Guide for Wolfenstein: The New Order - Chapter 1: Deathshead's Compound

3. Wolfenstein: The New Order Chapter 1: Deathshead's CompoundUpdate notes

  1. Story Walkthrough

There are a total of 16 missions that vary in length. During this walkthrough, I will pretend that you have put the game on a normal difficulty because we are going to focus on the fastest completion.

Chapter 1 : Deathshead Compound

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Collectibles: ( Watch this first if you do not wish to miss any collectibles)

You start this game on board of your plane where you will have to carry out some rather basic tasks to familiarize yourself with the controls and general 'feel' of this game. You have to repair some things, pull some levers, shoot some planes from a turret, and slap a traumatized private across the face.

Once you are done shooting planes, you will unlock:

Once you have done all of those things, it's time to jump from one plane to another, and chances are this is where you will earn your first death. Do not jump too early, or you will bounce off the wing of the plane that you have to land on and fall to your rather pathetic first death in Wolfenstein. If done correctly, you will get a cinematic crash landing.

After you have gained control of your character, you should answer a radio. It turns out some of your fellow marines are in distress, and you have to help them. You can do this by exiting your own plane through the back and diving your way to the other plane. This plane features a turret much like the one you have used a few minutes earlier to take down the planes. This time around, we are going to use it to take down 2 puppies on steroids called 'Kampfhunds'. They should go down easily, and once they are dead, you can freely exit your turret and team up with Fergus and his men.

He will order you to take care of a bunker that is straight ahead. You can sprint straight to your marker here through the trenchline and the broken plane. After you have passed through the broken plane, you need to go right, but before you do, you might want to hold up a few seconds and watch your left. There will be 2 Nazi troopers walking beneath you, and if you want, you can shoot them in the back. Once you are inside the bunker, you can pick up a grenade that is right in front of you. You need this grenade to destroy the automated turret that is firing at your buddies from within this bunker. Destroy the turret and locate the hole in the ground that is on the other side of the bunker you are currently in. If you drop through this hole, you will be in a storage room that contains ammo, a few weapons, and armor. There is a door in this storage room with a small hole at the bottom of the door. Here you will get the tutorial on how to lean across corners and how to shoot under and over objects. If you look through this door, you will notice a boot. This might come as a surprise to you, but the boot is actually attached to an entire Nazi, and I recommend that you shoot it. It's worth noting that the Nazi on the other side of the door is not actually dead but is merely wounded and waiting for you to open the door with a sidearm in his hand. When you open the door, be sure to finish him off.

After you have shot this Nazi, pick up his assault rifle. You will now get a pop up about dual wielding. Hold the cn_Y button, and switch to dual wielded assault rifles. Dual wielding disables your possibility of aiming down your sights, but it increases your damage, and it's required for certain achievements, so I suggest you switch to dual wield now. After this dead Nazi, look to your left. There is a trench line with a handful of alarmed soldiers in there that you need to take care of. Try to go for at least 3 headshots (you will get an achievement for that at a later point during this mission). At the end of this trench line, you can either go right into another trench or head up the stairs on your left into a bunker. Eventually, both routes lead you to the same location, but the route through the bunker has a few enemies and quite a lot of supplies such as grenades, armor, and ammo. It also contains a map of the region so I recommend taking the bunker route. Take the backdoor out of the bunker after you are done picking up what you wish to pick up. You are now once again back on the battlefield, and you can head to the left back into the trenches. On your left side is a 40HP ammo pack. If you proceed any further in this trench, then you will be attacked by a Kampfhund that jumps on top of you and tries bite your head off, be prepared for this. You can get these puppies off you by repeatedly stabbing them. So once it jumps on top of you, bash your right stick quickly.

After the dog, the trenches will let you take a right and after that a left. These trenches are filled with enemies. If you have taken my advice of switching to dual wield weapons, you should be unlocking this achievement during this section.

