Oscar Nuñez, best known for his role as Oscar in The Office, has been in a variety of other highly rated projects. He has graced the big screen and television screens around the world with his talent, appearing in several big movies and TV series.

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Nuñez primarily acts in comedies, but he’s also been in dramas and films based on true stories. He rarely plays the main character in his projects, and while fans hope to see him take that kind of role in the future, there is no denying he thrives in every supporting role he takes on.

Miss Stevens (2016) - 6.6

Principal Alvarez at his office in Miss Stevens.

Starring Timothée Chalamet, star of DuneMiss Stevens follows a teacher and her students as they head to a Drama competition. Throughout the weekend, everyone’s insecurities are revealed, especially those of Miss Stevens (Lily Rabe) and Billy (Chalamet). Oscar Nuñez plays Principal Alvarez. He expresses concern for Billy’s mental health and behavior, setting up the main conflict of the film.

Miss Stevens is an independent film that authentically depicts the human experience. The film isn’t over the top but it also isn’t lacking in emotion. Nuñez’s character only appears at the beginning of the film, but he is alluded to throughout the movie as a reminder of Billy’s conflict. He plays his small part well, showing genuine concern for the students.

The Proposal (2009) - 6.7

Ramon officiating the wedding in in The Proposal

The Proposal, possibly one of the most iconic romantic comedies of the 2000s, is about the editor, Margaret Tate (Sandra Bullock), and her assistant, Andrew (Ryan Reynolds), who orchestrate a fake engagement plot in order for Tate to remain in the U.S. for work. Nuñez plays Ramone, who has almost every job in Sitka, including his job as an exotic dancer.

Ramone is one of Nuñez’s most cringe-worthy characters. His scene in the bar thrusting on Margaret in just his underwear is one of his strangest scenes of all time. He plays this type of character a lot: the shameless man who doesn’t bite his tongue when he probably should. The Proposal went on to win seven awards, including a People’s Choice Award for Favorite Comedy Movie.

The Lost City (2022) - 6.7

Oscar with his pet goat in The Lost City

The latest romantic comedy starring Sandra Bullock, The Lost City tells the story of a romance author (Bullock) who gets kidnapped and brought to an island to aid in the search for an artifact she wrote about. Her cover model (Channing Tatum) comes up with a plan to rescue her, but his plan quickly goes south. Nuñez plays Oscar, a pilot who helps Loretta’s assistant find her friend.

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Similar to his role in The Proposal, Nuñez plays a character used for laughs who has trouble communicating because of a language barrier. His presence in The Lost City, however, legitimately leads to lives being saved, showing that a language barrier can be broken down if one takes the time to truly understand the other person.

Yes (2019) - 6.8

The main characters from the movie Yes.

Yes is about the ill-fated actor, Patrick Nolan (Tim Realbuto), who discovers talent in Jeremiah Rosenhaft (Nolan Gould) and decides he must mentor the child. Based on an off-Broadway play, Yes explores the aftermath of the actor being accused of sexual assault and the complex relationship between him and Jeremiah that becomes increasingly uncomfortable.

Nuñez plays Mark Bradley, a reporter who visits Jeremiah at the end of the film to discuss his acting career. Similar to Miss Stevens, Yes is an independent film, and this is the only scene Nuñez appears in. He plays it well for its purpose, being to bring an explanation of what’s happened since Jeremiah last saw Patrick. Yes won 25 awards, including a Best Duo Platinum Award for Gould and Realbuto’s chemistry.

The 33 (2015) - 6.9

The Chilean Miners in The 33 Movie

The 33, a film based on a true story, documents the collapse of a mine due to unsafe conditions. Every man survived due to quick thinking, food rationing, and the determination of a select few above ground. Oscar plays Yonni Barrios, one of the miners who got stuck underground. His central story is about his separation from his wife and relationship with another woman, leaving the public to think the worst of him.

