Naruto Shippuden: Season 17 The Final Valley - Watch on Crunchyroll
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Naruto Shippuden


Star Review


E475 - The Final Valley


Released on Sep 8, 2016

The battle with Kaguya is over, and all that is left is for Naruto and Sasuke to combine their powers and release the Infinite Tsukuyomi. But before they can do this, Sasuke makes a shocking declaration.

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User avatar.
8 years ago

Sakura's love has to be a mental disorder, at this point, right?

User avatar.
7 years ago

After almost 500 episodes, Sasuke still manages to be a complete dickhead no matter the situation.

User avatar.
6 years ago

Sasuke is such a bitch

User avatar.
6 years ago

Who else is sick of Sakura loving Sasuke? If we knew a girl who was in love with a murderous psychopath, we would call her crazy and get her therapy.

User avatar.
6 years ago

and all this on Narutos birthday

User avatar.
4 years ago

Of course... all over again... when everyone is happy, Sasuke has to be that one guy who spoils everyone's fun

User avatar.
6 years ago

It's official, all Uchiha are trash. Tobirama was right

User avatar.
7 years ago

Clear Sasuke's Ninja Way is : "Be an ass to the very end. A smart ass, a dumb ass, an indifferent ass... any ass will do."

User avatar.
5 years ago

"Sasuke" - Still a fucking bitch even after almost 700 episodes

User avatar.
8 years ago

Sakura: sasuke I love you. Sasuke: I'm sorry but... I love Emilia.

User avatar.
4 years ago

I swear Sasuke has mental issues

User avatar.
7 years ago

Haha, oh man Sasuke's emo factor is off the damn charts.

User avatar.
7 years ago

There are despicable moronic assholes... and then there's Sasuke Uchiha...

User avatar.
4 years ago

just when I started to like Sasuke again. Well I guess it can't be helped

User avatar.
6 years ago

Sasuke always gotta be a litle bitch

User avatar.
7 years ago

Why does Sasuke have to be such a little shit. Just tell me why

User avatar.
5 years ago

Sasuke doesn't make any sense...

User avatar.
6 years ago

anyone else hate sasuke with a passion

User avatar.
4 years ago

Leave it to Sasuke to mess literally everything up... again. *Sighs* every time man.

User avatar.
7 years ago

After all that I still can't believe Sakura likes come on he's an asshole

User avatar.
4 years ago

Sasuke is king of no character development.

User avatar.
6 years ago

I know plot holes is this anime's middle name, which is fine. But Madara's corpse is lying there with two fresh Rinnegan ripe for use. Perhaps Kakashi should help himself, undo Infinite Tsukuyomi with Naruto and help destroy that asshole...

User avatar.
6 years ago

Sasuke has always been a whiny little bitch.

User avatar.
8 years ago

Is anyone else feeling like Sakura should just use her powers to just punch Sasuke in the head????? *Sigh*

User avatar.
8 years ago

Dafuq sakura, don't you get it already, he's not into you he's into naruto.

User avatar.
8 years ago

Sakura is cringe worthy.

User avatar.
5 years ago

sasuke is a bitch

User avatar.
7 years ago

I really wish Sasuke would have just fucking died off a long time ago. Every time I watch this he just reminds me of the spoiled fucking twat he is.

User avatar.
5 years ago

Dammit Sasuke, why do you have such bad timing?!

User avatar.
6 years ago

I'm SO IRRITATED BECAUSE Kakashi is describing all of this stuff Sakura did and felt, and everyone is ignoring the fact that Naruto went through the same exact thing but a hundredfold!

User avatar.
7 years ago

sasuke, what the actual fuck are you doing

User avatar.
6 years ago

Sasuke: "Revolution!" Me: *facepalm*

User avatar.
7 years ago

Sasuke is just a jealous little boy that Naruto got all the love

User avatar.
8 years ago

you would think by now the earth would've ran out of rock

User avatar.
7 years ago

Sakura: "It's pathetic, isn't it?" Me: Yes, it is, now shut up. You're not important.

User avatar.
8 years ago

The thing that pisses me off is Sakura... Sasuke says hes going to KILL naruto (the dude who just saved the entire fking world) the first words out of her mouth were "i still love you sasuke" like bitch did your hear what he just said?!

User avatar.
6 years ago

One of the reasons I decided to rewatch ALL naruto was to see if I would still hate this piece of trash that is Sasugay, and well, what a surprise I still do.

User avatar.
6 years ago

...yep, still hate sasuke.

User avatar.
5 years ago

Sasuke existed purely to make Naruto grow, other than that he has zip charisma and his voice has always regardless of age sounded like a kid trying to be an adult. Perfect fit for Sakura *shudders*

User avatar.
7 years ago

Like why Sasuke always got to be edge lord?

User avatar.
6 years ago

I love him trying to sound like a regular kid .."Everyone expects me to save the world, and I've fought monsters you can't even imagine, and I've spent more time in the hospital than people 3 times my age, but don't worry, mom! I take baths

User avatar.
5 years ago

Well Sasuke's still a real piece of work

User avatar.
7 years ago

Sasuke.... What the fuck.... Are you doing.... After everything.... It's not enough for you?....

User avatar.
7 years ago
User avatar.
4 years ago

why can't sasuke just die !

User avatar.
8 years ago

Tsundere Kurama X3

User avatar.
7 years ago

I now completely ship Kakashi and Sakura...hell I ship Sakura with ANYONE ELSE but Sasuke...cause that asshole is an idiot.

User avatar.
7 years ago

Leave it up to this dude Sasuke to be an edgy shithead

User avatar.
7 years ago

I've hated Sasuke from the very beginning, he is just so annoying!!! Sakura and Naturo need to just get over him! Sai is the perfect replacement for Sasuke!!!

User avatar.
4 years ago

i mean sasuke really did have an awful childhood constantly being manipulated to be a hateful, vengeful person by his brother, orochimaru and then obito/madara but good LORD my guy like just give it up dude