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12 Fun Ways to Celebrate Christmas in Malaysia

Christmas in Malaysia? Is that even a thing? Yes, it absolutely is!

I know that when you think of Christmas, chances are that images of cold weather, snow, and evergreen trees come to mind.

But a Malaysian Christmas is celebrated in the tropical heat! And it’s done on a pretty grand scale! Our family lived in Malaysia for two consecutive Christmases and loved every second of it.

One of the things I absolutely love about Malaysia is that its people are equal opportunity celebrators of every holiday possible.

Fun Fact: Here’s how to say Merry Christmas in Malaysia – Happy/Merry Christmas can be said as ‘Selamat Hari Krismas’ or ‘Selamat Hari Natal’.

Christmas in Malaysia is actually one of the largest celebrations in the country!

There’s the mid-autumn (mooncake) festival in October, Diwali in November, Christmas in December, New Year’s Day in January, and Chinese New Year in February. We quickly discovered that there’s always a party!

Unlike in Western countries where Christmas is a religious celebration, Christmas in Malaysia is generally celebrated as a non-religious, fun holiday.

With Christians only comprising 10% of the population, most Malaysians view Christmas in Malaysia as an opportunity to have parties and receive presents.

Christmas in Malaysia has a lot of unique traditions to enjoy.

How to Celebrate Christmas in Malaysia

Christmas Day (25th) is a national public holiday.

All of the public schools have a holiday break that week, so the whole country has an opportunity to get into the holiday spirit!

Malaysia truly goes all out when it comes to celebrating Christmas!

1. Outrageous Christmas Decor

Shopping malls everywhere attempt to one-up each other during Christmas in Malaysia by putting up the most impressive decorations and large displays.

There are lots of lights, Santas, reindeer, fake snow (since it’s very hot in Malaysia so there won’t be any real snow!), and huge Christmas trees.

Sometimes the trees can reach multiple stories high! Some malls will also set up attractions like indoor ice rinks and carol singers for extra holiday fun.

During Christmas Kuala Lumpur style, it’s impossible to walk into a shopping mall without being bombarded with Christmas carols playing.

My favorite display was the 2019 Star Wars Christmas celebration in KL at Pavillion Mall in Kuala Lumpur!

It had a HUGE replica Millennium Falcon that actually lifted off with smoke and music several times a day.

Pavillion Mall in KL has the best displays during Christmas in Malaysia.
Malls are the best place to celebrate Christmas in KL.

2. Special Restaurant Menus

Many restaurants have seasonal menus throughout the year. And they create special Christmas menus just for customers in Malaysia in December.

Christmas Eve is a big day for going to restaurants, having Christmas parties, and celebrating Christmas in groups.

Western food restaurants that cater to expats and foreigners often have special dinners on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

Some hotels even have Christmas dinner KL menus that are booked weeks in advance!

They aren’t generally very expensive either because they are competing with each other to attract the same, small group of people.

So you can enjoy a fancy restaurant at a reasonable price on Christmas in Malaysia! Or just swing by a coffee shop and pick up a Christmas-themed beverage!

That’s one of my favorite things to do during Christmas in Malaysia.

If you want to eat at home, then in Malaysia the most popular dish is either roasting or frying chicken. If that’s not your thing, don’t worry. Anything goes on Christmas in Malaysia!

In fact, some of my favorite meals in Malaysia were during Christmas. One of my friends in KL introduced me to mince pies. Now I miss them at Christmastime!

Many coffee shops have special drinks during Christmas in Malaysia.

3. Christmas Parties

Our first Christmas in Malaysia was before the pandemic. We were invited to THREE Christmas parties, all of which were organized by Malaysians (not expats).

These secular shindigs are known as “open house,” and consist mostly of eating, drinking, and socializing.

And since the weather was (of course) really hot, there was also always some swimming time for the kiddos.

As a Chicagoan, I never would have thought of going swimming on Christmas, but that’s just what one does in the tropics during Christmas in Malaysia I guess.

