Assassin's Creed 2: solve the glyph puzzles

Assassin's Creed 2: solve the glyph puzzles

  • May 25, 2024
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In the course of Assassin's Creed 2, you will encounter 20 different glyph puzzles. The puzzles are extremely tricky and can take you quickly to a white heat. In our next practice tip, we will explain step for step how to solve the Puzzles and thus the mystery of subject 16 reveal.

Glyphs-Riddle 1: In The Beginning

In this puzzle, you must select five images, which is an Apple.
  • It is the images 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9.
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Glyph Puzzles 2: 64 Squares

In this puzzle, you must arrange three of the paintings properly.
  • By Selecting and Rotating the individual circles, you can arrange the parts correctly.

Glyph Puzzles 3: Offspring

It will be Roosevelt three photos of Fanklin D., Harry Houdini, Mahatma Gandhi shown. In the photos, you have to make it by means of an infrared scanner, the hidden Eden shard to find.
  • In the photo of Roosevelt, you will find the Eden shard on an extended line of the arm.
  • In the case of the photo of Houdini, you will find the Eden a little below his right Hand.
  • In the photo of Gandhi, you will find the Eden at the height of the elbow.

Glyph Puzzle 4: Infinite Knowledge

In this puzzle you must pay careful attention to the instructions given.
  • On the first photo, select the Bazooka on the back of the soldier.
  • On the second photo, you take the soldiers, squatting in the Background in front of a wall.
  • On the third photo, the bayonets of the soldiers in the first row.
  • In the fourth photo, you must select the light brown Monster.

Glyphs-Riddle 5: Instruments Of Power

In this puzzle, you must first search for out the images to see where the swords are.
  • Select the images 2, 3, 6, 8, and 9, to get to the second part of the puzzle.
  • In the second part of the puzzle you need to locate the images on which the bars are shown. Select the images 3, 6, 8, 9 and 10.

Glyph-Puzzles 6: Brothers

In this glyph puzzles you need to solve a four-Ring puzzle.
  • Turn in the first Puzzle the first Ring ten times to the right. Then, by rotating the second Ring three times to the left and the fourth one to the right. The third Ring is thereby moved with. Turn the fifth Ring three times to the right. Now you only need to rotate the last Ring to the appropriate position.
  • For the second Puzzle, you rotate the first Ring three times to the left, then the third Ring to the left. The fourth Ring, you have to rotate four times to the left and then the fifth right again. The last Ring you can now at the right place.
  • In the third Puzzle you need to rotate the first Ring three times to the left, the second to the right twice and then the third Ring once to the right. Now move the fourth 4 Ring seven times to the right and then the fifth one to the right. Finally, you rotate the second three times to the left.
  • The fourth and last piece of the Puzzle you solve by rotating the first Ring five times to the right, and the second four times to the right. The third Ring, they move one position to the right, while rotating the fourth Ring twice to the right. The fifth Ring must rotate twice to the left and the second annular ring to the right twice. The first Ring, move to the appropriate place.

Glyph-puzzles 7: search and You will find

In this puzzle you have to find five images in which the color Red particularly stands out.
  • Select the images 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6.
  • In the next screen, you need to select the Eden, next to the right hip of Jesus.

Glyph Puzzle 8: The Martyr

On the third picture, it had moved to first, the ball of fire on the image of the Holy Johanna, the burned at the stake, and then the photo of Rasputin, the significant influence on the Tsar family, on the of Nicholas the Second.
  • Select the tip of the rod in the Hand of Nicholas II.
  • Select the sword of Joan of arc.
  • On the third screen, you need to move the ball of fire on the image of the Holy Johanna. Then, you move the photo of Rasputin to Nicholas II.

Glyph Puzzle 9: Hat Trick

In this riddles you will be confronted with photos, as well as a code puzzle.
  • Select on the photo of Houdini on the right side of his chest.
  • Select on the photo of Gandhi in his heart.
  • The solution to the code puzzle is 312.

