Confessions of an Heiress: A Tongue-in-Chic Peek Behind the Pose by Paris Hilton | Goodreads
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Confessions of an Heiress: A Tongue-in-Chic Peek Behind the Pose

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Her name is on everyone's lips, but can she help it if she was born rich and famous? Here's a bird's eye view of the fast, fun world of Paris Hilton, packed with enough photos, advice and inside scoop to help anyone become an heiress and live a privileged life. Socialite, fashion icon, television and movie star, recording artist and just plain celebrity: Twenty-two year old Paris Hilton is the great granddaughter of hotel magnate Conrad Hilton and is estimated to be worth USD30 million.

The world first became aware of Paris Hilton through a Vanity Fair profile in 2000. Since then, she has graced the pages of countless magazines, newspapers, and tabloids; modeled on the runways of top designers; appeared on television shows as herself ('Saturday Night Live', MTV Music Awards) and as fictional characters (the new Sky One show 'Las Vegas'); had small parts in movies like 'The Cat in the Hat', 'Win a Date with Tad Hamilton' and the upcoming 'The Hillz'; has begun work on an album; and starred in a hit reality series, 'The Simple Life' (shown here on Channel 4). She has been romantically linked with current boyfriend Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys, Rick Solomon (of the notorious sex tape), and Deryck Whibley of Sum 41.

192 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2004

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About the author

Paris Hilton

12 books232 followers
Paris Whitney Hilton is an American celebutante, singer, actress, model, and businesswoman.

She is best-known through the television series The Simple Life. She has appeared in several minor film roles, most notably in the horror film House of Wax in 2005. In 2004 she published a tongue-in-cheek autobiography. In 2006, she released her debut album Paris. Hilton's career pursuits include singing, modeling, acting, writing, and television. As a result of several legal incidents, Hilton served a widely publicized sentence in an L.A. County jail facility in 2007.

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February 3, 2023

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Like a lot of people in the aughts, I did not like Paris Hilton. She was loud and tacky and didn't play by the "rules." What these rules were, exactly, I wasn't quite sure, but I knew that she didn't fit them. In the early 2000s, a lot of magazines had "hot or not" columns, and Paris Hilton was always in the "not." Oh, how the tabloids loved to demean her for her visible whale tails and various wardrobe malfunctions. And taking our cue in this pre-internet era, the rest of us followed suit like sheep.

My thoughts on Hilton changed when I read a biography about her family (and learned, from the contemporaneous portion at the end, that she was not estranged from or disinherited by her great-grandfather, who was actually quite impressed by her business acumen). I also read interviews with her about her television cameos and the roles she played for the paparazzi and was jarred by how self-aware and effacing she was about the partygirl persona she cultivated by the cameras. I started to think Paris Hilton might actually be OK. Then I watched the TV show Cooking with Paris, where she tries out various recipes and then hosts dinner parties with various celebrity friends, and found myself... charmed.

2004-era Nenia would NEVER.

When CONFESSIONS OF AN HEIRESS went on sale, I knew I had to buy it. Even though this is a book I would have sneered at when it came out, adult me is a sophisticated and classy lady who is a connoisseur of good taste in bad taste. I'm actually shocked it has such low ratings, to be honest. I have to think that people picked this book up and took it at face-value, when the whole book is basically a parody of an instruction guide where she half-laughs at herself and half-laughs at you, the reader. It's almost a ridiculous parody of a self-help book because of how unachievable her lifestyle is (and she knows it), but peppered in is some genuinely good advice, like not treating people being broke as a deal-breaker for relationships or remembering to carry small bills while traveling to tip.

The best portions of this book are the photographs. This is a veritable lookbook of early 2000s fashion, for better or for worse. Bucket hats. Asymmetric skirts. Low, low, low-rise jeans. Micro miniskirts. She even has a gallery in the back where she discusses some of her worst fashion faux-pas. She also. WRITES. A JOURNAL. PRETENDING. TO BE. HER DOG. I also really enjoyed the chapter about her sister and the one at the end about her family and dating life. No, she doesn't really dish anything too personal, but she told you up front that she wouldn't. More fool you for not believing her.

