Take Back the Night (2021) New Horror Movie, Action Movie

Take Back the Night (2021) Movie

Take Back the Night (2021) Movie Release Dates / Movie Details

Rated R | Genres Horror, Action | Runtime 1h 30m
User Score: 60/100
Take Back the Night (2021) Movie Poster
  • Take Back the Night Rating Scores
  • 620 votes, 2.71 / 5 rating (54% score)
  • Overall Score: ☆ 5.43/10
    IMDB: ☆ 4.2/10
    Tomatometer: ☆ 7.3/10

Take Back the Night Plot Synopsis:

Synopsis / Plot Summary: Finding herself the victim of a violent monster attack, Jane launches a vigilante campaign to hunt the beast that tried to k*ll her. Jane"s efforts intensify, but her troubling history of drug use and mental illness bubbles to the surface causing her family, community, and authorities to question the authenticity of her account. Suddenly alone in her fight, Jane starts to doubt her own memory of the attack...to doubt if Monster exists at all.

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Take Back the Night Movie Information:

Type: Movie
Year: 2021 (more 2021 movies)
MPAA Rating: R
Runtime: 90 minutes /
Genres:  Horror, Action
Directors: Gia Elliot
Stars: Emma Fitzpatrick, Jennifer Lafleur, Angela Gulner, Sibongile Mlambo, Corina Kinnear … (full cast)
Awards: 9
Nominations: 12
Production Co.: Dark Sky Films
Language: English
Country: United States
Release Dates: Movie Release Dates / Take Back the Night Release Dates DVD: Mar 04, 2022
Writers: Gia Elliot, Emma Fitzpatrick
Producers: Jessica James Batista, Marcus Dunstan, Gia Elliot, Emma Fitzpatrick, Kwanza Nicole Gooden, Robert Komadina, Tony Sgro
Cinematographers: Gia Elliot
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Take Back the Night Cast

Cast overview, first billed only:Character(s)
Emma Fitzpatrick...Jane
Jennifer Lafleur...The Detective
Angela Gulner...The Sister
Sibongile Mlambo...The Reporter
Corina Kinnear...The Monster
Jess Varley...The Fan
Kati Sharp...The Friend
Chelsea Harris...Thelma
Shawn M. Richardz...The Professor
Natalie D``Amico...The Young Wife
Mecca Morgan White...The Party Bartender
Richard McDowell...The Gatekeeper
Kwanza Gooden...The Nurse
Tony Sgro...The Police Officer
Kai Choyce...The Couple on the Couch
Ariel Light...The Couple on the Couch
Korama Danquah...The Girl on the Street
Danielle Perez...The Grilled Cheese Maker

Fun Facts: 15 Real AGES of TAKE BACK THE NIGHT Actors

Emma Fitzpatrick's real age is 39. Actor Emma Fitzpatrick from Take Back the Night is cast as "Jane." Emma Fitzpatrick (born March 20, 1985) in Marion, Ohio, USA, is a known Actress, Soundtrack, Producer.

Emma Fitzpatrick Fun Facts:
Emma Fitzpatrick is also known as Emily Richelle Fitzpatrick, Birth Sign: Pisces, Height: 5' 6½" (1.69 m)

Jennifer Lafleur's real age is 44. Actor Jennifer Lafleur from Take Back the Night is cast as "The Detective." Jennifer Lafleur (born September 8, 1979) in Massachusetts, USA, is a known Actress, Producer, Writer.

Jennifer Lafleur Fun Facts:
Jennifer Lafleur is also known as Jennifer LaFleur, Birth Sign: Virgo, Height: 5' 8" (1.73 m)

Actor Angela Gulner from Take Back the Night is cast as "The Sister."

Actor Sibongile Mlambo from Take Back the Night is cast as "The Reporter."

Sibongile Mlambo Fun Facts:
Sibongile Mlambo is also known as Sibo Mlambo, Height: 5' 5½" (1.66 m)

Actor Corina Kinnear from Take Back the Night is cast as "The Monster."

Actor Jess Varley from Take Back the Night is cast as "The Fan."

Actor Kati Sharp from Take Back the Night is cast as "The Friend."

Actor Chelsea Harris from Take Back the Night is cast as "Thelma."

Actor Shawn M. Richardz from Take Back the Night is cast as "The Professor."

Actor Natalie D``Amico from Take Back the Night is cast as "The Young Wife."

Actor Mecca Morgan White from Take Back the Night is cast as "The Party Bartender."

Actor Richard McDowell from Take Back the Night is cast as "The Gatekeeper."

Actor Kwanza Gooden from Take Back the Night is cast as "The Nurse."

Actor Tony Sgro from Take Back the Night is cast as "The Police Officer."

Actor Kai Choyce from Take Back the Night is cast as "The Couple on the Couch."

Source: IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, HellHorror.com fans like you!

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