Glyph Puzzles 10: Apollo

This glyph puzzle deals with the landing on the moon and puts them in front of two pictures-puzzles and a Puzzle.
  • Select the lunar module in the lower left part of the image.
  • In the following Puzzle you need to rotate the fifth Ring six times to the left, the second Ring four times to the left, and the fourth three times to the right. The third Ring you must move five times to the left, then to bring the first Ring on his right place.
  • In the next picture you will find at the foot of the astronaut the search Apple of Eden.

Glyph-Puzzle 11: The Inventor

  • In the first screen, you must touch all the light bulbs with the flash.
  • In the next picture you will find below the tower, between the two Windows there is a hidden icon.
  • In the third image you find in the bosom of Tesla the sought-after Eden.

Glyph puzzles 12: titans of industry

  • To Solve the code puzzle set is the combination 240.
  • In the second image, you need to delete the light bulbs with the Dollar sign.
  • In the third image, select the glowing Ball in the middle.
  • At the conclusion of the puzzle you must select the following icons: two dashes and a dot, three lines and a line with two points.

Glyphs-riddle 13: I am become Dead to the world destroyer

This puzzle refers to Robert Oppenheimer, the inventor of the atomic bomb.
  • Enter the following string: To 5 select the circle and the square over a square, to 2 select the circle and 9 the triangle.
  • In the second part of the puzzle, you just press the button.
  • The game is complete, you can use the Geiger counter to discover in the lower left area is a sequence of numbers.

Glyph Puzzle 14: The Blood Lines

In this puzzle you need to locate the images in which women are depicted with the gods.
  • Select the images 1, 4, 6, 7, and 10.

Glyph Puzzle 15: Guardian

This puzzle is again a rotation puzzle.
  • Rotate the third Ring twice to the right. Thus, the fourth Ring is rotated directly. Turn the fifth and the first Ring four times to the right. Then you have to turn the fourth and first Ring five times to the right. The fifth and the first Ring must be five times rotated to the left. Then turn the second Ring is also five times to the left. Finally, you turn to the fifth and second Ring five times to the right.
  • At the conclusion of the puzzle you have to move the assassin Logo over the targets.

Glpyhen-Puzzle 16: The Cavalry

  • Move the assassins Emblem on the word "Tunguska" on the map.
  • Then, you must move the rod to the photo of Tesla.

Glyph Puzzle 17: The Bunker

In this Code-puzzles you must assign the Numbers of matching symbols.
  • For the 7, select the closed square, which has a stitch in the middle.
  • For the 9 select the polygon in which each of the two tips of the top and bottom point in the middle.
  • For the 1 select the rhombus in the middle of a circle.
  • Finally, you need to find the assassin Emblem in the picture. This is located in the upper-right corner of the bunker.

Glyph Puzzle 18: Synapses

In this code, the puzzles, you have to select three symbols.
  • Select these three icons: three Martini glasses side by side, seven lenses in three rows and three angle with a further glass.
  • In the next part of the puzzle, you must move the Cursor over the neurotransmitters, to lights so that they start.

Glyph puzzle 19: The fourth day

In the picture puzzles, you need to search for images of the sun.
  • You can find the sun in the pictures 2, 3, 5, 8, and 9.
  • On a following emerging picture of the sun you need to find a smaller figure of the earth. This is hidden from the center, as seen in the lower left area.

Glyph puzzle 20: The origin of species

  • Turn the fifth circle ten times to the right while you rotate the fourth to the left twice.
  • The first Ring is connected with the third. Rotate the third Ring twice to the right.
  • In the connector, you rotate the second circle five times to right and the first three times to the left. Then, a screen appears on which you select the eye up.
  • In the following code puzzles, you can enter any combination in order to advance.
  • In the last picture, you have to move the Cursor over the skeleton, the bones reset properly.


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