Once you have cleared out this trench, you will notice another bunker at the end. Now; we are going to play the rest of this mission as stealthy as possible because it's possible to obtain nearly all of the stealth related achievements in the first mission already so we might as well get that over with. Once you ascend the stairs to the bunker, hit the cn_B button to start crouchwalking. In the hallway of the bunker, you will get a tutorial pop up about 'commanders'. If you manage to stealth kill these guys, they will update your map, and depending on whether or not you have been detected prior to that point, reveal collectibles on your map. When you are behind him, hit cn_RSc. This will unlock:

Another soldier will be inside this bunker who is firing out of the window and not paying all that much attention to you. Take him down with a stealth takedown as well (crouch up to him and stab him once you get the "cn_RS" symbol in your screen). Loot the bunker for anything you might need, and then sneak out the backdoor. Another soldier will be standing with his back towards you. Stab this one as well, and head through the empty trench. At the end of the trench, you will see 3 enemies, 2 commanders and 2 soldiers. Head to the commander first, and once again, take him out. There should be an enemy on the left side with his back towards you. You can take this one out as well, and finally, you can take care of the one on the right. If you have taken them out stealthily, then you should now unlock :

Unlocking this achievement also unlocks a throwing knife that you can throw with the same cn_RS button as you use to melee. It will automatically throw a knife if you hit the cn_RSc button when you are not within melee range of an enemy. Throwing knifes can be picked up after they are thrown, just loot the body that you have just killed or wherever your knife has flown off to.

On your right is a bunker with a few torpedoes in it. We have no business there yet. Instead, follow the trench to the left where you just killed the 2nd enemy (the one that was on the left). If you follow this route, you will come to the first section where there is a difference between ÜBER difficulty and the other difficulties. On UBER, there will be 3 enemies there, and on the lower difficulties, only 2. One of them is a commander. In order to do this stealth, hug to the left side of the area and pass under the broken piece of scrapmetal. The commander will having his back faced towards you. Although you have the option to stealth kill him, I suggest you use your throwing knife instead. Pick up your throwing knife from his body and head into the bunker that was behind him. There is a bomb there that we will need in a bit. First, we need to take care of the other enemies that are in the area. It is sort of tricky to take them both out stealthy, but it's doable. Only the commander was able to call for reinforcements, so take care of them any way you want to, but I recommend that you take down at least one with a pistol headshot. If you have been making the Assault Rifle headshot kills earlier, you should now unlock:

Now would be a good time to start watching the collectible video at the start of this section.

You have the bomb, and you now have two options. You can either blast through the big steel door that should now be right in front of you. This makes it easier for you to obtain the collectible that should be directly to your right after you blast the door open, but the downside is that every enemy and their mothers will be alarmed and will take positions on the turrets that are facing you. Stealth will be unheard if you opt for this approach. Alternatively, you can head over to the bunker with the torpedoes on the right side of where you obtained your throwing knife and blast through the floor there for a stealth approach. I suggest you pick the latter approach. Head through the tunnel into the large cave room. If you follow the room to the left, you will come to the other side of the big steel door (that is now not-blown up), and you can pick up the collectible. (1/7) Enigma Code Piece

As for the next section...I have said that we want to focus on stealth, but this happens to be a prime opportunity to pick up a few achievements that might otherwise prove challenging so we are going to grind this checkpoint a little bit. You should be unseen when you are at the bottom of this room. Most if not all enemies are at the metal structure with the turrets that is in the middle of the room (you should be more or less below this structure if you enter the room through the stealth tunnel after the torpedoes). At this point, I suggest you make your presence known so that the enemies will be alarmed. Hide under the metal structure, and the alarmed enemies will make their way downstairs. There will be a lot of enemies close to each other, and over here, you can focus on 2 achievements. 1. Kill 3 enemies with dual wield assault rifles without releasing the triggers and 2. kill 3 enemies while sliding. Both of these achievements can be easily earned later on in the game, but they so happen to unlock other challenges that are rather time-consuming so we want to allow ourselves to start working on these new challenges as soon as we can.

Chances are that you are going to die during this Endeavour but that is okay. Challenge progress will be kept even if you die and are sent back to your last checkpoint. Just run towards enemies, hit cn_B while sprinting, and unleash the magazines of your dual assault rifles into enemies. If you have done this 3 times, you will unlock.

This will allow you to work on the next challenge that can be done here. Hit cn_start and reload your checkpoint or intentionally die so you can attempt to kill 3 people with dual assault rifles without releasing the triggers. Just wait for a couple of enemies to cluster together at the bottom of the stairs and then ascend the stairs while you keep firing. There is probably one enemy sitting next or behind the first turret. This may take a few attempts. Eventually, it will unlock. If not, then do not be troubled. You will get another shot at this achievement within less than 20 seconds.

