US: Rhode Island updates COVID-19-related restrictions as of July 8 for arriving travelers and residents /update 37 | Crisis24 Skip to main content
08 Jul 2021 | 06:48 PM UTC

US: Rhode Island updates COVID-19-related restrictions as of July 8 for arriving travelers and residents /update 37

Officials in Rhode Island, US, revise COVID-19-related travel restrictions for arrivals as of July 8.



Authorities in Rhode Island continue to enforce certain restrictions for unvaccinated or partially vaccinated individuals entering from US states deemed "hot spots" as part of their efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19. As of July 8, the full list of designated "hot spots" includes the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, and Wyoming.

All individuals who are not fully vaccinated and are entering from "hot spot" states must self-quarantine for 10 days upon arrival. Persons who produce proof of having tested negative for COVID-19 within 72 hours before arriving in Rhode Island are exempt from the quarantine requirement. Alternatively, those who opt to get tested after arriving can end their quarantine as soon as they obtain a negative result.

Unvaccinated travelers arriving in Rhode Island from international destinations must self-quarantine for 10 days; however, they may shorten the quarantine period to seven days by taking a COVID-19 test at least five days after arrival and receiving a negative result.

Fully vaccinated travelers are exempt from the above restrictions, provided they have not had any COVID-19 symptoms during the previous 14 days.

Authorities have lifted nearly all business and gathering restrictions, including for "higher risk" activities. Individuals, including fully vaccinated persons, must still wear facemasks in certain public settings, such as schools, public transport, and healthcare facilities. For more details on Rhode Island's guidelines, click here.

Officials could amend the orders on short notice depending on local disease activity in the coming weeks.


Heed the directives of local authorities. Reconfirm all health-related travel requirements before travel. Confirm appointments in advance.


WHO Coronavirus Knowledge Base
Rhode Island Department of Health - COVID-19 Updates
Government of Rhode Island - Travel Restrictions