Oscar’s depiction of Yonni Barrios is simultaneously one of humor and solemnity. Jokes are made about his relationships, but when necessary, he remains sincere in his love for his girlfriend. He imagines his mother delivering him plates of food, but he also realizes the logic of rationing their food intake to survive. The 33 won eight awards, including the Truly Moving Picture of The Year Award.

Benched (2014) - 7.1

Two alwyers sitting on a bench in Benched.

Benched follows an emotional and erratic lawyer, Nina (Eliza Coupe), who breaks down when she doesn’t get the promotion she expects. She takes a job as a public defender, builds connections with her new co-workers, and realizes inequities in her community. Nuñez plays Carlos, one of the public defense lawyers and one of Nina’s colleagues, and he makes his disdain for corporate law known.

Benched is reminiscent of Nuñez’s time on The Office. Like his role in the hit series, he plays a colleague of the main character, works in an office, and has occasional one-liners that prompt bits of laughter from viewers. Unlike The Office, Benched didn’t make it past the first season. Still, the show has received good reviews from fans and critics since.

Mr. Iglesias (2019 - 2020) - 7.2

Carlos and Gabriel in Mr. Iglesias.

A Netflix comedy canceled too soon, Mr. Iglesias stars Gabriel Iglesias as a history teacher who loves his kids and puts extra effort into giving them a great education when no one else will. Nuñez plays Carlos Hernandez, a school administrator obsessed with finding ways to raise the real estate value of the school. He doesn’t seem to care if he ruins a child’s education to get what he wants.

Nuñez plays Carlos Hernandez well, especially with his recurring shtick of cracking unfunny jokes and being the only one to laugh at them. Hernandez isn’t the most likable character, but Nuñez plays him with the right balance of comedy and sincerity. Mr. Iglesias went on to win the 2020 Imagen Award for Best Primetime Comedy Program.

Halfway Home (2007) - 7.5

Poster for the show Halfway Home.

Available on Comedy Central, Halfway Home is an improvised comedy about a group of ex-cons living together in a halfway house. Nuñez plays Eulogio Zola, a convicted sex worker. He stars alongside Octavia Spencer, Jordan Black and others.

Related: 10 Best Improvised Scenes In Martin Scorsese Movies

Halfway Home is very cringeworthy but praised for its originality and risky comedy. IMDb user Arimis gives it a 10/10 and calls the show “surprisingly funny.” Another IMDb user, haildevilman, gives a 7/10 rating, calling the show “halfway funny, halfway dumb.” This show certainly has an acquired taste and its intended audience eats it up.

People Of Earth (2016 - 2017) - 7.7

Father Doug teaching in People Of Earth

People Of Earth is a comedic telling of a group of people who all experienced alien abductions. Nuñez plays Father Doug, the priest who heads the church that hosts the support group. When he develops a crush on a group member, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery to figure out who he is outside of his roles in the church. He co-stars with Da’Vine Joy Randolph, with whom he also shares the screen in The Lost City.

People Of Earth is very much a comedy but it takes care when handling grief, PTSD, and identity crises. Nuñez plays Father Doug with innocence and charisma. He may not be a main character, but audiences are felt to root for him and empathize with his struggles. This is just another project of his that proves his range as an actor.

The Office (2005 - 2013) - 9

Oscar from The Office looking offended in Michael's office

The Office, starring Steve Carrell, John Krasinski, and Jenna Fisher, is a mockumentary taking place in an office. The show within the show stars Michael Scott, the regional manager of Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, and his staff. Oscar Nuñez plays Oscar Martinez, an accountant at the Scranton branch. Oscar is often portrayed as the "office know-it-all" in the cringeworthy comedy series.

It’s no surprise that this is Oscar’s highest-rated project. The cringe-worthy comedy in The Office as well as the iconic characters and plots make for a series that is still beloved today. This show put Oscar Nuñez on the map, along with countless others, including John Krasinski, Angela Kinsey, and Ed Helms.

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