19 Facts About Harry Belafonte - Facts.net
Minne Dole

Written by Minne Dole

Modified & Updated: 30 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Jacobin.com

Harry Belafonte is a legendary figure in the world of music and activism. He is a Jamaican-American singer, actor, and social activist who has left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry and beyond. Belafonte’s captivating voice and charismatic presence have earned him numerous accolades and a dedicated fanbase. However, there is much more to Harry Belafonte than just his remarkable talent. In this article, we will delve into 19 fascinating facts about Harry Belafonte that highlight his achievements, contributions, and the impact he has made on society. From his groundbreaking musical career to his tireless activism for social justice, Harry Belafonte’s life is one that continues to inspire and motivate others. So, let’s dive into these intriguing facts and uncover the remarkable story of Harry Belafonte.

Key Takeaways:

  • Harry Belafonte, a legendary musician and activist, used his voice and influence to fight for civil rights and humanitarian causes, leaving an indelible mark on society and inspiring future generations.
  • Through his music, courage, and unwavering commitment to social change, Harry Belafonte became a cultural icon and a guiding light for activists, fostering unity and compassion across different cultures.
Table of Contents

Early Life and Career

Harry Belafonte was born on March 1, 1927, in Harlem, New York City. He grew up in poverty and faced many challenges during his childhood. Despite this, he developed a passion for music and entertainment from a young age. Belafonte’s singing career began in the 1940s, and he quickly gained recognition for his captivating voice and unique style.

International Success

During the 1950s and 1960s, Harry Belafonte rose to international fame and became one of the most successful entertainers of his time. His hit songs, such as “Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)” and “Jump in the Line,” topped the charts and brought Caribbean music to a worldwide audience.

Activism and Civil Rights

Beyond his music, Harry Belafonte became a prominent civil rights activist. He used his platform and influence to fight against racial inequality and advocate for social justice. Belafonte collaborated with influential leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and contributed to the Civil Rights Movement.

Humanitarian Work

Belafonte’s passion for making a positive impact extended beyond civil rights. He dedicated himself to humanitarian causes, focusing on issues such as global poverty, education, and HIV/AIDS awareness. Belafonte played a crucial role in the creation of initiatives like “USA for Africa” and “We Are the World” to raise funds for those in need.

Film and Television Career

In addition to music, Harry Belafonte found success in the film and television industry. He starred in notable films such as “Carmen Jones” and “Island in the Sun” and received critical acclaim for his performances. Belafonte also hosted his own television specials, showcasing his versatile talents.

Recognitions and Awards

Harry Belafonte’s contributions to music, activism, and the arts have been widely recognized. He has received numerous prestigious awards, including Grammy Awards, a Tony Award, and the Kennedy Center Honors. Belafonte’s impact on popular culture and society continues to be celebrated.

Cultural Icon

Harry Belafonte’s influence transcends generations and borders. He is regarded as a cultural icon, whose music and activism have left an indelible mark on society. Belafonte’s songs continue to be cherished, and his legacy inspires future generations to use art as a catalyst for change.

Philanthropy and Charitable Work

In addition to his humanitarian efforts, Belafonte has been involved in various philanthropic activities. He has supported organizations working towards social equality, youth empowerment, and artistic education. Belafonte’s generosity and commitment to making a difference have made him a role model for many.

Artistic Collaborations

Throughout his career, Harry Belafonte collaborated with numerous talented artists from different genres and backgrounds. He worked with musicians like Miriam Makeba and participated in notable events such as the legendary “The Concert for Bangladesh” organized by George Harrison.

Impact on Caribbean Music

Harry Belafonte’s fusion of Caribbean rhythms and American pop music introduced the world to the vibrant sounds of the region. He played a crucial role in popularizing calypso and other Caribbean genres, influencing musicians and sparking a cultural exchange.

Entrepreneurship and Business Ventures

Beyond his artistic endeavors, Belafonte ventured into business and entrepreneurship. He established record labels, production companies, and invested in various enterprises. Belafonte’s business acumen and determination allowed him to create opportunities and contribute to the entertainment industry.

