Nicholas Wolterstorff

Nicholas P. Wolterstorff PhD

Nicholas P. Wolterstorff PhD | Noah Porter Professor Emeritus of Philosophical Theology | Yale University

Nicholas Wolterstorff Recognized as a distinguished educator for more than six decades, Nicholas P. Wolterstorff PHD has been the Noah Porter Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Yale University since 2001, having taught in the role from 1989 to 2001. Today, he is also a senior research fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia. Even earlier, Dr. Wolterstorff commenced his tenure with Yale University in 1957 before joining the faculty at Calvin College, where he served as a professor for 30 years until 1989.

Beyond his primary endeavors, Dr. Wolterstorff has lectured at Oxford University, St. Andrews University in Scotland, Princeton Theological Seminary and Yale University, which he considers to be some of his most notable achievements. Simply put, he attributes his success to his passion and love for his subject matter, which includes philosophy of religion, political philosophy and philosophy of art.

A fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Wolterstorff is a former president of the American Philosophical Association and helped found the Society of Christian Philosophers in 1978. Since 2010, he has been active with the Association for a More Just Society in Honduras. Additionally, Dr. Wolterstorff is the author of numerous books and published articles, including “Justice: Rights and Wrongs” from 2010 and “Until Justice and Peace Embrace”  from 1983 and 1994.

At the start of his professional journey, Dr. Wolterstorff earned a Bachelor of Arts from Calvin College in 1953 before going on to matriculate at Harvard University, where he attained a Master’s degree in 1954 and a Doctor of Philosophy in philosophy in 1956. He also achieved an honorary degree from the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Looking toward the future, Dr. Wolterstorff hopes to continue writing, as he notes people often ask him to contribute his writing to essays and collections.

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