I guess I am a Paris Hilton fan now. What can I say? I like people who are ridiculous but still real, and I don't think she's ever actually done anything super bad (apart from acting like a fool on camera). Her insights into her role on the Simple Life were interesting and actually made me want to watch the show. Her love of cooking is hinted at here and makes Cooking with Paris seem like a passion project. She also hints at wanting to create an affordable fashion line, which she did-- several times. I think she actually has a collection of Juicy Couture-esque tracksuits that are just a little cheaper than Juicy. I also own some of her home cookware which is also super affordable and surprisingly high quality. Maybe she was loud and tacky and didn't play by the rules. But it's 2020, and people are starting to realize that when it comes to how to win at being a woman, rules were basically made to be broken, anyway.

4 stars
1 review
March 20, 2014
Anyone who dislikes Paris for being vapid, superficial, or fake has been totally duped. This book proves just how much she is "in on the joke." Why was she the first reality-star celeb, the original Kim Kardashian? Because she knew what the public wanted and she gave it to them, on her show and then in the endeavors that followed. She knew that she was a symbol of excess wealth and oblivious airheadedness, and she lived up to that expectation. She's not dumb, she's smart. She's never going to be a Harvard PhD, but she's self-aware. She knew that people bought the magazine to see what crazy, revealing, expensive outfit she was wearing, what silly thing she was quoted as saying ("Walmart? do they sell like, wall stuff?"). She was the archetype of the ditzy, overprivileged blonde that America took pleasure in laughing at, because it makes less privileged people feel better about how intelligent and virtuous they are. Saying, "see? I may not have that much money, but at least I have common sense/can drive a tractor/can hold down a fast food job/can pump my own gas" (all little things she would mess up at doing on The Simple Life).

The truth about Paris is that no one deserves the hate she's gotten (even though she was opening herself up to it). Her career exploded because of a sex tape that was released WITHOUT her permission (ringing any bells? Kim K had this happen to her as well). And the public was quick to yell "scandal! slut!" at her instead of laying their outrage on the real bad guy, her ex who released it. Can you imagine that happening to you? But instead of letting it shame her, she took advantage of the opportunities it brought her. She would always have been supported by her parents, but she took her 15 minutes of fame and extended it to years and years. She starred on TV, appeared in movies, released perfumes and books. To this day she's a cultural icon (in the sense that everyone knows her name and will say things like "wow that girl looks/sounds like Paris Hilton!"). And she's never been accused of abuse, like so many famous people, or of racism or general mean-spiritedness. She's kind. She loves animals and takes care of them well. She never complains about intrusive media coverage and the paparazzi love her because she will greet them and smile.

Says Paris about how she acted on The Simple Life: ”I would do the baby voice and it’s kind of like this character I made up...But in real life I’m completely different, I’m very down to earth, I’m smart, I know what’s going on...It’s kind of like I almost play to the image and kind of have a laugh at myself about it.”

And around people she trusts, she just acts like herself.

”I think a lot of people will assume that I’m just like an airhead. But in my everyday life, when I’m hanging out with my friends or if I��m in a business meeting I’ll talk in my normal voice.”

Like if you agree that she doesn't deserve the hate! xoxo
Profile Image for Anastasia.
Author 5 books77 followers
October 17, 2009
Paris Hilton. The name stirs tabloid pictures and words like "undeserving" and "pink" in our minds.

I consider Paris Hilton a genius in that she's managed to arise to super Pop Culture Stardom doing NOTHING. Which is why I traded a book for this book. I planned to figure out what shot her so far. In that sense I was disappointed. She's not as deep as I thought, she doesn't have a master secret, or secret genius (at least not revealed in this book).

I DID found out some interesting aspects of her life that I didn't know before, like how she grew up in the Waldorf and has tons of cousins and conned cash from her little sister when they were younger. Also that she had a curfew of midnight until she was seventeen (like me). It's insightful to see how she was raised.

