The Meaning Behind The Song: Nobody by The Crane Wives - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Nobody by The Crane Wives


The Meaning Behind The Song: Nobody by The Crane Wives

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Nobody The Crane Wives The Crane Wives Here I Am: Live From the Listening Room (2020) October 14, 2020 Rock, Americana, Indie Folk The Crane Wives

“Nobody” by The Crane Wives is a song that delves into the complexities of an intense but ultimately damaging relationship. Through a combination of poetic and contrasting imagery, the song explores a tense and uncertain dynamic between two individuals. The lyrics evoke a sense of both romance and threat, creating a compelling narrative that captures the listeners’ attention.

The song opens with the narrator describing their partner as waking them up at dawn, their voice akin to a soft-spoken spider spinning webs of holy words. This initial imagery creates a sense of vulnerability and delicacy. However, as the song progresses, the narrator conveys their partner’s darker tendencies. Lines such as “Kill the moon beneath my window, pull the covers tighter” allude to an underlying influence that seeks to control and manipulate.

Throughout the song, the narrator is torn between the desire to stay and make things work, and the growing realization that the relationship is causing them harm. The chorus echoes the sentiment of feeling unloved, yet their partner insists that they are different, that they genuinely love the narrator. This struggle is captured in the lines, “Nobody ever loved me, ever loved me, nobody ever loved me, like she tells me she does.”

The lyrics continue to reveal the contradictory nature of the relationship. The narrator describes their partner as both tender as a bruise and sharper than a razor, indicating the existence of both love and pain within the connection. They feel trapped, with their partner’s hold on them symbolized by tentacles that refuse to let go.

Although the song predominantly explores the narrator’s perspective, there is a hint of recognition that their partner has their own inner turmoil. The pre-chorus mentions “something’s wailing in my chest,” highlighting the internal struggles of both individuals involved.

Personally, I resonate with the raw emotions conveyed in this song. It captures the complexities of a toxic relationship where love and pain coexist. Like the narrator, I have found myself entangled in the conflicting desires to stay and make things work, even in the face of harm. It is a difficult place to be in, trying to decipher the true nature of love amidst manipulation and emotional turbulence.

The bridge of the song offers a reflection on the narrator’s perspective, acknowledging the potential flaws in their thinking. They question whether something, even if imperfect, is better than nothing. This moment of introspection adds an additional layer of contemplation to the song, inviting listeners to reflect on their own experiences and choices in relationships.

In conclusion, “Nobody” by The Crane Wives delves into the nuances of a damaging relationship, juxtaposing tender love with threatening undertones. The song showcases the complexities of love, the struggle to recognize and break free from toxic dynamics, and the questions we face when navigating relationships. Through its vivid imagery and emotional lyrics, “Nobody” leaves a lasting impact on listeners.


  • Produced By: The Crane Wives
  • Written By: The Crane Wives
  • Release Date: October 14, 2020

Tags: Rock, Americana, Indie Folk

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