The Best O. Henry Stories

Ranker Books
Updated October 19, 2023 25.2K views 40 items
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2.5K votes
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Upvote the best stories written by author O. Henry.

The absolute best O. Henry stories of all time, ranked by the community's votes. This list has the most popular stories written by American writer O. Henry, and includes related images and first published information as well. O. Henry, the pen name of William Sydney Porter, was born in 1862 in Greensboro, North Carolina. He is widely known for his distinct short story style, including wordplay and twist endings. What are the best of O. Henry's stories?

This list features the absolute best O. Henry stories. The titles are listed based on the number of votes cast for each story, and your votes can affect the order as well! Included among O. Henry's best stories are" The Gift of the Magi," "The Ransom of Red Chief," "Cabbages and Kings," "After Twenty Years," and "Whirligigs."

Cast your votes for the best O. Henry stories below and see where he ranks among the best short story writers of all time.