future 影評人之選

影評人之選2020—超閱未來 Critics' Choice 2020-The Future is Now

按此細閱節目手冊 Click here for Programme Brochure 【🌠節目改動 | 影評人之選 2020—超閱未來】 放映取消:根據政府預防及控制疾病條例之指引,香港電影資料館由2020年12月2日(星期三)起關閉,直至另行通告。閉館期間所有活動同時取消。原定於12月4至12日於香港電影資料館舉行的「影評人之選 2020—超閱未來」5場放映已取消。 早前已購票的觀眾,敬請留意以下退票安排: 1)    持有「影評人之選—超閱未來」2020年12月4至12日場次門票(透過城市售票網售票處、網上、流動購票應用程式或電話購票方式所購買的門票)的人士,可於 三月四日(星期四)至四月二十八日(星期三)(包括首尾兩日), 前往香港文化中心售票處辨理退票手續, 出示完整的門票正本(必須連票根)辦理即場現金退款。 門票如有任何塗改或破損,售票處有權拒絕退款。如門票核實無誤,持票人士會獲退還每張門票面值的現金,而有關門票會由售票處收回作紀錄之用。 2)    早前已購買門票而尚未取票的人士,可於上述退票期內到香港文化中心售票處的自助取票機先行取票,再憑連票根的完整門票正本辦理即場現金退款。 3)    根據城市售票網的購票條款及細則,經網上、流動應用程式及電話購票時所有已繳付的手續費及郵遞/速遞服務收費(如有)皆不設退款。 4)    是次退票退款安排的手續須於上述的指定期內辦妥,逾期恕不受理。 城市售票網票務查詢:3761 6661(辦公時間:每日上午十時至晚上八時) 城市售票網退票退款安排詳情:https://ticket.urbtix.hk/internet/zh_TW/newsDetail/173276 不便之處,敬請見諒。感謝各位影迷支持! ------------------------------------ 香港文化中心售票處開放時間 星期日至四:上午十時至晚上六時三十分,或場地城市售票網節目開場後三十分鐘 星期五至六:上午十時至晚上八時,或場地城市售票網節目開場後三十分鐘 Opening Hours of Hong Kong Cultural Centre’s Box Office Sun to Thur: 10am - 6:30pm, or 30mins after commencement of URBTIX performance at HKCC Fri to Sat: 10am - 8om, or 30mins after commencement of URBTIX performance at HKCC ------------------------------------ 退票之「影評人之選—超閱未來」取消場次 Refund for “Critics’ Choice-The Future is Now” cancelled screenings 《紋身人》The Illustrated Man 4/12/2020 (五Fri)    7:30pm 《 上帝難為 》Hard to Be a God 5/12/2020 (六Sat)    2:00pm 《 盜日者》The Man Who Stole the Sun 5/12/2020 (六Sat)    7:00pm 《 天降財神》The Man Who Fell to Earth 11/12/2020 (五Fri)    7:30pm 《月亮上的女子》Woman in the Moon 12/12/2020 (六Sat)    7:00pm ------------------------------------ 【🌠 Programme Change | Critics’ Choice 2020—The Future is Now】 Screenings Cancellation: Following the government’s announcement regarding Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance, Hong Kong Film Archive is temporarily closed from 2 Dec 2020 (Wed) until further notice. All programmes to be held during venue closure will be cancelled. 5 screenings of “Critics’ Choice 2020—The Future is Now” scheduled at Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive between 4 and 12 Dec are cancelled. Please note below Ticket Refund Arrangements: 1)    Ticket holders of “Critics’ Choice-The Future is Now” 4-12 Dec 2020 screenings (including those purchased at URBTIX outlets, through internet, mobile app or telephone bookings) can  request for cash refund at the Box Office of Hong Kong Cultural Centre  upon production of Intact Original Ticket(s) (with Stub)  from 4 March (Thursday) to 28 April (Wednesday) (both dates inclusive).  Ticket holders may be refused the refund if the ticket is damaged or defaced. Upon successful verification, the ticket(s) will be collected by the staff of the box office for record purpose and a cash refund of the total face value of the ticket(s) will be made to the ticket holder. 2)    If you have purchased the said ticket(s) previously and have not collected the tickets, please collect your ticket(s) at the Ticket Dispensing Machine at Hong Kong Cultural Centre and present the intact original ticket(s) with stub(s) at the Box Office for refund. 3)    In accordance with URBTIX’s terms and conditions of purchase, all handling, mailing and courier services charges (if any) collected for ticket purchase via internet, mobile app and telephone bookings are non-refundable. 