Bumblebee x Blitzwing - chapter 1 - Wattpad

chapter 1

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Icy Hothead Random  Icy thoughts Hothead thoughts Random thoughts


Bumblebee was wondering around in the ice and snow. A blizzard had blown up as the Autobots were headed home after defeating Blitzwing and because he was small he was easily lost in the white snow. He heard thumping nearby and looked to see a tall figure in the middle of the blizzard. He tried to call out to the figure but he wasn't sure if his words had reached him or her. He started walking towards it still calling out but got no response still, his systems were freezing up and he knew that any second now he'll blackout and probably be left here to rust. He finally fell down from the cold and shivered as his systems started to shut down. The figure was even closer now, just a foot away from him and seemed to look at him as if woundering if saving him was worth it's time. "Please, please help me." He managed to say and hoped it was loud enough as his vision shut down and he was left in darkness, but before he went into temporary stasis he felt a large hand wrap around his ankle and felt his back being dragged through the cold snow.


Bumblebee didn't know how long he was asleep for but when he woke up he found himself on a comfortable birth. As he waited for his eyes to adjust to the lighting he heard a voice nearby. ".....i assure jou Starscream. If i have an Autobot in my possession zhen i vould hand him or her over, but since i don't have one i cannot hand one over to jou." Starscream? Wait a minute.....is that Blitzwing's voice i hear? Why isn't he handing me over? "Fine fine Blitzwing. I just thought since i had asked you to retrieve my weapon, which you failed to do, you'd at least would've caught the shrimp of the group!" Suddenly the voices stopped and all there was was silence. Finally the little bot's eyes had adjusted and he was about to get up but found that he couldn't move. As he struggled to get free he didn't notice the bot that walked in until he felt a hand caress his cheek. "Awake are ve? Jou are lucky i had found jou before Starscream did." Bumblebee looked up and froze with fear seeing the towering figure of Blitzwing, the mech pulled away the blanket revealing straps on the birth wrapped tightly around Bumblebee's body from the middle of his chest to the top of his ankles. The smaller bot closed his eyes and got ready for his torture but none came, he cracked open an eye and found that Blitzwing had left the room. He soon came back with a neatly folded blanket in his arms and brought it over to him, with a skilled flick of his wrists he unfolded and layed the blanket on Bumblebee. The blanket was warmer than the last one making Bumblebee without even a thought moan happily under the sheet getting a chuckle from the big bot. "Feeling better? Jou have been out for quite a vhile i almost zhought jou vouldn't make it." Blitzwing said using the tips of his thumb and pointer finger to gently rub one of Bumblebee's horns making the smaller mech blush a little. "Why did you save me?" He asked and felt the rubbing stop missing the touch. The bigger bot seemed to think about that question for a moment before crouching down and kissing Bumblebee's forehead. "Because i just couldn't stand to see jou zhe vay jou vere. Not even jour own teammates vere by jour side. But don't vorry my little insect, Blitzwing vill look after jou." He said with a smile and checked the temperature of Bumblebee's blanket before leaving the room leaving the small bot to wounder what kind of things the Decepticon had planned for him.

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