The Meaning Behind The Song: Gold by Kiiara - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Gold by Kiiara

Decoding the Emotional Depths of Kiiara’s “Gold”

Millennials have always had an innate affinity for electronic dance music. Its pulsating beats and quirky notes set up the perfect stage for their digital existence. More often than not, the producer’s role comes to the forefront while the vocals are relegated to the background. But Kiiara’s “Gold” blazes a different trail altogether. The stuttering melody and the heavily processed voice that’s almost smothered under the shimmering hooks make for a fascinating listen. Live performances, fan videos and social media memes have immortalized the song, but what exactly is the story behind it?

The Inspiration behind “Gold”

Songwriting can start in many different ways; from a phrase scribbled in a journal to a melody that won’t leave the artist’s head. Kiiara’s “Gold” started with a simple piano riff played by executive producer, Felix Snow. In a Rolling Stone interview, Kiiara revealed that the repeated melody instantly transported her to her childhood, where she would perform for her family – a feeling she wanted to recreate. The lyrics are an ode to her grandmother who passed away in 2014, but Kiiara found her inspiration after streaming old footage of her in a previous interview with Rolling Stone, “It just made everything make sense.”

The Power of Metaphors

Metaphors are one of the most powerful weapons in a songwriter’s arsenal, enabling them to convey complex emotions and ideas in a deceptively simple manner. “Gold” talks about the struggle to stay afloat despite the challenges that life throws our way. Kiiara tackles this topic with an arresting metaphor, comparing herself to gold, a precious metal that can bend but not break. She sings “Everything is just gold, cause I’m blinded by the bright light.” Kiiara’s ability to mix metaphor, melody and beats is what sets her apart from other pop acts of her ilk.

A Soulful Reinterpretation of Pop Music

Kiiara’s brand of music is a novel combination of disparate styles and influences. Her music features a crossover of pop, trap, electronica and R&B, resulting in a sound that’s entirely singular. Her style reflects the struggles that millennials face, using cutting-edge production techniques that veer away from commercial pop. Kiiara’s music is creating quite an impact: “Gold” has accumulated more than 1 billion Spotify streams and her debut album, “Low Kii Savage” was critically acclaimed. This is a testament to her ability to blend soulful lyrics with hypnotic beats, resulting in a sound that’s truly inimitable.

Final Thoughts

In all its catchy glory, “Gold” is more than just a dance floor anthem. It represents the everyday struggle – to keep moving forward no matter the obstacles. Kiiara’s music epitomizes the struggles and aspirations of the millennial generation. With her candid lyricism, heartfelt delivery and creative songwriting style, she stands out in the crowded pop music landscape. “Gold” is just the beginning for this extraordinary artist.

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