The Complete List of 78 Tarot Cards (And Their Meanings)

The Complete List of 78 Tarot Cards (And Their Meanings)

Welcome, dear seeker, to the enchanting world of tarot cards, where 78 mystical playing cards hold the keys to unlocking life’s profound mysteries. This overview will provide you with a complete and comprehensive list of all the card decks and their meanings.

Tarot cards are divided into two realms: the Major Arcana, a set of 22 cards that dive into the deepest currents of existence. Major arcana cards explore themes like love, career, and the path we walk in life. On the other hand, we have the Minor Arcana, a treasury of 56 cards, guiding us through the smaller everyday enigmas we face.

In this overview, we will explore all 78 tarot cards and their true meanings one by one. Much like the occultists of the past, allow the cards to whisper their secrets and unveil the wisdom they contain.

Card readers use a process of divination (i.e. fortune telling through cartomancy). However, I prefer to call it intuitive reading. This is the process that makes tarot card reading powerful. Are you ready? It’s time to explore the deeper meaning of the tarot decks!


Major Arcana

The Major Arcana set, a potent collection of 22 cards, is like a cosmic compass, offering insight into the grand tapestry of life. They delve into the profound, answering your questions about your journey, your relationships, and your personal growth.

The deck of Major Arcana consists of the following 22 tarot cards:


Minor Arcana

Now, turning our attention to the Minor Arcana set. With its 56 cards, they become your trusted companions for the everyday mysteries you encounter. These cards act as beacons, guiding you through the smaller, yet equally meaningful, twists and turns of your path.

There are four sets of Minor Arcana tarot card sets to consider, which are:

  1. The Suit of Wands (fire)
  2. The Suit of Cups (water)
  3. The Suit of Swords (air)
  4. The Suit of Pentacles (earth)


Suit of Wands

Enter the realm of the Suit of Wands, one of the four primary divisions in the ‘Minor Arcana’ tarot deck. Comprising 14 cards, this suit embodies the spirit of creativity, passion, and the impetus for action. It’s a journey into the realms of inspiration and the pursuit of new adventures.

The Suit of Wands deck in Minor Arcana consists of the following tarot cards:


Suit of Cups

Welcome to the Suit of Cups, an integral part of the tarot’s four suits in the ‘Minor Arcana’ realm. Comprising 14 unique cards, this suit delves into the complexities of emotions, relationships, and inner introspection. It invites you to explore the realm of empathy, love, and the deep currents of human sentiment.

The Suit of Cups deck in Minor Arcana consists of the following tarot cards:


Suit of Swords

Keen to explore the subdivision of the Suit of Swords? Within this ‘Minor Arcana’ tarot deck, you’ll find 14 distinct cards that symbolize the world of intellect, conflict, and the power of thought. The Suit of Swords challenges us to explore the realm of mental clarity, decision-making, and the dynamics of adversity. It’s a journey into the realm of wisdom, truth, and the sharp edges of the mind.

The Suit of Swords deck in Minor Arcana consists of the following tarot cards:


Suit of Pentacles

Last but certainly not least, there is the Suit of Pentacles. Much like their counterparts, this essential part of the ‘Minor Arcana’ tarot deck consists of exactly 14 unique cards. These represent material wealth, practicality, and the earthly realm. They invite us to explore the world of financial stability, tangible achievements, and the foundations of life.

The Suit of Pentacles deck in Minor Arcana consists of the following tarot cards:

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