I suggest you continue with the guns blazing approach. We will pick up with stealth later. Make your way up the stairs of the metal structure Before you ascend them, walk underneath them until you see a vent shaft at the left in a wall. Crawl through that vent until you reach a room with several corpses on autopsy tables. This is where you will find the 2nd collectible in this level (1/5) Gold Medal . Back to the stairs... Once you reach the top level, you will encounter 3 enemies. Right in front of you at the top of the stairs will be a grenade sitting on a crate. Pick this up. Wait for the alarmed enemies to more or less cluster together and then throw your grenade. This should unlock :

If you do not pick this up here, then you can choose to reload the checkpoint, but you will get plenty of opportunities to obtain this throughout regular gameplay. Just do not forget to throw your grenades often. There are also enough enemies up here to get the Scavenger achievement that requires you kill 3 enemies with dual wield assault rifles without releasing the triggers, if you had not done that at the bottom of the stairs already.

In the back of this floor are 2 bunk rooms that contain the usual supplies if you need them. Head back up another flight of stairs, and you are now at the top level where you will see some minecarts and boxes. Your enemies will be on your right. Take these out any way you see fit. Headshot kills, kills from cover (while using the cn_LB aim function), and dual wield kills count towards the long term challenges that require you to get 50+ of these kills, so I suggest you loosely focus on those, but don't sweat it if you do not manage to make any of those kills now.

Once you have taken out the enemies on the right hand side, you will see a FLAK-88 anti-aircraft cannon. Take down the guy operating the cannon if you haven't already and take his seat. You need to fire a few shots at the giant robot that is in front of you. After a few shots, it will come crashing down, and you can continue. Take a right through the door, the occasional enemy may pop up behind the door. When you head up the stairs you are confronted with the choice of either ascending the stairs on the left or heading into the room on the right. Go into the room on the right first. Hit the levers in the following order 1. Left 2. Right 3. Middle. This will open a secret door to a room that contains a collectible (2/7) Enigma Code Piece, but more importantly: you will find the silencer upgrade for your handgun on the shelf. You can attach it with the cn_right button. It's better not to aim down sights with the handgun. The sight is horrible and the crosshair that you get when you hip fire it is much better because it will turn red when it's aimed at an enemy so it's much easier to make headshots with it that way. A silenced headshot counts as a pistol kill, stealth kill, as well as a headshot, and if you dual wield pistols, it also counts as a dual wield kill. These all happen to be long term challenges so I recommend that you use this weapon a lot. It is instant kill on a headshot regardless of range. As long as the crosshair turns red, it's a kill no matter if the enemy is 1 feet or 1 mile away from you.

Now head up the stairs on the left. This is a hallway once again filled with enemies. Take them out, and head up the stairs at the end of the hallway. Do not forget the collectible (1/1) Oskar's Letter that is on the barracks on the right halfway up the stairs, with the red lights. The collectible is a letter on the bed. Move up the stairs, and take down the enemy that is on the turret. Behind him is another flak turret that you need to operate. This time, aim to the left, and shoot at the crashed plane that is blocking your passage. Hop out of the turret and go through the door on your right. Pay close attention here because there is a crate here with a blanket over it. There is a collectible right next to the crate under the blanket. It's very easily missable (2/5) Gold Goblet.

Continue up the stairs until you see a big vault door. Your objective is to open that door but once you do you will be attacked by a big attack dog. You will need to shoot this one (contrary to stabbing it, as with the normal dogs). Once you Wyatt (your buddy) will play a deadly game of fetch with the dog and save your ass. He will offer you his hand to pull you up. Do not take him up on his offer just yet. Instead, run through the big vault door that you just opened, and pick up the collectible that is within the bunker (3/7) Enigma Code Piece. Now take Wyatt's hand. This will trigger a cinematic.

You will have to scale a building. Watch out for windows that open up, Nazis will pop out and shoot at you. Return fire, and they will fall to their misery. An additional risk is falling rubble. Being hit by this rubble won't kill you but it's a waste of healthpoints. Once you make it up there, you need to pull a lever which raises a gate and lowers two blocks of concrete. Jump down one of those holes where the concrete blocks just got lowered into.

You can now continue with the stealth approach, and I suggest you do so. In the alley right in front of you will be a guard coming from the right side that will walk away from you. I suggest that you try to use your silenced pistol on the majority of the enemies that you are about to face. I will not attempt to detail how you need to walk in the upcoming section, because it is a maze of small alleys and rooms. Try to crouch walk and shoot any enemy that you face between the eyes. There are two areas where you need to pay attention. When you come to an alley with a big hole in the floor that you need to cross by walking over a few planks that have been placed over the hole, you need to drop down to grab a collectible that is in the alley you drop down into. (4/7) Enigma Code Piece The other area is a dining room that also has a commander in it. This room contains a golden goblet that you need to pick up. (3/5) Gold Chalice

