REVIEW: Morning Glory by Ryan Adams - AMPLIFY THE NOISE

REVIEW: Morning Glory by Ryan Adams

Ryan Adams released a cover album of Oasis(What’s the Story) Morning Glory? simply called Morning Glory.

Of the album, Ryan says this of the album,

It’s been meticulously mastered and has real british string sections, raw and beautiful guitars and I did my best to keep the essence of this masterpiece but look for new meaning, a new way to tell this story… by taking the long way round.

Released to his fans last week on Good Friday, he further added,

It’s maybe my favourite thing I ever made. Weirdly like Love is Hell had a brother from another mother maybe. You’ll feel like you’re watching Corrie in 1986 but if you were a slightly damaged American greaser.

Morning Glory is absolutely wonderful and like Ryan has mentioned, one can tell he was meticulous not only in instruments but with his vocals. He brings a depth and range of emotions that aren’t felt in the original songs. He has stripped the songs back to basics and most back to just acoustics. I have always felt that acoustic versions of songs expose all the bones, muscles, and nerves of the song. It reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the song as there is no wall of sound for the artist to hide behind. By exposing the inner workings of each song, Ryan has allowed each song to show off its magic and the talent of its original creators.

Fans of Ryan already know he does a pretty impressive cover of “Wonderwall” and he raises the bar on himself with a new version for Morning Glory.

Like the cover albums, Nebraska and Blood on the Tracks, Ryan continues to pay homage to artists that he respects and loves.

Morning Glory is a magnificent nod to the British rockers that have left a lasting impression on him and like they have done for so many others and to the history of rock-n-roll.

MUST LISTEN TRACKS: “She’s Electric”, “Cast No Shadow”, “Don’t Look Back in Anger”, “Roll With It”

FAVOURITE TRACKS: “Cast No Shadow”, “Don’t Look Back in Anger”, “Acquiesce”