According to Mrs. Hoyle (movie, 1951)
Movie «According to Mrs. Hoyle» (1951)

    Movie's ratings

    « When she turns on her CHARM…hard guys weaken and dames go soft! (original poster)»
    Runtime 1 hour
    Premiere: World October 29, 1951
    Premiere: USA May 20, 1951
    Production Companies Monogram Pictures


    Mrs. Hoyle, a retired school teacher, resides in a hotel bought by Morganti, a gangster, who evicts most of the tenants but allows Mrs. Hoyle and Angela Brown, a dance-hall girl to remain. Mrs. Hoyle’s influence for good is felt quickly by Morganti and all of his henchmen with the exception of Rogan. Ther latter, despite Morganti’s orders to go straight robs a market with his accomplice Slatterty. Mrs. Hoyle is arrested when the robbery money and jewels are found in her apartment.

    Сast and Crew

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