Ayumi Shinoda: biography, stats, pictures, and videos

Ayumi Shinoda

Ayumi Shinoda
Name Ayumi Shinoda
Born November 16, 1985 in Japan
Height 157 cm
Weight 49 kg
Films >22+
Active since 2014

About Ayumi Shinoda

Ayumi Shinoda is one of the best Japanese porn stars which mature Japanese women aficionados will adore. Ayumi Shinoda, 37, is fully employed, just like her F bra cup! However, she was only active in the X scene for two years.

She is excellent as a domina, hot stepmom, adulterous housewife, or youthful sex-obsessed instructor. With her extremely attractive costumes and natural ability to make her companions sexy, this Japanese pornstar understood exactly how to mark the spirits!

Pictures of Ayumi Shinoda

Videos of Ayumi Shinoda

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