The Christmas parties were all on different days but they were all before Christmas Day. We had a blast at each party and loved getting to know more about how Malaysians celebrate the holiday.

Parties for Christmas in Malaysia always seem to involve pools and swimming!
A KL Christmas is a lot of fun, especially when your condo complex has a big Christmas event in KL!

4. Head to the Islands

If you happen to be celebrating Christmas in Malaysia and are looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, consider heading to one of Malaysia’s beautiful islands!

Many tourists, expats, and locals alike take advantage of the long holiday break and head to the beach.

Langkawi, Tioman, and the Perhentians are all popular options for a short getaway in Malaysia, especially over Christmas.

We did this our second Christmas in Malaysia, and had a lot of fun! I booked us a week with friends on Sibu Palau near Singapore. It’s home to one of the best family resorts in Malaysia!

We enjoyed a visit from Santa on Christmas, Little Man decorated Christmas cookies with the other kids at the resort’s kids club, and we all exchanged gifts.

We even built a sandman and Little Man made sand angels!

Make a sand man not a snowman during Christmas in Malaysia.
For us, the beach is the best place to go for Christmas in Malaysia!

5. Christmas Bazaars

In addition to over-the-top Christmas decorations, most malls in Malaysia also have Christmas bazaars on their ground floors. They invite vendors and artisans to sell their handcrafted works.

This can include anything from clothing and scented candles to greeting cards, baked goods, and much more! It’s fantastic to walk among the stalls and be enchanted by the intricate Christmas crafts.

Don’t be afraid to talk with the local sellers and artisans about Christmas traditions and their work.

In between talking and shopping, make sure to enjoy some home-baked goods, such as brownies and gingerbread houses. Or even some mince pies!

MyTown Mall in Kuala Lumpur gave their 2020 Christmas Bazaar a letters to Santa theme. It was such a fun idea!

Christmas in Kuala Lumpur is celebrated with vibrant decorations, lively festivals, and a mix of traditional and modern festivities.

6. Live Christmas Performances

It’s really fun in the bigger cities to watch live Christmas spectaculars, which are generally hosted in shopping malls and hotels.

Caroling groups, live music bands, and stage performers bring a bit of holiday cheer and spirit to spectators.

Some entertainers may even be willing to include you in the festivities! Enjoy watching the acts while singing along to your favorite Christmas songs and contemporary hits.

👉 Check Klook to pre-book special activities and Christmas events at the best rate.

Suria KLCC Mall Christmas event KL Schedule 2019

7. Giving Back

The Christmas season is a great time to give back to those less fortunate, whether it be through volunteering, donating money or goods, or simply showing a little extra kindness to people you encounter in your day-to-day life.

It’s easy to get caught up in the materialism of Christmas, but taking a step back and giving to others is one of the most rewarding things you can do during this time of year.

We went to a carnival sponsored by a local mall with activities for kids. All the proceeds went to the World Wildlife Federation (WWF).

Little Man got to enjoy activities (worldschooling for the win!) and we got to give to a good cause during Christmas in Malaysia!

Little Man giving back in Kuala Lumpur at Christmas time.

8. Shopping!

If you love to shop, then you’ll be in for a treat during Christmas in Malaysia.

Most stores have sales and discounts on popular items. You can find great deals on clothes, shoes, accessories, and more.

Even if you’re not a big shopper, it’s fun to window shop and people-watch during the busy holiday season.

In preparation for the Christmas season, malls in Malaysia have even started kicking it off by offering Black Friday sales.

I was shocked when we arrived in Kuala Lumpur the week before Thanksgiving and saw signs at the malls advertising Black Friday. One store even scheduled its grand opening for Black Friday weekend!

Even with a line to get into the store, in generally “Black Friday” is not the same level of ridiculousness that exists in the US.

The next year, my neighbor and I started a bad habit of buying overpriced 3-wick Christmas-scented candles at Bath & Body Works and leaving them lit all day every day.

Considering the crowds in the stores when we went, I know we weren’t the only ones to do it!

This all goes to show that any type of shopping is fun and encouraged in Malaysia at Christmas time.