Clear out this section of the castle until you reach a set of stairs that lead you to a room where you will see a prominent painting of a Nazi commander on the wall, a few sleeping dogs in front of it, and knight statues near the walls. One of the knights is holding a golden sword that is a collectible and that you need. (4/5) Gold Sword, and the knight that is to the left of the painting holds a sword that opens a secret door behind the painting if you interact with it. Go into the tunnel and follow it until the end. Halfway into the tunnel, you will notice blocks with a handle on it. You can remove these to create holes in the wall that allow you to look (and shoot) into the next section of the castle. I suggest you remove the 2nd block you come across (the one on the left) and take down the guard that is standing next to the door. Either way, proceed to the end of the secret tunnel and push the fence aside. You will now be in an office with a commander that is on the phone. Take out this commander and pick up the collectible that is on his desk. (5/7) Enigma Code Piece.

When leaving his office, turn left, and there will be a large dining room with a commander and kampfhund in it. If you have been taking out all enemies with the silenced pistol as I have suggested, you will now unlock 2 achievements:

You can leave this section of the castle by exiting the dining room through the window in the dining room You will be at a balcony. If you look to your left, you will see a catwalk below you with a handful of enemies on it. If you have not unlocked this achievement earlier, you can attempt to kill 2 enemies with a grenade here again. Cross the balcony, take out the enemies in the windows in front of you and below you, and then jump through the window on the other side of the balcony. On your right will be another set of stairs. At the top of these stairs, a dog will charge at you. Take care of the dog. Now I recommend that you watch the collectible video if you haven't already because there is a collectible hidden inside one of the crates in this room (5/5) Gold Floorball Trophy.( it's on the left, where the dog was coming from). At the end of this room are 2 soldiers trying to drag a turret towards a window. Take care of them and move further.

You will now come to a section with a turret. Click cn_X briefly in order to mount the turret without detaching it.If you have unlocked the achievements of killing enemies while sliding and killing enemies with dual wielded assault rifles without releasing the right trigger then you should now have the challenge where you have to kill 20 enemies with a mounted machine gun. This upcoming section is one of the premier opportunities to get this achievement, so use that turret and start gunning down Nazis. There are more than 20 nazis in this section, but if you have not unlocked it at the end of this section, then you can hit cn_start and reload your checkpoint to get the last few kills that you need.

Now that we have obtained this achievement, you should reload the chapter again and this time you should detach the turret from its socket and try to get 5 kills in 10 seconds with it. Wait for enemies to cluster together and then mow them down. This will unlock:

Once all enemies are dead, head to the right. There will be a section in the wall on your right hand side that has a hole in it. This hole has another collectible inside it. (6/7) Enigma Code Piece Once you have the collectible, proceed to the left where you will have to team up with your buddies by removing a piece of rubble. After you have done so you need to jump to the other side of a big gab. This will trigger a cinematic where you fall in a a rather sinister torture room. You need to find a key to get out of the room. There will be a couple of drawers. The drawer that is closest to the door you wish to exit from (on the far right) has a collectible inside it, the key is on the drawer that is at the far left, against the other wall. (7/7) Enigma Code Piece. Pick up the wounded marine and head into the next room.

In this next room, you will be attacked by a genetically modified mechanical soldier. If you shoot him in the head a few times, then his protection will fall off, and he will go down in no time. He doesn't have any weapons other than his fists so just keep your distance. Once he is down, you will get another cinematic where you are cornered by General Deathshead.

General Deathshead will provide you with a choice between your two buddies. You need to save one. This is where the missable achievements of this game come into play. Each choice earns you an unique achievement, but you can only pick one. Unless you intend to immediately replay this first mission, then I suggest you pick the one you wish to stick with because the choice is going to have some consequences for how your story will play out. It has an effect on the story, how you can access certain areas in the game (hotwiring versus lockpicking), but primarily, it has consequences for whether or not you can upgrade your health or your energy.

If you save Fergus, then you will have the option to increase your maximum health, and that is by far the more useful attribute compared to upgrading your energy. I highly recommend picking Fergus.

Whatever choice you make, you will unlock one of these two achievements:

After the cutscene, you will be given a pipe that you can use to kill the big soldier that is holding down Fergus (or Wyatt). Once the big guy is dead, jump on top of the surgical tables, and hit the incinerators. Once that is done, Fergus will smash your handcuffs off and tell you to hotwire the window open. You can hotwire by quickly getting the two wires to connect by using your left and right thumbstick.

Jump out of the window, and you are done with chapter 1.

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