



  • hung-t'ou hsu
  • lan hsu
  • lan yu
  • orchid island
  • orchids i. of


  • Lanyu airport lyudao airport
  • What i have seen of the lanyu documentary so far , is amazing and outstanding , with a very touching story ! !
    目前我看到蘭嶼紀錄片的內容,是一部非常精彩,杰出并且很動人的故事喔! !
  • Enter the world of science bob to try home experiments , visit his on - line lab and get answers to your science questions
  • Yami tribesmen from orchid island paddle their traditional handmade boat on the keelung river in taipei july 31 , 2007
  • The tatara boat culture in lanyu is the aggregation of physiology , psychology , economy , belief , and world view of the tao people
  • A volunteer project that observes and records natural history events such as plants flowering , birds returning , frogs peeping , and weather events
  • For example , i was diving in lan - yu recently , and of course seeing an infinity of amazing undersea life is always such a blessing
  • Purpose help the residents of lanyu develop their home environs and raise their quality of life through education , culture , art , religious faith , medicine and health care , missionary work , and social concern
  • The ministry of finance is encouraging the development of remote islands including gimmeng ( kimmen ) , mazo ( matsu ) , _ pne / o ( penghu ) , . lieg deo ( green island ) , and _ lan = su ( lanyu ) , by offering incentives in the form of exemptions for individual income tax for five years , no sales tax , and no business income tax
  • In addition , it establishes two branches respectively located at taipei songshan airport and kaohsiung international airport , and some offices in taichung shuinan airport , chia - yi airport , tainan airport , penghu makung airport , pingtung airport , taitung fengnin airport , lyudao airport , lanyu airport , hualien airport and kinmen airport , as well as police stations in penghu cimei airport , wang - an airport and matsu beigan airport , respectively responsible for guarding and security , criminal investigation , certificates check and security inspection
  • 更多例句:  1  2


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