Tempo in Music | Definition, Markings & Speed - Lesson | Study.com
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Tempo in Music | Definition, Markings & Speed

Samuel Tuschman, Liz Diamond-Manlusoc
  • Author
    Samuel Tuschman

    Samuel has two years of experience as an SAT tutor. He has a degree in English from Florida Gulf Coast University and is currently in the MFA program for creative writing at Eastern Oregon University.

  • Instructor
    Liz Diamond-Manlusoc

    Liz has taught music for K-12 and beyond. She holds a master's degree in Education Media and Design Technology.

Learn about tempo in music. Discover how tempo markings are used. Explore definitions of moderato, allegretto, and other common tempos. Learn how to remember tempos. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What is tempo in music?

Tempo is the speed of a given piece or section of music. Tempo is usually measured in beats per minute or BPM.

What are the different tempos in music?

Listed from slowest to fastest, some of the different tempos in music include grave, lento, largo, adagio, adante, moderato, allegretto, allegro, vivace, presto, prestissimo.

Allegro is among the most common, ranging from 105 to 132 BPM.

Tempo in music is defined as the speed of a given section or piece of music. Tempo is most commonly measured by the beats per minute (BPM), which means simply the number of beats that are recorded in a minute at that particular tempo.

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  • 0:05 Tempo and Beats per Minute
  • 1:12 Tempo Markings - Speed
  • 4:37 Tempo Markings - Character
  • 5:01 Tempo as a Title and…
  • 6:20 Tempo and Expression
  • 7:21 Lesson Summary

The preferred tempo for a given piece or section of music, as is often specified by the composer, is communicated to the reader or performer of sheet music in the form of specialized words (often Italian) that are known as tempo markings. On a piece of sheet music, the tempo marking is located above the first bar and is sometimes accompanied by the exact BPM that the composer envisions.


Tempo markings are specific words that convey ranges of BPM. The range of BPM for one tempo marking may overlap with the BPM range of another tempo marking. Listed in order from slowest to fastest, the following are the most prominent tempo markings:

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Sometimes, tempo is alluded to in the very title of a piece, rendering tempo markings unnecessary. Titles of pieces typically allude to tempos by referring to a particular kind of music wherein a certain range of tempos predominates. If a musical piece were to include "boss nova" in the title, this would indicate to the performing musicians that a relaxed tempo, which is nearly universal in boss nova music, is expected.

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As it is important for musicians who are collaborating or playing together to play at the same tempo (assuming that is the intention), musicians need to memorize the common tempo markings. This is much more easily done when employing mnemonic devices. For example, "Gracious Llamas Love Autumn Apples, Mostly After A Vivacious Picking Party" represents grave, lento, largo, adagio, andante, moderato, allegretto, allegro, vivace, presto, and prestissimo, which are conveniently ordered from slowest to fastest.

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Tempo is the speed of a given piece of music. It is most commonly measured by the number of beats that occur in a minute known as beats per minute (BPM). Some of the more popular tempos include (from slowest to fastest) grave, lento, largo, adagio, andante, moderato, allegretto, allegro, vivace, presto, prestissimo. Allegro is one of the most common, which partially owes to its wider range of 105 to 132 BPM, and is known to cause excitement in listeners. Largo reflects one of the slowest tempos with a pace of 40 to 50 BPM. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony has a first movement that is labeled "allegro ma non troppo," meaning "fast, but not too much."

Other tempos include Meno mosso and piu mosso, which means "less quickly" and "more quickly," respectively, tranquillamente (tranquil), meaning the piece or section should be played tranquillity, and rubato means to "play expressively." When using rubato, the player may choose to flex, extend, or contract certain beats for emphasis or may choose to disregard the beat altogether. Rubato playing is common in Baroque styles of music.

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Video Transcript

Tempo and Beats per Minute

Imagine you are walking your dog. You are walking at a slow, steady pace, enjoying the sunshine. Then, suddenly, your dog begins chasing a squirrel and pulls you along at breakneck speed; your heart is racing, and your legs are scrambling so fast they feel as if they're barely touching the ground. In this, your dog has just taught you the concept of tempo.

Tempo can be defined as the pace or speed at which a section of music is played. Tempos, or tempi, help the composer to convey a feeling of either intensity or relaxation. We can think of the tempo as the speedometer of the music. Typically, the speed of the music is measured in beats per minute, or BPM. For example, if you listen to the second hand on a clock, you will hear 60 ticks - or in musical terms, 60 beats - in one minute.

The tempo can have virtually any amount of beats per minute. The lower the number of beats per minute, the slower the tempo will feel. Inversely, the higher the number of beats per minute, the faster the tempo will be. You can think of it like a speed limit. The higher the number of the speed limit, the faster you are allowed to drive.

Tempo Markings - Speed

While car speeds are dictated with street signs, tempos are often indicated with an Italian word. These words, called tempo markings, can appear anywhere in a piece of music, but most often, they are seen either at the beginning of a piece of music or at the beginning of a section within a piece of music. The tempo markings represent a spectrum of tempi. Let's look at some of the most common tempi and their place within the spectrum of 20 beats per minute to 208 beats per minute.

Starting with one of the slowest tempos, grave is extremely slow and solemn at 20 to 40 beats per minute. Playing or listening to a song at this pace can be difficult, as the pulse of the song is literally about every two seconds. This does make its name easy to remember, though, as you'd basically have to have recently risen from the grave to move that slowly.

Largo is the next bump up the speedometer with a pace of 40 to 50 beats per minute. At around the same tempo, we also have lento, which falls between 40 to 60 beats per minute. The difference between the two is that lento is generally slow, and largo is reserved for more broadly-played music. Largo is usually reserved for thick, bold or even majestic sounds, like the feeling you might get when approaching a king's castle. Lento, on the other hand, is used to denote slow music in general and tends not to be so thick or emotional.

One more notch up the tempo ladder is adagio. Adagio checks in at 51 to 60 beats per minute and literally means 'at ease.' A very common tempo is andante. Andante is meant to be at walking pace and generally registers from 60 to 80 beats per minute. Remember that these tempi were determined before stressed-out Wall Street bigwigs and corporate movers and shakers were moving so quickly. Andante can also be remembered as near one's resting heart rate.

At the middle of the spectrum is moderato. Moderato, as you can probably guess, is at a moderate pace and is played at 81 to 90 beats per minute. From here, we start moving into faster tempi. Allegretto is moderately quick at 91 to 104 beats per minute. Its slightly quicker brother, allegro, is a very commonly-used tempo, partly because of its happy, quick pace and partly because the range of BPM is so large: its range is from 105 to 132 beats per minute. Many commercials will use this tempo because it is slightly higher than the average heart rate and therefore gives a sense of excitement.

Vivace livens the pace at 132 beats per minute and above, while presto imitates a sprinter's heart at a quick 168 to 177 beats per minute. Finally, prestissimo is the territory of the cheetah at an extremely fast 178 to 208 BPM. For those of you keeping track, that's a little more than three beats per second!

A good way to remember the order of these tempos is with a mnemonic device. The best way is to come up with your own, but here's one to get you started: 'Gracious Llamas Love Autumn Apples, Mostly After A Vivacious Picking Party.' That would be representing grave, lento, largo, adagio, andante, moderato, allegretto, allegro, vivace, presto and prestissimo.

Tempo Markings - Character

Some tempo markings show more of a character, which have implied tempi rather than a strict amount of beats per minute. Though they're Italian, a little common sense is usually enough to guess a proper interpretation. For example, animato is animated and gives a different feeling than that of tranquillamente (tranquil) or even furioso (furiously).

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