9. Fireworks

Around midnight on Christmas Eve, grand firework displays light up the sky in most towns and cities.

After enjoying their traditional Christmas meal, many people like to stay up and go outside to watch the show.

Even though we realized that Malaysians use fireworks to celebrate pretty much every holiday, it’s still a magical way to end the evening and begin Christmas Day!

Christmas KL is a popular annual event in Malaysia.

10. Go to Church

If you’re Christian, then going to church is a great way to celebrate Christmas in Malaysia.

There are plenty of beautiful churches scattered around the country, and attending service is a lovely way to feel connected to your faith during the holiday season.

Even if you’re not religious, visiting a church is still a great way to experience Malaysian culture and get a taste of the local Christmas traditions in Malaysia.

Just stop by a local church in your area to find out the schedule in advance.

For some people, the Christmas celebration in Malaysia includes going to church.

11. iCity Winter Wonderland

The iCity theme park south of Kuala Lumpur is open all year round. It’s located in the town of Shah Alam.

However, it’s extra special during the Christmas season. So if you’re still wondering where to go for Christmas in Malaysia, iCity should be on your list.

The entire park is decked out in festive lights and decorations, and there are plenty of fun rides and attractions to enjoy. It really feels festive for Christmas in Malaysia, and is a lot of fun!

Pro Tip: If you’re heading to KL to enjoy some of the Christmas festivities, I recommend booking a hotel with a rooftop pool!

They even have a winter section in the park, where you are given parkas and gloves so you can enter the cold area comfortably and do winter activities. They even make artificial snow for visitors to enjoy!

A Malaysia Christmas celebration at iCity is lots of fun.

12. Ang Pau

Thanks to our experience working for a Chinese ESL company for several years before becoming digital nomads, I knew about the Chinese New Year tradition of giving red envelopes for the Lunar New Year.

During the Malaysia Christmas holiday, people in Malaysia celebrate Christmas and the festive season with various traditions and customs.

Maybe it’s because there’s a strong Chinese cultural influence in Malaysia, but some Malaysians also give Ang Pau instead of gifts at Christmas time as well.

Fun Fact: Ang Pau are red envelopes with money inside.

They are given to children and unmarried adults by married couples or those with higher incomes. The amount of money inside the envelope is usually an even number, as odd numbers are considered unlucky.

A Christmas celebration Malaysia is a vibrant, multicultural event that attracts people from all walks of life.

Christmas in Malaysia: FAQs

Still have questions about Christmas in Malaysia? Here are some answers to frequently asked questions we often are asked.

Is Christmas a holiday in Malaysia?

Yes, Christmas is a holiday in Malaysia. The Malaysia Christmas celebration is one of the biggest holidays of the year and people celebrate it with much enthusiasm and joy.

Why do they celebrate Christmas in Malaysia?

Christmas in Malaysia is celebrated by all Malaysians regardless of religion or ethnicity. It is a time to celebrate with friends and family, exchanging gifts, decorating homes, and indulging in traditional festive Malaysian Christmas foods.

The over-the-top Christmas displays are a must-see, too!

What is a fun fact about Christmas in Malaysia?

A fun fact about Christmas in Malaysia is that many Malaysians celebrate “open house” which is the practice of inviting family, friends, and even strangers to join in the celebration.

This is a way of spreading Christmas cheer and showing hospitality toward others. It’s also not uncommon for locals to throw parties, host dinners, and even organize parades in public places.

Where should I go for Christmas Day in Malaysia?

On Christmas Day in Malaysia, a great place to visit is the stunning Petronas Twin Towers, located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur.

Here you can witness the festive decorations at nearby Suria and Avenue K shopping malls and the enormous Christmas tree in KLCC park.

You can also spend Christmas at the beach, and enjoy a food tour in Penang or a helicopter tour in Langkawi!

Where should I go for Christmas in Malaysia?

For a truly unique Christmas experience, you can’t go wrong with Kuala Lumpur. The capital city has many festive events and activities to enjoy throughout the season, like the amazing mall decor and the Christmas markets.

