK YOUR HUSBAND(s) YOUR CHILDREN MAY SOMETIMES DISAPPOINT YOU---and it adds up to LIVING IN THE REAL WORLD AND SURVIVING, WHILE SEARCHING FOR THE ANSWERS TO GET IT RIGHT!


Marsha Carol Watson Gandy
Profile Image for 🌶 peppersocks 🧦.
1,287 reviews20 followers
December 27, 2020
Reflections and lessons learned:
“Changing the scenery doesn’t mean changing the script...”

Everything is relative of course, but this is a person that it’s hard not to listen to after the life she’s lead, and battles that have been overcome - awe inspiring in so many ways. Interesting to hear an influential take on Buddhism too and the positivity found in chanting. I’m not someone that would listen to her music weekly necessarily, but what a powerhouse that is able to talk about healing and forgiveness in the face of adversity on a world stage. Rolling on a mighty river forward, turning poison into medicine - truly inspirational and perfectly timed release for help and guidance
March 10, 2021
Happiness Becomes You is full of Tina Turner's insight into her journey with Buddhism and meditation, as well as obstacles she's overcome in her life by finding something positive to focus on. She isn't "preachy", instead cheering readers on to find that one thing that drives us each individually to strive to be our best selves.
Her story and her positivity is incredible, she seems to down to earth and I can understand why she continues to be such a beloved musician/public figure after more than five decades in the public eye!

For more reviews, visit www.rootsandreads.wordpress.com
Profile Image for Mike Mann.
39 reviews14 followers
January 8, 2021
5 stars = Everyone who reads/listens to this will benefit.

Honest and open account of her spiritual life and Buddhist practice. It is full of love and compassion and encouragement for everyone.

As Tina writes in her closing: “Please never give up! Keep on making the impossible possible, turning poison into medicine so you may become truly happy, because happiness becomes you forever.”
Profile Image for Sara.
4 reviews
February 22, 2021
There are books that come along at the right time in your life, right when you need them. This is one of those books.
14 reviews
February 3, 2021
A wonderful book!

