Providence Catholic Announces March Students of the Month | Providence Catholic High School

Providence Catholic Announces March Students of the Month

NEW LENOX (April 25, 2024) – Mr. Paul Houston, Principal of Providence Catholic High School, is pleased to announce the school’s “Students of the Month” for March. This year, the celebration for these students took on a new format, which includes a breakfast with their parents and the teacher who nominated them.

“We are grateful to be celebrating such wonderful students.” says Mr. Houston. “Their continual growth in the classroom, active involvement in learning, and character in the school community has resulted in their recognition as Students of the Month. This acknowledgment emphasizes their outstanding mindset and dedication. Each of these students contributes positively to the enhancement of our community.”

Every month, each academic department selects one student as “Student of the Month” from students nominated by staff. Students receive a certificate of recognition, have their photos displayed in Providence Catholic High School’s main hallway for the following month, and attend a special breakfast.

The Providence Catholic Students of the Month for March are pictured with Principal Paul Houston (center) and include: (l-r):

  • Olivia Babich (senior, World Languages) – graduate of St. Joseph Manhattan
  • Allison Benaitis (freshman, Math) – graduate of Cathedral of St. Raymond
  • Natalie DeMoor (senior, Science) – graduate of St. Joseph Lockport
  • Kara Hartman (freshman, Theology) – graduate of St. Jude New Lenox
  • Cassidy Lloyd (junior, Fine Arts) – graduate of Noonan Academy
  • Zena Nathaniel (freshman, PE/Health) – graduate of Troy Middle School
  • Tate Pietrzyk (freshman, English) – graduate of St. Joseph Manhattan
  • Ema Szum (junior, Social Sciences) – graduate of St. Paul the Apostle
  • Gunnar Thormeyer (sophomore, Computer Science and Applications) – graduate of Hickory Creek Middle School Frankfort
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