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A Comprehensive Study by BentoML on Benchmarking LLM Inference Backends: Performance Analysis of vLLM, LMDeploy, MLC-LLM, TensorRT-LLM, and TGI

In large language models (LLMs), choosing the right inference backend for serving LLMs is important. The performance and efficiency of these backends directly impact...

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Generative AI

In the quickly changing field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), the possibilities of human-computer interaction are being reshaped by the introduction of advanced conversational Question-Answering (QA) models. Recently, Nvidia has published a competitive Llama3-70b QA/RAG fine-tune....

Buffer of Thoughts (BoT): A Novel Thought-Augmented Reasoning AI Approach for Enhancing Accuracy, Efficiency, and Robustness of LLMs

The remarkable performance in different reasoning tasks has been demonstrated by several Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, PaLM, and LLaMA. To further increase the functionality and performance of LLMs, there are more effective prompting...

What is Dataset Distillation Learning? A Comprehensive Overview

Dataset distillation is an innovative approach that addresses the challenges posed by the ever-growing size of datasets in machine learning. This technique focuses on creating a compact, synthetic dataset that encapsulates the essential information of a...



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LLMWare.ai Selected for 2024 GitHub Accelerator: Enabling the Next Wave of Innovation in Enterprise...

It’s exciting to note that LLMWare.ai has been selected as one of the 11 outstanding open-source AI projects shaping the future of open source...

Empowering Developers and Non-Coders Alike to Build Interactive Web Applications Effortlessly

For those just starting out with Python programming, the vast number of available libraries can seem staggering. It appears that there's a Python framework...

Rightsify’s GCX: Your Go-To Source for High-Quality, Ethically Sourced, Copyright-Cleared AI Music Training Datasets...

Rightsify's Global Copyright Exchange (GCX) offers vast collections of copyright-cleared music datasets tailored for machine learning and generative AI music initiatives.  These datasets encompass...

Meet Multilogin: The Anti-Detect Browser for Web Scraping and Multi-Accounting

Facing constant frustration with slow and error-prone manual processes, many users struggle to bypass platform detections, especially when security concerns loom large over profile...

Bringing the End-User into the AI Picture

There is a ton of information these days on every single phase involved in building AI algorithms, and this is great! This covers loading/preparing data,...

Meet CopilotKit: An Open-Source Copilot Platform for Seamless AI Integration in Any Application

What is CopilotKit? CopilotKit is an open-source framework designed to facilitate the integration of AI into applications. With 4.4k+💫Git Stars, it has received great appreciation...

How Visual AI Can Assist Businesses In Efficiently Managing Large Volumes Of Images

Content is king. We all know that, right? Well, in today’s world, visual content has become king, with images and videos serving as not...

Taipy or How to Remove Major Hurdles with Your AI/Data Projects

Over the years, I have been involved in implementing many “smart software” projects that demonstrated high benefits to major organizations. At the heart of...

Taipy vs Streamlit: Navigating the Best Path to Build Python Data & AI Web...

Taipy is an innovative open-source tool designed to streamline the creation, management, and execution of data-driven pipelines with minimal coding effort. With an astounding...

LLMWare Launches SLIMs: Small Specialized Function-Calling Models for Multi-Step Automation

As enterprises look to deploy LLMs in more complex production use cases beyond simple knowledge assistants, there is a growing recognition of three interconnected...

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