Balshaw’s Church of England High School is a Voluntary Controlled Church of England High School and we are proud of our Christian ethos. This has often been commented on by our visitors, as it permeates all that we say and do. The bedrock of this is based on the Gospel Values which underpin our Pastoral System, worship and curriculum.

Governors meetings all begin with a prayer and the school day via briefing starts with a prayer for the day. The school prayer is:

Heavenly Father
We ask for your blessing on all who teach and work at the school and all those who learn.
Help us to be guided by your spirit and ever mindful of the part we play in your world.
Help us to be responsible and react kindly towards each other and all we meet.
As we go out into your world, help us to take the standards of our school, remembering past students and all who have been associated with Balshaw’s.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Christian Year

The major festivals of the Christian Year are celebrated both as a school within assemblies and in the form of voluntary communions where a small number of governors, staff and friends of the school meet together. There are Carol Services held at St Andrew’s Church.

Balshaw’s also has strong connections with the other worship centres in Leyland, particularly St Ambrose Church and Leyland Methodist Church. All local clergy come in to lead our collective worship and also our Communions.

Christian Fellowship is available within the school. There is a staff fellowship that meet on Wednesday mornings at 8.30am. We have a growing Parent Prayer Group who meet on the first Thursday of each month.

Memorial Garden Service

This is an annual service that is held on the 1st Monday of Advent in our Memorial Garden. It is a candle lit service where students, staff, parents and governors remember loved ones, particularly those past students and staff from Balshaw’s.


Please see our Headteacher's Welcome here

Please see our Balshaw's School Ethos here

Please see our Chaplain's page here.

Christian Ethos