Kindle Direct Publishing Review | Best Self Publishing Services

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Kindle Direct Publishing Review

Saturday, June 8th

2024 Self Publishing Service Reviews

Kindle Direct Publishing Review 3.5 Star Rating

Kindle Direct Publishing

3.5 Star Rating
  • FREE to self-publish eBooks and paperbacks
  • 30-70% charged on each sale
  • Sells strictly on Amazon
  • Options for unique genres of books like comics
  • "A-" rating from the BBB

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a self-publishing platform that has gained worldwide recognition and popularity as the go-to service for publishing eBooks. KDP is owned by Amazon, and the publishing branch started out as an online bookseller that has since expanded to become a dominant player in the online publishing industry. KDP allows you to publish your book for free, but you'll need to pay royalties which are different for paperbacks and eBooks.

Wide variety of genres

We love the full range of publication options at Kindle Direct. Not only can you publish traditional novels for fiction and non-fiction, but there are also built-in options for business books, comics and graphic novels, kids' books, and teen fiction. They offer additional options for a range of genres including romance, sci-fi, and mystery.

Easy to use publishing system

One of the advantages of KDP is the easy-to-use tools that guide you through the self-publishing process. KDP Jumpstart offers step-by-step directions, while KDP University provides a comprehensive suite of resources to assist you at every stage. However, it's worth noting that KDP doesn't offer professional editing or formatting services. If you need these services, KDP provides a list of recommended companies that specialize in those areas. However, an average editor costs $10 per page, so you may be looking at a significant increase in price if your manuscript isn't ready to go.

Complicated royalties, and not the best cut

The royalties with Kindle are a little complicated. For eBooks, you can choose between two royalty options: 35% or 70%. However, to be eligible for the higher-paying option, your book must meet certain requirements such as a list price that meets certain criteria, and your eBook must be sold for at least 20% below the printed book price. The royalty calculation for paperbacks is different, with a fixed rate of 60%, minus printing costs at a fixed rate of $4.45 per unit. In order to list, you simply have to meet the "minimum list price" requirement. This means you can list a book for anything over $7.45. The higher the price, the more you make, but it's a lot of math at the get-go.

Best Self Publishing Services

Limited distribution for Amazon only

One thing that we don't love about Kindle Direct is that the distribution is limited to Amazon. Most other self-publishing services offer distribution to a broader range of channels, including Google, Apple, and OverDrive. While KDP is an affordable option, it may not be the best choice if you want your book to reach a wider audience. Since Kindle does require an exclusive contract, you can't publish in multiple places and widen this distribution, unfortunately.

Customer feelings are mixed on value

In terms of customer satisfaction, Kindle Direct has an "A-" rating from the BBB. With varying reviews across user feedback and different sites, KDP has earned an average of 3.3 stars out of 5. Happy reviewers noted that they felt that the customer service at KDP was top-notch and helped them with issues during the book creation and formatting process. Others were disappointed in the low profile of an Amazon-only distribution.

No editing or formatting

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) provides a variety of options, from traditional novels to business books and comics, with easy-to-use tools and resources to guide you through the self-publishing process. However, it's worth noting that KDP doesn't offer professional editing or formatting services, which can increase your costs significantly. Additionally, the royalties can be complicated, with different requirements for eBooks and paperbacks.

A big-name option, but a little limited

While KDP is an affordable option, the biggest limitation is that your book will only appear on the Amazon platform. Overall, KDP is a great and reliable option for self-publishing, but it's important to consider your distribution needs before making a final decision.

What's the Best Place to Self Publish?

Congratulations! You're an author, and now you want to share your writing genius with the world. But working with a traditional publisher can be hard. With the extra step of finding an agent and the back-and-forth with editors, there's a lot going on in the publishing industry just to get your book on the publisher's desk. Lucky for you, there's a host of self-publishing options out there to support brand-new and established authors.

Self-publishing has become an increasingly popular option for writers who want to get their work out into the world without the assistance of traditional publishing companies. One of the biggest advantages of self-publishing is the control it gives the author over their work. Instead of having to conform to the demands of a publisher, authors can use self-publishing to retain complete creative control over their work.

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Self Publishing Service FAQ

Absolutely! There's no need to wait for an acceptance letter from a big publishing house to get your work out into the world.
You can do either one. There are lots of self-publishing services that can help you with the entire process, including illustrations, editing, and even marketing, regardless of whether you're trying to get your book printed or made available as an eBook.
You definitely can take the steps to get your book published without using a service, but you may waste a lot of time (and money!) making mistakes that could easily be avoided. Self-publishing services already know all of the ins and outs of the process and can help you focus just on what you need to accomplish your particular goals.
That depends. The more bells and whistles you want, the more you'll usually spend. There are platforms that let you print out a single standard paperback for under $2, and comprehensive service packages upwards of $15,000! There are also options that are free for the publishing side, but you'll pay a certain percentage of any royalties your book sales generate. That's a great choice if you've got a shoestring budget and just want to get started right away.
Most self-publishing in the print world is print-on-demand, so no! In other words, when someone orders your book, the publishing service you're using will print off a copy and send it directly to your customer.
The sky's the limit! Some popular add-ons include cover design, author ads on social media platforms, internal images and graphics, and online distribution.
Some self-publishing platforms offer more "hand-holding" than others. If you think you might want a provider that has more of a team feel, choose a service that offers email and phone support with a designated representative, so that you'll always be working with the same individual.
While it's true that there are fly-by-night, "Get Published Fast!" companies out there, it's easy to find services that have a long history of providing reputable service to aspiring and experienced authors alike. Be sure to see what other clients say about the service you're considering, before you make a commitment. You can also look up the company's listing with the Better Business Bureau for more reassurance that you've picked a good one.
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Continued from above...