4)    The ticket refund service will be provided during the refund periods as stated above only, and late requests will not be accepted. URBTIX service hotline: 3761 6661 (service hours: 10am to 8pm daily) Ticket Refund Arrangements at URBTIX: https://ticket.urbtix.hk/internet/en_US/newsDetail/173276 Apologies for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your support! ------------------------------------ 「超閱」無定向未來 未來即是仍未到來的時空,我們的電影由始至終一直喜愛窺視未來,早就把未來的境況投射在銀幕中,展示在觀眾的眼前。 電影與文字作為媒體最大的分別,是電影除了多數沿用文字作為創作的思維底板外,隨後以視聽科藝製作,成品要求音容俱備。視像媒體需要具體呈現未來時空景致、未來的生活形態、建築空間,以及種種實用的工具,加上其他物品設計等等。單從美學方面,一景一物的視聽範疇的具體質感呈現,都已成一大工科藝系統。就此而言,概念化的文字對未來描述便有所不及。 但無論如何,拍成電影之後,對看過的觀眾來說,未來想像頓成過去記憶,從這個觀點出發,會否令大家覺得詭怪奇譎? 關於未來題材的電影非常多,我們特意在2020年選擇這個主題,本已經具有多重涵義。是次選映的八部作品,幾經篩選,都是最少五年內未曾放映,亦有部分根本沒有數碼制式拷貝,我們努力尋得原菲林版本,每部都是早已深入影迷記憶的經典,具備足夠分量重新閱讀。至於未看過這些經典的新世代影迷,也可以來一次大銀幕的體驗。 筆者本來已找出新視點,來誘發大家重新閱讀這些經典電影觸及的末日議題,亦放下傳統的慣性思維來看早期電影已涉及的男卑女控的「水瓶座式未來」,還有因科技發展衍生的卡夫卡式未來。以上等等不同題材,原本設定於2020年這個早已預知是關鍵時刻的課題,也可以套用古傳占卜學的塔羅牌組合形式,以「超閱」方法尋出經典電影之中的密契與關聯,展開新穎的閱讀。 明日復明日,未來對於活在今天的我們來說,查實永遠遙不可及。我們多謝電影可以令我們窺視未來,而且因為音容俱備,電影人在視像工藝方面投放很多心思,將不少對未來時空的想像,具體化表現出來。這種將未來用電影科藝當作視聽記憶的製作方法,亦是影評人要掌握的分析技術。是次選映的作品皆呈現對未來不同的想像,這反映出創作班底各有專長的知識領域,我們觀影時亦可有不斷的延伸閱讀。 紀陶 The Uncertain Future is Now The future is space and time that are yet to arrive. Films have always loved to peer into the future, projecting them onto the screens for audiences to see. The biggest difference between film and text as media is that though films use a large number of texts as the blueprint for creative thinking, they are subsequently created using sounds and images. In other words, a film is not finished without its audio and visual components. When visual-based media bring the future to life, they need to create futuristic landscapes, lifestyles, architectures, practical tools and other objects. Crafting all that is huge engineering project in itself. In comparison, written texts just don’t seem to have the same effect. In any case, once a film’s vision of the future is seen by an audience, it automatically becomes memories of the past. Will examining films from this perspective lure the audience into a kind of trickery? There are many films about the future. Choosing this topic for our 2020 Critics’ Choice film programme bears multiple meanings. The eight carefully chosen films in this programme haven’t been screened in at least five years. Since some of the prints don’t exist in digital form, we have searched high and low for their original copies. These films are all classics that have long been embedded in the minds of film buffs, and they are ready for new ways of analysis. For younger film buffs who have not seen these films, this programme offers a rare opportunity for them to see the films on the big screen. We have already discovered new perspectives to examine the ways these films view an apocalyptic future. The traditional views of female dominance and the Kafkaesque environment brought by technological advancement in the future no longer be applied. We had long planned to re-examine all of these themes in 2020, and we can even incorporate tarot card-style