About Mahinda | Mahinda | Khippam Vayama Pandito Bawa


About Mahinda

Mahinda College, located in the heart of Southern Sri Lanka, is one of the country's leading schools . Mahinda is devoted to excel in education and developing leaders in many disciplines who crave to make a difference. Mahinda, which has the origins from the beautiful city, Galle in Sri Lanka, has an enrollment of over 3750 students.

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Sacred Olcott Hall of Mahinda College.

Since its opening in 1892, Mahinda has been dedicated to preparing students with unique diversities for leadership in a complex world. Mahinda is known for its character, drawn from the legacy of the people who built her glory. Areas of excellence range from various academic successes to various sports and athletic victories. Mahinda is located in one of the highest lands in Galle, and is standing tall on one of the most beautiful landscapes in Sri Lanka.

College enrolls 3750 students.

Established in 1892.

Students known as Mahindians.