Author and Activist

In addition to his activism, Belafonte has authored several books, sharing his insights, experiences, and perspectives on social issues. His writings explore topics ranging from racial inequality and poverty to the importance of activism and resilience.

Mentor and Inspirational Figure

Harry Belafonte has inspired countless individuals with his talent, activism, and unwavering dedication to making a difference. He has served as a mentor to aspiring artists, activists, and leaders, offering guidance and encouragement to the next generation.

Courageous Stand Against McCarthyism

During the era of McCarthyism and the Red Scare, Harry Belafonte fearlessly spoke out against the injustice and persecution faced by many individuals in the entertainment industry. He stood up for his beliefs and faced consequences, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to freedom of expression.

Pioneering Black Entertainment

Belafonte played a pivotal role in advancing black representation in the entertainment industry. He broke barriers and paved the way for future generations of black artists, opening doors and challenging stereotypes.

Legacy of Activism

Harry Belafonte’s legacy as an activist continues to shape the fight for equality and justice worldwide. His courage, determination, and unwavering commitment to social change serve as a guiding light for activists today.

Cultural Diplomat

Belafonte’s global impact earned him the title of cultural diplomat. Through his music and activism, he fostered understanding and encouraged dialogue between different cultures, promoting unity and compassion.

Social Media Presence

Despite his illustrious career spanning decades, Harry Belafonte remains connected to the modern world through social media platforms. He engages with his audience, sharing his thoughts, insights, and updates on his latest projects.

Belafonte’s Enduring Influence

Harry Belafonte’s impact as a musician, activist, and cultural icon cannot be understated. His legacy continues to inspire individuals to use their voices and talents to create a better world.


In conclusion, Harry Belafonte is a true icon in the entertainment industry. His contributions as a singer, actor, and activist have left an indelible mark on the world. From his breakthrough album “Calypso” to his civil rights activism alongside Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Belafonte has shown an unwavering commitment to using his platform for social change.Throughout his career, Belafonte has received numerous accolades and awards, including Grammy Awards, an Emmy Award, and a Tony Award. But beyond the recognition, it is his impact on society that truly sets him apart. He has used his fame and fortune to fight for equality and justice, tirelessly advocating for the rights of marginalized communities.Harry Belafonte’s influence extends far beyond the stage and screen. He is not only a talented entertainer but also a role model for using one’s platform for the greater good. His work serves as an inspiration to future generations, reminding us of the power of art and activism to create meaningful change.


1. What is Harry Belafonte known for?

Harry Belafonte is known for his successful music career as a singer and actor. He is best known for his album “Calypso,” which became the first album in history to sell over one million copies. He is also recognized for his activism and involvement in the civil rights movement.

2. Has Harry Belafonte won any awards?

Yes, Harry Belafonte has received numerous awards throughout his career. He has won Grammy Awards, an Emmy Award, and a Tony Award. These awards recognize his talent and contributions to the entertainment industry.

3. How did Harry Belafonte contribute to the civil rights movement?

Harry Belafonte played a significant role in the civil rights movement. He used his platform as an artist to raise awareness about racial injustice and inequality. Belafonte worked closely with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and provided financial support to the movement. He also played a pivotal role in organizing the famous “March on Washington” in 1963.

4. Is Harry Belafonte still active in the entertainment industry?

While Harry Belafonte has semi-retired from his music and acting career, he continues to be involved in various social and political causes. He remains an advocate for civil rights and humanitarian efforts, using his influence to bring attention to important issues.

5. What is Harry Belafonte’s legacy?

Harry Belafonte’s legacy is that of a trailblazer and activist. His contributions to music, film, and social justice have left an indelible mark on history. He broke barriers as a black artist and used his fame to fight for equality and justice. Belafonte’s legacy serves as a reminder of the power of art and activism to bring about positive change in the world.

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