Ashley McGuire - The Catholic Association

Ashley McGuire

  • Ashley McGuire

  • Senior Fellow

Ashley McGuire is a Senior Fellow with The Catholic Association, author of Sex Scandal: The Drive to Abolish Male and Female, and co-host of the nationally syndicated radio show, “Conversations with Consequences.” Her writing has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, USA TODAY, TIME, Newsweek, First Things, RealClearPolitics, the New York Post, and The Huffington Post, among others, and she has appeared on CNN, Fox News, PBS, and most major television networks.

In March of 2013, Ashley traveled to Rome to cover the papal conclave and provided live commentary for major news outlets like CNN International and the BBC. In April of 2014, she traveled to Geneva to testify at the United Nations in defense of the Holy See. She has spoken about the pro-life movement, religious liberty, and feminism in academic settings such as New York University, Princeton University, and Yale Law School.

She is a recipient of the Phillips Foundation Robert Novak Journalism Fellowship and the Susan B. Anthony List’s Young Pro-Life Leader award.

Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia called Ashley, “one of the most gifted young writers, cultural critics and lecturers in the United States.”

She lives in the Washington, D.C. area, with her husband and four children.


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