I felt like I was sitting down with an old friend drinking tea and having good conversation. A very relaxing informative read. Yes, I can say Im actually happier for having read it! I love her style of story telling. Very comforting. Im glad Tina survived her ordeals and came out the other end a better, happier person. Natalie Cole says "Sometimes you gotta go through the bad to get to the good" Truer words haven't been spoken.
Profile Image for Chris Childress.
12 reviews
March 15, 2021
What an inspirational and awe inspiring human being ! This read was enlightening, enjoyable and a cant put down read . A true testament to such an inspirational woman !
Profile Image for Leandra Askew.
62 reviews10 followers
December 29, 2020
I gave this 3 stars because it was Tina. Otherwise it might be a 2. I didn’t find it especially authentic or revealing. Anecdotes on her life as many already knew it if you read her autobiography and quotes from other great minds. A few things about the impact of chanting and Buddhism on her life but none of the concepts were particularly earth shattering. A lot of what I’ve heard in snippets here and there.
Profile Image for Robyn Obermeyer.
490 reviews47 followers
February 14, 2021
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, I didn't know what this meant until reading Tinas book. I am suddenly 60 years old and grasping for meaning to life and death and everything in between. Go Tina, thanks for writing this book, I have always dug your'e music and life experiences!Once I found the you tube videos of you're chanting it is giving me a little comfort. nut bush City Limits all the way to Switzerland what a beautiful woman!
March 13, 2021
This book blew my mind. Profound wisdom on every page yet still so easily and gracefully explained. It's really a masterful, elegant journey through Tina Turner's heart and mind. It shows how, in practical ways, she changed her inner world and then by changing herself she changed her circumstances. My life and daily feelings of happiness are already greatly improved by this book.
Profile Image for Trish Miller.
1 review
February 20, 2021
One of the most inspiring and enlightening books I've ever read, by a most wonderful example of what it means to be a good person - Tina Turner. The book details, the design, and Tina's favorite quotes from great women and African American figures throughout the book are also wonderful.
Profile Image for Wedma.
406 reviews8 followers
November 4, 2020
Ein sehr schönes, weises, kluges Buch, so lebensbejahend, aufbauend von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite. Eine prima passende Lektüre für trübe Novembertage.
Tina Turner kannte ich bisher als eine stimmgewaltige Rocksängerin. Umso mehr gespannt war ich auf ihr Buch, das „Mein spiritueller Weg“ als Untertitel trägt. Und ja, ich bin beeindruckt.
Hier findet man viele Dinge, die man für sich mitnehmen kann, unabhängig davon, ob man ein Einsteiger oder Fortgeschrittener auf dem Gebiet der Spiritualität ist.
Bitte richtig verstehen, es wurde auch gleich zu Anfang gesagt: Spiritualität ist an keine Religion gebunden. Man muss kein Buddhist sein, um von den Inhalten dieses Buches zu profitieren.
Acht Kapitel gibt es insg. Jedes hat sein Highlight. Tina Turner erzählt u.a. ihr Leben, hier und da manche Ereignisse aus ihrer Vergangenheit eingestreut, um ihre Kernaussagen zu verdeutlichen.
Die Texte sind leicht und verständlich. Sie vermitteln sehr zugänglich die grundlegendsten Dinge wie zehn Welten des Buddhismus, samt positiven und negativen Ausprägungen, den bekannten Chant, von dem hier viel die Rede ist, und wie das Chanten Tina Turner aus den schweren Lebenssituationen geholfen hatte. Es geht auch um den dauerhaften Zustand der Zufriedenheit, und wie man ihn erreichen kann. Tiefe Einsichten, über die es nachzusinnen lohnt. Auch wenn nicht alles neu erscheinen mag, kann sein, dass gerade diese Geschichten die Augen öffnen und den Zugang zur aktiven Arbeit an sich und zur Besserung der Lebenssituation im Endeffekt verschaffen.
Man profitiert vom Buch noch mehr, wenn man sich die Videos (auf der bekannten Plattform) anschaut. Dann kann man sich das Geschriebene und die Menschen, die hier erwähnt wurden und mitgewirkt haben, besser vorstellen. Die Videos sind toll gemacht, großartig gesungen. Gut möglich, dass man dann aus dem „Wow!“ nicht mehr herauskommt. Das Friedenslied mit den Kindern hat es mir besonders angetan. Wenn man all das gehört hat, versteht man das Kap. 7 „Singen trägt dich über alles hinaus“ besser. Auch das gesamte Buch öffnet sich einem dann noch ganz anders.
Die Zitate von Maya Angelou, Indira Ghandi, Louise Hay uvm., die alle paar Seiten auftauchen, unterstreichen das Gesagte. Schöne Sprüche, über die sich jedes Zitatenheft freuen wird.
In jedem Kapitel findet man etwas Gutes, Weises, Kennenlernens- bzw. lesenswertes. Im letzten Kapitel liest man zum Thema, wie man die eigene Vergangenheit ändern kann. Sehr schön erklärt. Viel Wahres dabei. Auch bei anderen Themen. Die letzte Seite ist auch sehr schön.
Im Anschluss folgt das Nachwort, das noch mehr über Tina Turner und ihren spirituellen Weg erzählt, wie die Menschen um sie herum davon profitieren konnten.
Einige Fotos findet man in der Mitte. Manche sind s/w, die jüngere Tina und ihre Söhne zeigen. Sie bereichern die Ausführungen und runden das Portrait Tinas ab.
Die hochwertige Ausstattung, handliches Format machen dieses Buch zu einem schönen, wertvollen Mitbringsel/ Geschenk, das in jede Handtasche passt und immer mit dabei sein kann.

Fazit: Ein sehr schönes, weises, kluges Buch, das die Möglichkeit bietet, dieser starken Frau zu begegnen, von ihrem Weg zu lernen, von ihren Gedanken, Einsichten, Gesängen zu profitieren uvm. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass dieses Buch noch viele begeisterte Leser findet.
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