There are several advantages to self-publishing a book. For example, an author can make decisions about everything from the book cover to the formatting of the text. This control can lead to a more authentic representation of the author's vision, which can be appealing to readers.

Another advantage of self-publishing is that it allows authors to reach a broader audience. Traditional publishers are often selective about the types of books they choose to publish, and many authors may struggle to find a publisher who is willing to take a chance on their work. Self-publishing, on the other hand, allows authors to bypass the traditional gatekeepers and get their work in front of readers who may be interested in their particular niche.

And the best part? Self-publishing can be more lucrative for authors than traditional publishing. Traditional publishing deals often involve the publisher taking a significant percentage of the book's profits, leaving the author with a smaller cut. With self-publishing, authors keep a larger share of their book's profits, which can add up over time. Additionally, self-publishing often allows authors to set their own prices, which can help them maximize their revenue.

Writing is a lot of work, but publishing doesn't have to be. To make sure you have the easiest path to getting your bestseller out to the public, we've researched the most popular self-publishing options so you don't have to.

If you're not sure where to start, here are several factors to keep in mind to find the best fit for you and your writing:

  • Cost. What is the cost to work with this publisher and how much will you make as the author? Costs include fees and royalties, so it's important to check both.
  • Specialty. Are you a poet or a playwright? Or maybe you prefer to write short stories or long sci-fi trilogies? You want to make sure the publisher you choose specializes in the kind of writing that's important to you. You want to be able to reach your ideal audience.
  • User-friendly tools. Are you looking for complete control over the final publication, or do you want a publisher that helps you along the way with technology tools?
  • Sales. Where does this self-publishing platform promote your work? Are sales integrated into the process or do you have to do all of the marketing yourself?

To help you make the jump from writer to published author smoother than ever, Top Consumer Reviews has evaluated and ranked the best self-publishing companies out there today. We hope this information helps you get the book of your dreams in print and in the reader's hands ASAP!

Compare Self Publishing Services

Select any 2 Self Publishing Services to compare them head to head

  • Outskirts Press
  • Book Baby
  • Publish Drive
  • Barnes & Noble Press
  • Draft 2 Digital
  • Virtual Bookworm
  • Smashwords
  • Kindle Direct Publishing
  • IngramSpark
  • Lulu
  • Xlibris
  • iUniverse
Outskirts Press vs Book Baby Outskirts Press vs Publish Drive Outskirts Press vs Barnes & Noble Press Outskirts Press vs Draft 2 Digital Outskirts Press vs Virtual Bookworm Outskirts Press vs Smashwords Outskirts Press vs Kindle Direct Publishing Outskirts Press vs IngramSpark Outskirts Press vs Lulu Outskirts Press vs Xlibris Outskirts Press vs iUniverse Book Baby vs Publish Drive Book Baby vs Barnes & Noble Press Book Baby vs Draft 2 Digital Book Baby vs Virtual Bookworm Book Baby vs Smashwords Book Baby vs Kindle Direct Publishing Book Baby vs IngramSpark Book Baby vs Lulu Book Baby vs Xlibris Book Baby vs iUniverse Publish Drive vs Barnes & Noble Press Publish Drive vs Draft 2 Digital Publish Drive vs Virtual Bookworm Publish Drive vs Smashwords Publish Drive vs Kindle Direct Publishing Publish Drive vs IngramSpark Publish Drive vs Lulu Publish Drive vs Xlibris Publish Drive vs iUniverse Barnes & Noble Press vs Draft 2 Digital Barnes & Noble Press vs Virtual Bookworm Barnes & Noble Press vs Smashwords Barnes & Noble Press vs Kindle Direct Publishing Barnes & Noble Press vs IngramSpark Barnes & Noble Press vs Lulu Barnes & Noble Press vs Xlibris Barnes & Noble Press vs iUniverse Draft 2 Digital vs Virtual Bookworm Draft 2 Digital vs Smashwords Draft 2 Digital vs Kindle Direct Publishing Draft 2 Digital vs IngramSpark Draft 2 Digital vs Lulu Draft 2 Digital vs Xlibris Draft 2 Digital vs iUniverse Virtual Bookworm vs Smashwords Virtual Bookworm vs Kindle Direct Publishing Virtual Bookworm vs IngramSpark Virtual Bookworm vs Lulu Virtual Bookworm vs Xlibris Virtual Bookworm vs iUniverse Smashwords vs Kindle Direct Publishing Smashwords vs IngramSpark Smashwords vs Lulu Smashwords vs Xlibris Smashwords vs iUniverse Kindle Direct Publishing vs IngramSpark Kindle Direct Publishing vs Lulu Kindle Direct Publishing vs Xlibris Kindle Direct Publishing vs iUniverse IngramSpark vs Lulu IngramSpark vs Xlibris IngramSpark vs iUniverse Lulu vs Xlibris Lulu vs iUniverse Xlibris vs iUniverse
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