prophecies to find commonalities and links between these films. The future is supposed to reflect how we anticipate tomorrow, but the truth is that it will always remain out of reach. Filmmakers make use of visual and audio crafts to realise their imaginaries of the future in physical form, we should thank the cinema for offering us a sneak peek into the unknown. Using filmmaking craft in producing audio-visual memories of the future also requires analytical abilities on the part of film critics. The different landscapes of the future depicted in these works reflects the knowledge of their respective creative teams; and they are open to various interpretations. Lam Kee To 節目宣傳片 Programme Trailer   按此細閱節目場刊 Click here for House Programme     日期 Date 時間 Time 香港電影資料館電影院 Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive 映後談 Post-screening Talk in Cantonese 英皇戲院 尖沙咀 iSQUARE Emperor Cinemas iSQUARE 映後談 Post-screening Talk in Cantonese 31 Oct (Sat) 2:30pm 阿爾伐城 Alphaville 吳國坤、卓男、鳳毛、陳廣隆、紀陶、張偉雄、吳月華、傅慧儀 Kenny Ng, Cecilia Wong, William Cheung, Horace Chan, Lam Kee To, Bryan Chang, Stephanie Ng & Winnie Fu     7:00pm 火星王后 Aelita: Queen of Mars (現場配樂  live music accompaniment) 卓男 Cecilia Wong     7 Nov (Sat) 2:30pm     天降財神 The Man Who Fell to Earth 劉偉霖、鳳毛 William Lau & William Cheung 8 Nov (Sun) 7:30pm     暴狼時刻 Time of the Wolf 周漢輝、陳廣隆 Chow Hon Fai & Horace Chan 13 Nov (Fri) 7:30pm 紋身人 The Illustrated Man 紀陶 Lam Kee To     14 Nov (Sat) 2:30pm     上帝難為 Hard to Be a God 張偉雄 Bryan Chang 15 Nov (Sun) 3:00pm     座談會─香港未來學 Seminar—Hong Kong Futurology 22 Nov (Sun) 2:30pm     月亮上的女子 Woman in the Moon 陳志發、吳月華 Steve Chan & Stephanie Ng 27 Nov (Fri) 7:30pm 暴狼時刻 Time of the Wolf 陳廣隆  Horace Chan     28 Nov (Sat) 7:30pm     阿爾伐城 Alphaville 家明、吳國坤 Fung Ka Ming & Kenny Ng 29 Nov (Sun) 2:45pm 盜日者 The Man Who Stole the Sun 傅慧儀 Winnie Fu       7:00pm 火星王后 Aelita: Queen of Mars (現場配樂  live music accompaniment) 劉天蘭、卓男 Tina Liu & Cecilia Wong     4 Dec (Fri) 7:30pm 紋身人 The Illustrated Man 魏鳳美、紀陶 Umi Ngai & Lam Kee To     5 Dec (Sat) 2:00pm 上帝難為 Hard to Be a God 鄭政恆、張偉雄 Matthew Cheng & Bryan Chang     7:00pm 盜日者 The Man Who Stole the Sun 黃淑嫻、傅慧儀 Mary Wong & Winnie Fu     6 Dec (Sun) 3:00pm     座談會─不再是明日之後的環境危機 Seminar—An Environmental War Without Tomorrow 11 Dec (Fri) 7:30pm 天降財神 The Man Who Fell to Earth 鳳毛 William Cheung     12 Dec (Sat) 7:00pm 月亮上的女子 Woman in the Moon 吳月華 Stephanie Ng     門票於10月10日起發售  Tickets available from 10 October 香港電影資料館電影院  $70 Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive 門票於城巿售票網發售  Tickets available at URBTIX 英皇戲院尖沙咀iSQUARE  $80 Emperor Cinemas iSQUARE 門票於英皇戲院尖沙咀iSQUARE、英皇戲院網站及流動應用程式發售 Tickets available at Emperor Cinemas iSQUARE, Emperor Cinemas website and mobile app   門票折扣 Ticket Discounts: 全日制學生 (半價優惠) Full-time Students (50% off) 60歲或以上的高齡人士 (半價優惠) Senior Citizens Aged 60 or Above (50% off) 殘疾人士及看護人* (半價優惠) * 每購買一張殘疾人士優惠門票,即可同時以相同優惠購買一張門票予看護人 People with Disabilities & the Minder* (50% off) * For purchase of each concessionary ticket for people with disabilities, the customer can purchase one ticket of same concession for a minder. 綜合社會保障援助受惠人 (半價優惠,數量有限) Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Recipients (50% off, with quota)


