GWAR: Details Announced For CORY SMOOT Memorial Service - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

GWAR: Details Announced For CORY SMOOT Memorial Service

November 10, 2011

Arrangements have been finalized for the memorial service for Cory Smoot (a.k.a. Flattus Maximus),the GWAR guitarist who was found dead as the U.S. band was about to enter Canada on November 3. He was 34 years old. The service will take place this Friday, November 11 at the Bennett Funeral Home Chesterfield Chapel, located at 14301 Ashbrook Parkway in Chesterfield, Virginia. It will begin at 4:00 p.m. and is open to the public. In lieu of flowers, the family is asking that contributions be made to the Smoot Family Fund.

The remaining members of GWAR will have to cancel two performances on their current tour Thursday, November 10 in Medford, Oregon and Friday, November 11 in San Francisco, California so they can attend the services. Tickets for both dates will be refunded at point of purchase. The band's tour with EVERY TIME I DIE, GHOUL and WARBEAST will resume on Saturday, November 12 at the House of Blues in Hollywood, California, and run through Sunday, November 27 at Toad's Place in New Haven, Connecticut.

Cory's obituary can be found here.

Smoot joined GWAR in 2002 and first appeared on the band's 2004 album "War Party". He was the fifth guitarist to play the character of Flattus Maximus, known by his red face, white dreadlocks, dinosaur-head shoulder pads and reptile feet.

Born August 25, 1977, Smoot previously played in metal bands MISGUIDED and LOCUS FACTOR and continued to play with MENSREA, in addition to establishing his own solo project, THE CORY SMOOT EXPERIMENT.

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