Other cities around Malaysia also offer plenty of holiday fun, from Penang’s pantomime shows and bazaars to Kota Kinabalu’s Christmas light displays. There really is something for everyone during the Christmas season in Malaysia.

What does Malaysia do for Christmas?

How does Malaysia celebrate Christmas? Well, in Malaysia, Christmas is celebrated with lots of traditional festive activities such as caroling in the malls, decorating homes and shopping malls, and baking elaborate meals with local favorites as well as foreign treats, like mince pies.

What is Santa called in Malaysia?

Santa Claus is called “Santa Klaush” in Malaysia. It’s the same spelling as in English. However, the pronunciation of the final “s” is slightly different. He wears the traditional red suit and white beard, which is a bit odd considering how hot it is there.

Does Malaysia celebrate Christmas?

Yes, Malaysia celebrates Christmas. It is a festive season for Malaysians, especially with all the decorations and lights that line the streets. Christmas markets are also popular, where people can buy food, toys, clothes, and other items related to Christmas.

Where to celebrate Christmas in Malaysia?

Malaysia is a great place to celebrate Christmas, no matter if you’re looking for a beach or city destination. In the cities, Kuala Lumpur’s Christmas light displays and festive markets make it an ideal spot to spend the holidays. Sip festive drinks while shopping at Petaling Street and enjoy traditional Malaysian food at Jalan Alor. Other urban spots like George Town, Malacca, Ipoh, and Penang also offer great city-based activities for the holiday season.

Where to celebrate Christmas in KL?

Kuala Lumpur is one of the best places where to celebrate Christmas. There are many malls that have stunning decorations and events for the festive season. The most popular malls in KL for Christmas celebrations include Suria KLCC, Sunway Pyramid, Mid Valley Megamall, Pavilion KL and 1 Utama Shopping Centre.

How do Malaysians celebrate Christmas?

Malaysians celebrate Christmas by gathering with friends and family to share a meal. Traditional decorations such as pine trees, bright lights, and Christmas carols playing in the malls are also a big part of the holiday.

Little Man during our Christmas Eve celebration on the beach in Malaysia

Final Thoughts: Christmas in Malaysia

There are so many ways to enjoy Christmas in Malaysia. And you don’t have to limit yourself to just one.

During the Christmas holiday Malaysia becomes a vibrant destination with various festive decorations and joyful celebrations throughout the country.

We’ve done almost everything on the list above, and it feels pretty magical to go all-out in an unexpected place like Malaysia.

Malaysia is a country full of surprises, and Christmas is no exception! If you’re looking for a unique and festive holiday experience, then put Malaysia on your travel list.

We can’t wait to return someday to enjoy the celebrations there all over again.

During Christmas Malaysia, people gather with their loved ones to celebrate.

From over-the-top Christmas decorations to live performances and delicious food, you’re sure to have a merry time.

Do keep in mind that as soon as Christmas day has finished, the decorations are all taken down as soon as possible.

The malls then get the New Year’s decorations ready! And those tend to be pretty fancy as well!

No matter how you choose to spend your Christmas in Malaysia, I hope you have a wonderful time! We sure did!

👉 While we have global health insurance for our day-to-day lives, we also elect travel insurance with SafetyWing for our spurts of fast travel adventure!

Brodi Cole
Author: Brodi Cole

Brodi Cole is a full-time digital nomad who travels the world with her family. She made the switch to blogging and content writing after spending more than a decade and a half working as a Human Resources Manager and Director. Since transitioning her family to a digital nomad lifestyle, they've visited over 20 countries together (and counting) in the last ten years! In addition to traveling extensively through Canada, the USA, and the Caribbean, she's also visited Asia, Europe, and South America. She spent most of the pandemic living in Malaysia before living in Mexico for over a year and then driving the Pan-American Highway from the USA to the southernmost tip of Argentina. Brodi is also a freelance SEO writer and editor, sharing her expertise with other companies and bloggers. She has a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and a Master's Degree in Human Resources Management.

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