I was also surprised at all the pictures of her, I'm visually inclined and this helps me judge things I don't already know of I suppose.

MY FAVORITE PART OF THE BOOK: The section where she details the Fashion Don't's by pointing to specific outfits SHE wore. It's easy to point and laugh at other people's mistakes but to post pictures of yourself that are just awful in a book supposedly glamourizing yourself is just awesome. She wins points with me there.

Don't expect to find anything deep about Paris in this book, sure she can sound like everyone else but she can also sound very snobby (this is where I disagree with her comment about being self aware). She adores Abercrombie models (her perfect man), she likes being OVERLY GROSSLY girly, and considers being ditzy a plus (she says it's best people think you're less smart than you are [I disagree:])

It was a fun book, although I got it for free. Depends on how much you like Pop Culture I suppose.
Profile Image for mac.
32 reviews
April 14, 2011
I know, I know...I thought it was a fun book. Totally silly - I liked looking at the photos and found it to be humorous. I'm smart...and I don't mind reading books that aren't. :)
Profile Image for Kat.
5 reviews1 follower
March 12, 2008
the best coffee table book ever. especially if you choose to think about paris hilton as a performance artist, as i do.
January 24, 2013
There is nothing "Tongue-in-chic" about this book. It's basically Paris Hilton being the insufferable human being that she is. Thought I would give her the benefit of the doubt and buy this book out of pure curiosity but wanted to throw it across the room in disgust before the end of the first chapter. Surprised it even stayed in one piece by the end of it.
If you enjoy people raving about how much of a princess they are and raving about how amazing their life is then I highly recommend this book but if you like proper auto-biographies..stay away!
Profile Image for Antoinette.
220 reviews17 followers
August 11, 2008
For years Paris Hilton has been my favorite "celebrity." It is not that I find her life especially interesting, it is because I believe she is the right type of celebrity. Everything an heiress/model/singer/DJ/porn star should be. Republicans dislike her, children don't especially idolize her, not too many people find her attractive. Fantastic! I think it is really unhealthy to idolize movie stars or models that seem "normal" almost someone you could easily be. Bad for the self-esteem. Better to admire a disaster. We will never be perfect like Katie Holmes, but we can make everything we own pink and change our names. This book is full of advice. If you aren't famous pretend to be. If you can't afford designer things just go for colorful things. Change your name whenever you feel like it, don't let boys control you. It is cute, it is what it is. Paris claims she is very self-aware...not too sure about that, but she is definitely not as out of control as it seems, this book is proof. Good rainy day read.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
2 reviews
January 26, 2015
I love this book. It's as if you're having a cup of coffee and chat with Paris herself. She gives you confidence to be yourself with her honesty and care.
Profile Image for Marla.
82 reviews51 followers
January 31, 2016
Paris, not France.

"Such an air-head", "Does she have any braincells", "God, she's just so dumb"... but is she? Is she really? I think it would take an absolute genius to make the entire world hate you while simultaneously make you mad money.

This book was strategically planned and produced to uphold Hilton's 20-something-year manifested image; a brainless blonde with too much money from mummy and daddy. Actually, her entire public life has been strategically planned so you buy that trashy magazine with Paris at a nightclub on the cover, so that you buy her perfumes even though you told everyone you deplore her.

The people who fell for this and find themselves shaking with anger or laughing at her stupidity are the successful outcome of her genius product. As we speak, Hilton is rolling in your cash with her production team near by, celebrating with some 100% Pinot Noir and giggling to herself about her foolish targets who ACTUALLY think that her high-pitched early 00's teen movie accent is the real deal and not the smoke screen for her concoction.

