Whatever Happened to Toni Hudson? – TVovermind

Whatever Happened to Toni Hudson?

Whatever Happened to Toni Hudson?

During the 80s and 90s, Toni Hudon was well-known for her work as an actress. She appeared in several movies and TV shows including the 1985 movie, Just One of the Guys. At one point, it seemed like she was next in line to become one of Hollywood’s brightest stars, but things never ended up panning out that way. In 2002, Toni decided to take a break from acting. However, she never made it entirely clear why she decided to leave her career behind. Since then, she has all but disappeared. Lots of people wondered what ever became of her and her fans are curious about whether they’ll ever seen her again. Although she hasn’t been in the spotlight as much, Toni has still been doing her thing. Keep reading to find out what Toni Hudson has been up to.

1. She’s Been Married Three Times

Toni has always been a relative private person. Even before leaving the spotlight, she wasn’t the type of celebrity who shared much of her personal information with the public. However, we do know that she hasn’t had the best luck when it comes to finding a lasting relationship.  She has been married and divorced three times between 1977 and 2011. She has three children, Walker Mintz and Roland and George Benedict.

There’s a very good chance that becoming a mother is what led her to take a break from her career in acting. Although it’s possible to have a successful career and raise a family, trying to balance both can mean having to spend a lot of time away from home.

2. She Wrote A Book

In addition to being an actress, Toni is also a published author. She has actually been writing for decades. She published her first book, Racquetball for Women, when she was just 19-years-old. Since she spent decades focusing on acting, writing fell to the back burner. However, it’s something that she’s chosen to revisit over the last couple of years. In 2020, she also released a book called How I Found Myself with (Kerekt Living). When discussing her latest book, she said, “I hope that the book will empower you and give you the courage go all the way to a healthy (Ke-rekt) Living lifestyle. I made my book available online, in conjunction with the website of resources, to give access to the information and resources for healthier choices without having to search all over the internet to do so!”

3. She Launched Her Own Website

After temporarily leaving acting behind, Toni started a website called www.kerektliving.com. The website focused on educating visitors on how to live a healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthy diet. Unfortunately, though, the website is no longer active. However, she does have an Instagram account for Kerekt Living and also refers to herself as a Kerekt Living coach.

Toni is definitely a firm believer in the phrase “health is wealth”. Eating a healthy diet and staying fit are two things that are very important to her. Healthy meals have a bad reputation for being boring and tasteless, but Toni is here to prove that they aren’t. On her Kerekt Living Instagram page, she often shares healthy meals

4. She Became A Choreographer

Toni Hudson is all about self expression. While writing and acting are two of the primary ways she expresses herself, she has also taken up dancing. According to her Instagram bio, choreography is one of her many skills. However, it’s hard to tell if this is something she does on a professional level or as only a hobby. In addition to dancing, she also likes to sing and her performed on Dancing with the Stars.

5. She’s Raising An Actor

The apple definitely didn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to Toni’s children. Her youngest son, Walker Mintz, also shares her passion for acting. He has been working as an actor for the last five years, and he’s already built up a pretty impressive resume. He’s made several TV and film appearances including an episode of American Horror Story. While she may be focusing most of her attention on helping her son with his acting career, it’s important to note that she hasn’t completely abandoned her own. Toni has actually made several on screen appearances over the last few years, and she also has some things in the works for the rest of 2020 and the following year.

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