Two Times You (Dos Veces Tú) Featured, Reviews Film Threat
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Two Times You (Dos Veces Tú)

By Andy Howell | February 20, 2019

The setup for Two Times You (Dos Veces Tú) sounds intriguing. Two couples are out at an event.  Daniela and Rodrigo (Melissa Barrera and Mariano Palacios) are ridiculously attractive. Daniela’s cousin, Tania (Anahí Dávila), is worried that she’s missing out making her life feel more boring.  She’s married to Benny (Daniel Adissi), who has antediluvian views of the role of a wife in a marriage. The couples get pretty wasted, and the women decide to each go home with the other’s husband.  The problem is one of the cars crashes, killing the partners of the people in the other vehicle. The surviving widow and widower must now try to navigate the mistrust and rumors in their community, the loss of their friend and lover, and the strange position concerning one another that they are put in.

That’s just the beginning, and it doesn’t begin to capture the magic of Two Times You.  The story is told out of order; leaving viewers to slowly piece together what happened (the setup mentioned above happens right at the beginning). Without giving too much away, let’s say that the movie is not constrained to the rules our reality obeys.  IMDB lists the genres of the movie as Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Thriller, and it fits squarely into all those categories. Imagine putting Pulp Fiction, Memento, Sliding Doors, Abre Los Ojos, Mulholland Drive and Y Tu Mamá También in a blender.  That still doesn’t quite capture it, because Two Times You has such a unique style that it is a singular vision.

The director and writer, Salomón Askenazi, has done a phenomenal job. I could actually tell you beat-by-beat what happens in the movie, and it would still be just as enjoyable as the film’s style alone makes it a must-see.  And when I say style, I mean everything — the set design, cinematography, the look of the actors, editing, and music. 

“…pretty wasted, the women decide to each go home with the other’s husband.”

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  1. Maria G says:

    This movie was pretty good, a bit confusing with the back and forth. I’m still not sure what happened at the end, who actually died?

  2. Bret Shirley says:

    I saw this last night in San Diego. People who can’t write, people who can’t direct and people who can’t act make movies with gratuitous sex and nudity. This is one of those movies. Wandering, incoherent plot. Odd cinematography. Not worth the time to see. 9.5? What are you on?

    • Ricardo Otero Córdoba says:

      The thing is, you GIVE ABSOLUTELY NO facts to backup your claims. If you were expecting to watch a Marvel film, then you walked into the wrong movie theater. There’s a plot: People coping with a loss and their sanity is at stake. There’s no gratuitous nudity since it’s plot related and it’s handled rather well by the director. How about you make your own film instead of trashing other people’s work with reviews based on nothing but your own biased opinions.

  3. Milly Cohen says:

    A review that embellish my soul, I saw the movie and I also felt as excited as you. It is my best for far. Thank you for putting in words what I felt and could have not written as you did. Not in English, at least.