'Furious' Don Lemon Loses His Cool After Chris Cuomo Has Rick Santorum On

The CNN host was seething over Santorum and not too pleased with Cuomo, either.

CNN’s Don Lemon started to lose his cool after colleague Chris Cuomo had former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Penn.) on his show to explain his racist comments about Native Americans.

“Did he actually think it was a good idea for him to come on television and try to whitewash the whitewash that he whitewashed?” Lemon asked. “It was horrible and insulting and I apologize to the viewers who were insulted by this.”

Santorum, who is now a CNN commentator, claimed last month that there was nothing in America before white colonizers arrived.

“I mean, yes, we have Native Americans,” Santorum said at an event for young conservatives. “But candidly, there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.”

The comments led to calls for CNN to fire Santorum.

Speaking to Cuomo, Santorum did not apologize, instead claiming he “misspoke” and was “taken out of context.” But Lemon wasn’t having it, describing himself as “furious” as he watched Santorum speak to Cuomo from his office.

“He’s done it so many times,” Lemon said. “So many times and it was so egregious and insulting.”

The Daily Beast posted the clips on Twitter, which caused Don Lemon’s name to trend on the network:

Lemon also seemed none too happy with Cuomo for giving Santorum the airtime. As Cuomo tried to explain the segment, Lemon sighed in exasperation and eventually gave up.

“We gotta go, because we’re not gonna agree,” Lemon said as he wrapped up the exchange:

Lemon hasn’t shied away from letting Cuomo know how he feels about some of the guests on his show. For example, Cuomo frequently gave airtime to Kellyanne Conway, who at the time was counselor to then-President Donald Trump, for their famously combative exchanges.

“She never answers a question. She berates you. She’s condescending,” Lemon said. “For me, it feels beneath the dignity of this network to have someone on who constantly lies and misconstrues things.”

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