按此細閱節目手冊 Click here for Programme Brochure

【🌠節目改動 | 影評人之選 2020—超閱未來】

放映取消:根據政府預防及控制疾病條例之指引,香港電影資料館由2020年12月2日(星期三)起關閉,直至另行通告。閉館期間所有活動同時取消。原定於12月4至12日於香港電影資料館舉行的「影評人之選 2020—超閱未來」5場放映已取消。


1)    持有「影評人之選—超閱未來」2020年12月4至12日場次門票(透過城市售票網售票處、網上、流動購票應用程式或電話購票方式所購買的門票)的人士,可於

  • 三月四日(星期四)至四月二十八日(星期三)(包括首尾兩日)

  • 前往香港文化中心售票處辨理退票手續

  • 出示完整的門票正本(必須連票根)辦理即場現金退款


城市售票網票務查詢:3761 6661(辦公時間:每日上午十時至晚上八時)



Opening Hours of Hong Kong Cultural Centre’s Box Office
Sun to Thur: 10am - 6:30pm, or 30mins after commencement of URBTIX performance at HKCC

Fri to Sat: 10am - 8om, or 30mins after commencement of URBTIX performance at HKCC

Refund for “Critics’ Choice-The Future is Now” cancelled screenings

《紋身人》The Illustrated Man
4/12/2020 (Fri)    7:30pm

上帝難為 Hard to Be a God
5/12/2020 (Sat)    2:00pm

盜日者》The Man Who Stole the Sun
5/12/2020 (Sat)    7:00pm

天降財神》The Man Who Fell to Earth
11/12/2020 (Fri)    7:30pm

《月亮上的女子》Woman in the Moon
12/12/2020 (Sat)    7:00pm

【🌠 Programme Change | Critics’ Choice 2020—The Future is Now】

Screenings Cancellation: Following the government’s announcement regarding Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance, Hong Kong Film Archive is temporarily closed from 2 Dec 2020 (Wed) until further notice. All programmes to be held during venue closure will be cancelled. 5 screenings of “Critics’ Choice 2020—The Future is Now” scheduled at Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive between 4 and 12 Dec are cancelled.

Please note below Ticket Refund Arrangements:
    Ticket holders of “Critics’ Choice-The Future is Now” 4-12 Dec 2020 screenings (including those purchased at URBTIX outlets, through internet, mobile app or telephone bookings) can 

  • request for cash refund at the Box Office of Hong Kong Cultural Centre 

  • upon production of Intact Original Ticket(s) (with Stub) 

  • from 4 March (Thursday) to 28 April (Wednesday) (both dates inclusive)

Ticket holders may be refused the refund if the ticket is damaged or defaced. Upon successful verification, the ticket(s) will be collected by the staff of the box office for record purpose and a cash refund of the total face value of the ticket(s) will be made to the ticket holder.

2)    If you have purchased the said ticket(s) previously and have not collected the tickets, please collect your ticket(s) at the Ticket Dispensing Machine at Hong Kong Cultural Centre and present the intact original ticket(s) with stub(s) at the Box Office for refund.

3)    In accordance with URBTIX’s terms and conditions of purchase, all handling, mailing and courier services charges (if any) collected for ticket purchase via internet, mobile app and telephone bookings are non-refundable.

4)    The ticket refund service will be provided during the refund periods as stated above only, and late requests will not be accepted.

URBTIX service hotline: 3761 6661 (service hours: 10am to 8pm daily)
Ticket Refund Arrangements at URBTIX: https://ticket.urbtix.hk/internet/en_US/newsDetail/173276
Apologies for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your support!










The Uncertain Future is Now

The future is space and time that are yet to arrive. Films have always loved to peer into the future, projecting them onto the screens for audiences to see.

The biggest difference between film and text as media is that though films use a large number of texts as the blueprint for creative thinking, they are subsequently created using sounds and images. In other words, a film is not finished without its audio and visual components. When visual-based media bring the future to life, they need to create futuristic landscapes, lifestyles, architectures, practical tools and other objects. Crafting all that is huge engineering project in itself. In comparison, written texts just don’t seem to have the same effect.

In any case, once a film’s vision of the future is seen by an audience, it automatically becomes memories of the past. Will examining films from this perspective lure the audience into a kind of trickery?