Clever gal.
Profile Image for Avdotja.
328 reviews30 followers
January 9, 2022
I fully trust that she is much more intelligent than she lets on. But. Having a speck of self awareness and being ok with laughing at your own expense does not make you likable in my book.
I could write an essay about the complete garbage that this book is. She uses a lot of sarcarsm and tongue-in-cheek writing which falls painfully short of ANYTHING.
And no, that's NOT hot.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
56 reviews167 followers
February 6, 2017
This book gives you a look into the life of Heiress celebrity Paris Hilton! Shows you how to be heiress, tells you a little about the Hilton family and Paris's BFF Nicole Richie (not giving anymore spoilers)
I like Paris Hilton and thought his books was pretty good !
Profile Image for laura.
16 reviews5 followers
April 7, 2009
WORST SHIT EVER. Bought this when I was younger; straight up picture book of Paris Hilton with little blurbs about her life. Waste of time. I give this zero stars.
Profile Image for Samantha Glasser.
1,657 reviews61 followers
January 8, 2013
I loved the Simple Life and I wanted to give Paris the benefit of the doubt. She's beautiful and I liked her show, so why should I hate her instantly?

The writing lived up to my expectations. It was clearly written by a girl who isn't incredibly versed (or perhaps by her ghostwriters). However, I did find myself agreeing with minor quotes like, "Accept free stuff. If people want to give it to me, why shouldn't I take it?" and "When I see people in embarrassing situations, I never laugh at them because I always feel really bad for them. I know how they feel."

There are parts where Hilton makes fun of herself. She lists things that an heiress would do as if everyone reading could do the same. She laughs at her wealth and the emphasis the media places on it. I got the sense from the book that she is a carefree girl out to have a good time. The many photos littering this book prove she has a flair for fashion and fun.

The pages aren't dripping with literary genius or philosophical breakthroughs. They're simply a representation of a glamorous life that some people can't get enough of. Fans don't love Hilton for her wit; they love her for her beauty and her sense of fun. That is exactly what you get from this book.
Profile Image for Bam Martin.
3 reviews
April 4, 2008
While the sparkly pink cover and picture book layout may contribute to Paris’s already ditzy reputation, the words inside give new insight. Personally, I am a big fan of Paris Hilton and I thought the book was really honest and therefore shine’s a good light on her. It makes you kind of jealous all the nice things she can buy, the trips she takes and the treatment you get as a star, but also the hard work that goes into it. While it seems like Paris enjoys everything she does, being a star means you must be constantly ready. You step out of your house and you look great, you never wear the same dress twice or ever look tired. Of course that’s not even half of it. You learn a lot about Paris’s own ambitions, as an actress, model, ex. It gives Paris fans little hints about what kind of make up she likes, or colors she wears; while also taking about her family life, friends and boyfriends. In general I think that any reader of this book will take what they want from it. If they want to see Paris as ditzy or motivated the book has support for both, but either can only further promote her fame.
Profile Image for anna near.
188 reviews13 followers
February 19, 2023
If Paris has millions of fans I am one of them. If Paris has ten fans I am one of them. If Paris has only one fan-that is me. If Paris has no fans, that means I am no longer on earth. If the world against the Paris, I am against the world.
Profile Image for Shalma.
54 reviews24 followers
April 23, 2015
I mean... it is what it is. That's really a sufficient review.
I picked this up at some point in my mid-teens. I vividly remember the cover, for some reason. I mean, it basically defines the color pink (although... not the best shades, I have to point out). Can't remember the exact situation of how it came into my hands. I also recall reading one of Nicole Richie's books around that time, and I never owned or deliberately borrowed that either, so apparently they were doing a good job of at least getting their books to be circulating in high schoolers' hands at that time.
This book is--and I cannot stress enough that this is all you need to know--exactly what you'd expect. I also reviewed one of Chelsea Handler's books--again, read under dire circumstances, meaning it was in front of me, and I had two hours of free time--and this is very much in the same boat for me, and that's probably the most unsurprising association anyone could ever make. Could you argue that it's a clever way to capitalize on and expand your fame by milking a caricature of yourself that people either love to hate or love to indulge in, sometimes both at the same time? You could. But should you? No further questions, your honor.
Profile Image for Morgan.
133 reviews
January 9, 2013
I was hoping to read this and see that she is actually smarter than she appears. I was wanting to find out that she was really an interesting person who isn't as self-obsessed as she seems on TV. Unfortunately, this book couldn't do that.
Profile Image for Anu.
370 reviews924 followers
Shelved as 'i-know-i-won-t-like-it'
November 26, 2016
On second thought, it would be wonderful to look at the world with Paris-coloured glasses.
Profile Image for Ruby.
86 reviews11 followers
December 19, 2021
Paris is, unsurprisingly, way more self aware and clever than the press would lead you to believe. It's very obvious when reading this how much she was the blue print for the Kardashians. It's interesting how bold Paris' voice is especially on not wearing real fur, on work and on diets/eating. Especially at a time when the culture towards women was incredibly unforgiving. She was 23 when she wrote this and very insightful, i'd love for her to write a second book now 17 (?) years on.

"your face is your trademark"

When talking about the simple life "People like to laugh at people on reality tv shows. We get that"

"I've never really drawn the line between "good taste" and "bad taste. (...) Who's to say what's good taste or bad — some boring old socialites in New York? Why on earth would I want to listen to them?"

"Don't be afraid to eat fast food as often as you can. Always order the largest portion of French fries. Otherwise, you'll just want more"

Profile Image for Sarah Rayman.
245 reviews6 followers
August 23, 2021
5 stars because it’s about and partly by Paris Hilton. I worship her and give her a lot of credit but I highly doubt she wrote much of this (yes I know there is another author name on the book) but I mean the structure and ideas were probably all Paris, 5% of the written words by Paris, and the rest by the other person. I appreciated the pictures and Paris’ childhood and coming of age stories. The section regarding filming The Simple Life seasons were funny and interesting too. What more did you expect from this book?
Profile Image for Ruth York.
574 reviews7 followers
February 13, 2020
I'm not sure WHY exactly I picked this book up. I do know it was at a library benefit sale, or some used book sale. For cheap. So, when I needed to read a book with a pink cover, I figured, why not? Thankfully, it was an easy, quick read. And, to give her credit, there were a couple "gems" of good advice/quotes in there. Including: "Eat as much chocolate as you can. Chocolate seems sinful, and therefore makes you happy." However, the majority of this is vapid drivel. But, I suppose, for a mindless, cleanser of a book, it works. I actually might have given it 2.5 stars, if half-stars were a thing.
Profile Image for Isabella.
185 reviews5 followers
March 23, 2024
I preferred Paris: The Memoir, but this was still a fun read. It felt like reading a 2000s gossip magazine. I liked how she had pictures of her iconic style moments, which is something that I think all memoirs need.

Profile Image for Kate MacPherson .
37 reviews1 follower
March 3, 2022
Anyone who knows anything about the real Paris Hilton could tell you that she was a savvy businesswomen. This book was just one of the many marketing tactics she used in the 2000’s to portray a funny and ditzy image that helped her rise to fame. This was a fun read, and everyone giving this book bad reviews because they are taking the advice too seriously needs to lighten up.
Profile Image for Eva-Marie.
1,678 reviews130 followers
June 28, 2009
Well, I've finished it. I'm scared though- I think I may have lost a few brain cells during the course of the book. I use the word 'book' loosely also.
I like Paris. I'm not a huge fan, I don't watch her (or anyone else for that matter) on t.v., and I'm not jealous of her. But I do like her. I think she gets a bad rap most of the time. Any one of us makes a sex tape and no one cares. She does it and the whole world looks on and has comments. It's, in a way, her fault the world is looking on yes, but that doesn't make it right in my eyes. It doesn't make it right to be overly harsh on someone for reasons like the medias.
I'm going to assume this was written in humor. The so called advice and heiress tips she gives can't be anything but. There is a little part of me, admittedly, that is scared she's serious but the rest of my brain cells, the ones still in good working order, are telling me that's just not that possible.
This is more like a photo album too. There is a decent amount of text on almost each page, with the exception of a few full photo pages, it's not like a few people said abotu being mostly pictures with only captions. It's mostly pictures, yes. But there is a "books worth" of text in my opinion.
I hear she's writing a second. Which I'll pass on. I need my brain cells.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 164 reviews

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