There are many films about the future. Choosing this topic for our 2020 Critics’ Choice film programme bears multiple meanings. The eight carefully chosen films in this programme haven’t been screened in at least five years. Since some of the prints don’t exist in digital form, we have searched high and low for their original copies. These films are all classics that have long been embedded in the minds of film buffs, and they are ready for new ways of analysis. For younger film buffs who have not seen these films, this programme offers a rare opportunity for them to see the films on the big screen.

We have already discovered new perspectives to examine the ways these films view an apocalyptic future. The traditional views of female dominance and the Kafkaesque environment brought by technological advancement in the future no longer be applied. We had long planned to re-examine all of these themes in 2020, and we can even incorporate tarot card-style prophecies to find commonalities and links between these films.

The future is supposed to reflect how we anticipate tomorrow, but the truth is that it will always remain out of reach. Filmmakers make use of visual and audio crafts to realise their imaginaries of the future in physical form, we should thank the cinema for offering us a sneak peek into the unknown. Using filmmaking craft in producing audio-visual memories of the future also requires analytical abilities on the part of film critics. The different landscapes of the future depicted in these works reflects the knowledge of their respective creative teams; and they are open to various interpretations.

Lam Kee To

節目宣傳片 Programme Trailer

按此細閱節目場刊 Click here for House Programme

Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
Post-screening Talk in Cantonese

Emperor Cinemas iSQUARE
Post-screening Talk in Cantonese
31 Oct (Sat) 2:30pm 阿爾伐城
Kenny Ng, Cecilia Wong, William Cheung, Horace Chan, Lam Kee To, Bryan Chang, Stephanie Ng & Winnie Fu


7:00pm 火星王后
Aelita: Queen of Mars

live music accompaniment)
Cecilia Wong
7 Nov (Sat) 2:30pm     天降財神
The Man Who Fell to Earth
William Lau & William Cheung
8 Nov (Sun) 7:30pm     暴狼時刻
Time of the Wolf
Chow Hon Fai & Horace Chan
13 Nov (Fri) 7:30pm 紋身人
The Illustrated Man
Lam Kee To
14 Nov (Sat) 2:30pm     上帝難為
Hard to Be a God
Bryan Chang
15 Nov (Sun) 3:00pm     座談會─香港未來學
SeminarHong Kong Futurology
22 Nov (Sun) 2:30pm     月亮上的女子
Woman in the Moon
Steve Chan & Stephanie Ng
27 Nov (Fri) 7:30pm 暴狼時刻
Time of the Wolf
 Horace Chan
28 Nov (Sat) 7:30pm     阿爾伐城
Fung Ka Ming & Kenny Ng
29 Nov (Sun) 2:45pm 盜日者
The Man Who Stole the Sun
Winnie Fu
  7:00pm 火星王后
Aelita: Queen of Mars

live music accompaniment)
Tina Liu & Cecilia Wong
4 Dec (Fri) 7:30pm 紋身人
The Illustrated Man
Umi Ngai & Lam Kee To
5 Dec (Sat) 2:00pm 上帝難為
Hard to Be a God
Matthew Cheng & Bryan Chang
7:00pm 盜日者
The Man Who Stole the Sun
Mary Wong & Winnie Fu
6 Dec (Sun) 3:00pm     座談會─不再是明日之後的環境危機
SeminarAn Environmental War
Without Tomorrow
11 Dec (Fri) 7:30pm 天降財神
The Man Who Fell to Earth
William Cheung
12 Dec (Sat) 7:00pm 月亮上的女子
Woman in the Moon
Stephanie Ng

門票於10月10日起發售  Tickets available from 10 October

香港電影資料館電影院  $70
Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

門票於城巿售票網發售  Tickets available at URBTIX

英皇戲院尖沙咀iSQUARE  $80
Emperor Cinemas iSQUARE

Tickets available at Emperor Cinemas iSQUARE, Emperor Cinemas website and mobile app

門票折扣 Ticket Discounts:

  • 全日制學生 (半價優惠) Full-time Students (50% off)
  • 60歲或以上的高齡人士 (半價優惠) Senior Citizens Aged 60 or Above (50% off)
  • 殘疾人士及看護人* (半價優惠)
    * 每購買一張殘疾人士優惠門票,即可同時以相同優惠購買一張門票予看護人
    People with Disabilities & the Minder* (50% off)
    * For purchase of each concessionary ticket for people with disabilities, the customer can purchase one ticket of same concession for a minder.
  • 綜合社會保障援助受惠人 (半價優惠,數量有限)
    Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Recipients (50% off, with quota)